<!--HTMLCleanerRegion--> Appendix 1

Appendix 1

Public submissions, form letter and additional information

1          Ms Sally McGushin

2          Mr Willy Bach

3          Australian Network to Ban Landmines and Cluster Munitions

3A        Australian Network to Ban Landmines and Cluster Munitions

4          Australian Council of Super Investors

4A        Australian Council of Super Investors

5          Mr Robert Rands

6          Aotearoa New Zealand Cluster Munitions Coalition

7          Human Rights Watch & International Human Rights Clinic, Harvard Law School

7A        Human Rights Watch & International Human Rights Clinic, Harvard Law School

8          Uniting Church of Australia - Synod of Victoria and Tasmania

9          International Committee of the Red Cross

10        Quaker Peace and Justice Committee

11        CBM Australia

12        Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA

13        Afghan Landmine Survivors' Organization

14        Oxfam Australia

15        Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia)

16        Name Withheld

17        Act for Peace

18        Australian Pugwash Group Inc.

19        Australian Lawyers for Human Rights

19A      Australian Lawyers for Human Rights

20        Law Council of Australia

21        Australian Red Cross

22        Cluster Munition Coalition

23        Ms Merilyn Bertram

24        Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Defence and the Attorney-General

25        Adrian von der Borch

26        Dr Jeff Baker

27        Mrs Helen Stanger

28        Mr Mike Sprange and others

29        Just Peace Queensland Inc.

Form Letter

Eight signatures

Additional Information

1          Attorney-General's Department

2          Department of Defence

3          Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

4          Cluster Munition Coalition, Capturing the legacy. The journey to ban cluster munitions through the eyes of six photographers

5          Mr N.A.J. Taylor

6          Cluster Munition Coalition, Global Ban on Cluster Munitions, Inside footage from behind the lines, A short film by John Rodsted

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