Chapter 1

Chapter 1



1.1        The Hon Joel Fitzgibbon MP, Minister for Defence, introduced the Defence Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2008 (the Bill) in the House of Representatives on 3 December 2008. On the following day, the Senate referred the provisions of the Bill to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade for inquiry and report by 20 February 2009.

Purpose of the Bill

1.2        The Bill has three schedules. The purpose of the Bill is:


1.3        The committee advertised the inquiry on its website and in The Australian on 17 December 2008 and 28 January 2009. The committee wrote to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Attorney-General, and the Minister for Defence, inviting them or their departments or related agencies to make a submission. A number of other organisations, commentators, academics and stakeholders were also contacted and invited to make submissions to the inquiry.

1.4        The committee received 11 submissions, which are listed in Appendix 1. The committee agreed that, based on the submissions, a public hearing was not required but wrote to the Department of Defence seeking advice on, or clarification of, a number of matters raised in the submissions. The responses to these written questions on notice are included at Appendix 2.

Scrutiny of Bills Committee

1.5        The Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills considered the Bill but had no comments to make.[1]


1.6        The committee thanks those who assisted with the inquiry, especially the Department of Defence (Defence) for its promptness in responding to the committee's written questions.

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