

Chapter 1 - Introduction

[1]        The Hon Bruce Scott MP, Minister for Veterans' Affairs and Minister Assisting the Minister for Defence, Nominal Roll Completed for Atomic Test Studies, Media Release, 29 June 2001.

[2]        Gun, R., Parsons, J., Ryan, P., Crouch, P. and Hiller, J., Australian participants in British nuclear tests in Australia, Vol 2: Mortality and cancer incidence, May 2006, p. v.

[3]        Report of the Review of Veterans' Entitlements, List of Recommendations,, accessed 11 October 2006.

[4]        Government's Response to the Review of Veterans' Entitlements (The Clarke Report),, accessed 11 October 2006.

[5]        Nuclear Test Participants to Receive Additional Health Care, Media Release, 28 June 2006.

[6]        House Hansard, 14 September 2006, p. 11.

Chapter 2 - Background

[1]        Gun, R. et al, 2006, Australian participants in British nuclear tests in Australia, Vol 2: Mortality and cancer incidence, p. 5.

[2]        Report of the Review of Veterans' Entitlements, Chapter 16 – British Atomic Tests, p. 373

[3]        Report of the Review of Veterans' Entitlements, Chapter 16 – British Atomic Tests, p. 375

[4]        Gun, R. et al, 2006, Australian participants in British nuclear tests in Australia, Vol 2: Mortality and cancer incidence, p. xvii and 4.

[5]        Peter Yeend and Amanda Biggs, Bills Digest, No. 31, 2006–07, Parliamentary Library, p. 3.

[6]        Australian Ionising Radiation Advisory Council, Report to the Minister for Science and the Environment, AIRAC Report No, 9, January 1983. For a summary see Peter Yeend and Amanda Biggs, Bills Digest, No. 31, 2006–07, Parliamentary Library, p. 3.

[7]        Professor C. B Kerr (Chairman), Report of the expert committee on the review of data on atmospheric fallout arising from British nuclear tests in Australia, Atmospheric Fallout Committee, 31 May 1984. For a summary see Peter Yeend and Amanda Biggs, Bills Digest, No. 31, 2006–07, Parliamentary Library, p. 4.

[8]        See Peter Yeend and Amanda Biggs, Bills Digest, No. 31, 2006–07, Parliamentary Library, p. 5; Gun, R. et al, 2006, Australian participants in British nuclear tests in Australia, Vol 2: Mortality and cancer incidence, pp 125–126.

[9]        See Gun, R. et al, 2006, Australian participants in British nuclear tests in Australia, Vol 2: Mortality and cancer incidence, pp 126–127.

[10]      Submission 10, pp 1–2.

[11]      Muirhead, C R et al.  'Follow up of mortality and incidence of cancer 1952-1998 in men from the United Kingdom who participated in the United Kingdom’s atmospheric nuclear weapon tests and experimental programmes', Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 60, 165-72, 2003.

[12]      Carter, M., Robotham, F., Wise, K., Williams, G. and Crouch, P., Australian participants in British nuclear tests in Australia, Vol 1: Dosimetry, May 2006 and Gun, R., Parsons, J., Ryan, P., Crouch, P. and Hiller, J., Australian participants in British nuclear tests in Australia, Vol 2: Mortality and cancer incidence, May 2006.

[13]      See Report of the Review of Veterans' Entitlements, Chapter 16 – British Atomic Tests, p. 374; Gun, R. et al, 2006, Australian participants in British nuclear tests in Australia, Vol 2: Mortality and cancer incidence, p. 2.

[14]      Peter Yeend and Amanda Biggs, Bills Digest, No. 31, 2006–07, Parliamentary Library, p. 4.

[15]      Summary presented in Gun, R. et al, 2006, Australian participants in British nuclear tests in Australia, Vol 2: Mortality and cancer incidence, p. 126.

[16]      Health Protection Agency, Press Release 3/03, 'Third Epidemiological Study of Nuclear Test Veterans', press_release_03_03.htm, (accessed 26 October 2006).

[17]      Summary presented in Gun, R. et al, 2006, Australian participants in British nuclear tests in Australia, Vol 2: Mortality and cancer incidence, p. 127.

[18]      Submission 10, p. 2.

[19]      Submission 10, p. 2.

[20]      See Report of the Review of Veterans' Entitlements, Chapter 16 – British Atomic Tests, p. 374.

[21]      Quoted in Report of the Review of Veterans' Entitlements, Chapter 16 – British Atomic Tests, p. 374.

[22]      Gun, R. et al, 2006, Australian participants in British nuclear tests in Australia, Vol 2: Mortality and cancer incidence, p. xvii.

[23]      Carter, M., 2006, Australian participants in British nuclear tests in Australia, Vol 1: Dosimetry, Appendices 1–4, pp 159–165.

