Appendix 1

Tabled documents

Defence Portfolio (including Veterans' Affairs)

Monday, 26 October 2020

Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC, Minister for Defence: Correspondence from Senator the Hon Penny Wong to Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC, dated 14 October 2020
Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC, Minister for Defence: Correspondence from Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC to Senator the Hon Penny Wong, dated 20 October 2020
Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC, Minister for Defence: Opening statement
Mr Greg Moriarty, Secretary, Department of Defence: Opening statement
Senator the Hon Penny Wong: Defence capital program since 2016 White Paper
Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC, Minister for Defence: Future Submarine Program - Estimated Acquisition Cost - Timeline
Ms Liz Cosson AM CSC, Secretary, Department of Veterans' Affairs: Opening statement

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Senator Jacqui Lambie: Prime Ministerial Advisory Council on Veterans' Mental Health - minutes of meeting, 23 July 2019
Ms Rachel Noble PSM, Director-General, Australian Signals Directorate: Opening statement

Foreign Affairs and Trade Portfolio

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Ms Frances Adamson, Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Opening statement
Senator the Hon Penny Wong: GOV.UK Press release - PM call with Prime Minister of Australia: 27 October 2020, and readout released by the Australian Prime Minister
Senator Janet Rice: Documents relating to the extradition hearing for Julian Assange at the Old Bailey, and open letter to the United Kingdom Government from the Lawyers for Assange

Thursday, 29 October 2020

Senator Tim Ayres: NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption exhibit documents in relation to the public inquiry into allegations concerning former Member of NSW Parliament, Daryl Maguire
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: 2020-21 - Partnerships for Recovery - Australian Official Development Assistance $4 Billion
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Official development assistance funding breakdown by country extract at 12 October 2020
Mr Tim Beresford, A/g Chief Executive Officer, Australian Trade and Investment Commission: Opening statement
Ms Phillipa Harrison, Managing Director, Tourism Australia: Opening statement

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