[24]      Carter, M., 2006, Australian participants in British nuclear tests in Australia, Vol 1: Dosimetry, p. xix.

[25]      Carter, M., 2006, Australian participants in British nuclear tests in Australia, Vol 1: Dosimetry, p. xx.

[26]      Carter, M., 2006, Australian participants in British nuclear tests in Australia, Vol 1: Dosimetry, p. xx and xxi.

[27]      Carter, M., 2006, Australian participants in British nuclear tests in Australia, Vol 1: Dosimetry, p. xxi.

[28]      Summary presented in Gun, R. et al, 2006, Australian participants in British nuclear tests in Australia, Vol 2: Mortality and cancer incidence, pp xxi and 93.

[29]      Carter, M., 2006, Australian participants in British nuclear tests in Australia, Vol 1: Dosimetry, p. vi.

[30]      Carter, M., 2006, Australian participants in British nuclear tests in Australia, Vol 1: Dosimetry, p. xxii.

[31]      Carter, M., 2006, Australian participants in British nuclear tests in Australia, Vol 1: Dosimetry, p. vi.

[32]      Carter, M., 2006, Australian participants in British nuclear tests in Australia, Vol 1: Dosimetry, p. vi.

[33]      Carter, M., 2006, Australian participants in British nuclear tests in Australia, Vol 1: Dosimetry, p. iv.

[34]      Review of Veterans' Eligibility Provisions and Benefits for Totally and Permanently Incapacitated and Other Veteran Disability Pensioners, commonly referred to as the Review of Veterans' Entitlements.

[35]      Report of the Review of Veterans' Entitlements, Appendix 1 – Terms of Reference,, (accessed 13 October 2006).

[36]      Report of the Review of Veterans' Entitlements, Chapter 16 – British Atomic Tests, p. 371

[37]      Report of the Review of Veterans' Entitlements, Chapter 16 – British Atomic Tests, p. 372.

[38]      Report of the Review of Veterans' Entitlements, Chapter 16 – British Atomic Tests, p. 389.

[39]      Report of the Review of Veterans' Entitlements, Chapter 16 – British Atomic Tests, p. 398.

[40]      Report of the Review of Veterans' Entitlements, Chapter 16 – British Atomic Tests, p. 399.

[41]      Report of the Review of Veterans' Entitlements, Chapter 16 – British Atomic Tests, p. 394

[42]      Report of the Review of Veterans' Entitlements, Chapter 16 – British Atomic Tests, p. 383.

[43]      Report of the Review of Veterans' Entitlements, Chapter 16 – British Atomic Tests, p. 396.

[44]      Report of the Review of Veterans' Entitlements, Chapter 16 – British Atomic Tests, p. 396.

[45]      Report of the Review of Veterans' Entitlements, Chapter 16 – British Atomic Tests, p. 399.

[46]      The Hon John Howard, Prime Minister, Additional Benefits for Veterans, Government Response to Clarke Report, Media Release, 2 March 2004.

[47]      Government's Response to the Review of Veterans' Entitlements (The Clarke Report), (accessed 11 October 2006).

[48]      Nuclear Test Participants to Receive Additional Health Care, Media Release, 28 June 2006.

[49]      Nuclear Test Participants to Receive Additional Health Care, Media Release, 28 June 2006.

Chapter 3 - Provisions of the Bills

[1]        Explanatory Memorandum, pp. 1–2.

[2]        Explanatory Memorandum, pp. 1–2.

[3]        Mr Bruce Billson, Minister for Veterans Affairs, Second Reading Speech, Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests (Treatment) Bill 2006, House of Representatives Hansard, p. 142.

[4]        Department of Veterans' Affairs, Answers to Questions on Notice, Friday 3 November 2006, p. 3.

[5]        Department of Veterans' Affairs, Answers to Questions on Notice, Friday 3 November 2006, p. 2.

[6]        Peter Yeend and Amanda Biggs, Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests (Treatment) Bill 2006, Bills Digest No. 31 2006–07, Parliamentary Library, Canberra, 6 October, p. 15.

[7]        Explanatory Memorandum, p. 13.

[8]        Peter Yeend and Amanda Biggs, Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests (Treatment) Bill 2006, Bills Digest No. 31 2006–07, Parliamentary Library, Canberra, 6 October, p. 16.

[9]        Explanatory Memorandum, p. 21.

[10]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 24.

[11]      Peter Yeend and Amanda Biggs, Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests (Treatment) (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2006, Bills Digest No. 34 2006–07, Parliamentary Library, Canberra, 12 October 2006, pp. 2–3.

[12]      Peter Yeend and Amanda Biggs, Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests (Treatment) (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2006, Bills Digest No. 34 2006–07, Parliamentary Library, Canberra, 12 October 2006, p. 3.

Chapter 4 - Issues and recommendations

[1]        Major Alan Batchelor, Submission 2, p 13.

[2]        Submission 27, p. 1

[3]        Department of Veterans' Affairs, Answers to Questions on Notice, Friday 3 November, Question 5, p 3.

[4]        Department of Veterans' Affairs, Answers to Questions on Notice, Friday 3 November, Question 6, p 4.

[5]        Submission 19, p. 1

[6]        Submission 13, pp. 5–6 and Committee Hansard, 6 November 2006, pp 27-29.

[7]        Committee Hansard, 6 November 2006, p. 29.

[8]        Dr Geoff Williams, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2006, p. 34.

[9]        Committee Hansard, 6 November 2006, p. 38.

[10]      Mr Mark Sullivan, Secretary, Department of Veterans' Affairs, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2006, p. 48.

[11]      See for example Mr Hess, Submission 6; Mr Byrt, Submission 9; Mr White, Submission 25; Mr Pastakatzis, Submission 37.

[12]      Mr Bruce Billson, Minister for Veterans' Affairs and Minister Assisting the Minister for Defence, Nuclear Test Participants to Receive Additional Health Care, Media Release 28 June 2006.

[13]      Dr John Lonergan OBE, BSc (Hons 1, Physics), MSc (Nuclear Physics), BA (Logic and Philosophy), PhD (philosophical foundations of physics). Formerly RAAF radar mechanic WW11; Defence Research Scientist; Science Adviser to the Navy; Superintending Research Scientist, Dept of Defence; Head, Science Branch, Dept of Education and Science; Deputy Secretary and Acting Secretary, Department of Science; Vice-Chairman, OECD Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy.

[14]      Submission 1, p. 2.

[15]      Dr John Lonergan, Submission 1, p. 2; Major Alan Batchelor, Submission 2, pp 12–13; Australian Nuclear Veterans' Association, Submission 3.

[16]      Dr John Lonergan, Submission 1, pp 8-11; Major Alan Batchelor, Submission 2, pp 4–6; Ms Sue Rabbit Roff, Submission 10, pp 6-7.

[17]      Dr John Lonergan, Submission 1, pp 5-7; Assoc Prof Tilman A Ruff, Submission 33, p. 3.

[18]      Dr John Lonergan, Submission 1, pp 2, 5, 6.

[19]      Major Alan Batchelor, Submission 2, p. 11.

[20]      Major Alan Batchelor, Submission 2, pp 7-8.

[21]      Major Alan Batchelor, Submission 2, p 3 and 8; Mr Hess, Submission 6, p. 1; Mr Ian Batchelor, Submission 22.

[22]      Major Alan Batchelor, Submission 2, pp 11-12; Assoc Prof Tilman A Ruff, Submission 33, p. 3.

[23]      George Dale Hess, Submission 6, p. 1; Mr Paul Langley, Submission 12; Assoc Prof Tilman A Ruff, Submission 33, p. 3; Ms Michele Madigan, Submission 31.

[24]      Submission 1, pp 10–11; Submission 2, pp 4–6 and Submission 2a.

[25]      Dr John Lonergan, Submission 1, p. 9.

[26]      Dr John Lonergan, Submission 1, p. 9; Major Alan Batchelor Submission 2, p. 9.

[27]      See Dr John Lonergan, Submission 1, p. 9; Ms Sue Rabbit-Roff, Submission 10, p. 9.

[28]      Major Alan Batchelor Submission 2, p. 9.

[29]      See Dr John Lonergan, Submission 1, pp. 12–14; Major Alan Batchelor, Submission 2, p. 4.

[30]      Submission 1, p. 12

[31]      Submission 30, p. 4.

[32]      Department of Veterans' Affairs, Answers to Questions on Notice, Friday 3 November, Question 11, p 8.

[33]      Submission 30, p. 4.

[34]      Dr Philip Crouch, Mr Rob Robotham, Dr Geoff Williams, Submission 13, p. 5.

[35]      Committee Hansard, 6 November 2006, pp 29–34 and 40–52.

[36]      Committee Hansard, 6 November 2006, p. 32.

[37]      Professor Bruce Armstrong, Committee Hansard, 6 November 2006, p. 42.

[38]      Committee Hansard, 6 November 2006, pp 41–42.

[39]      See for example Australian Nuclear Veterans Association Inc., Submission 3; Australian Student Environment Network, Submission 5; Mr Adam Wolfenden, Submission 7; Friends of the Earth, Submission 8; Ms Cate Kyne, Submission 14; Pat Mackle, Submission 15; Mr Luke Digance, Submission 17; Ms Sarah Hoyal, Submission 21; MrBreasley, Submission 24.

[40]      Report of the Review of Veterans' Entitlements, Chapter 16 – British Atomic Tests, p. 395.

[41]      See for example, Australian Nuclear Veterans Association Inc., Submission 3; Australian Student Environment Network, Submission 5; Mr Adam Wolfenden, Submission 7; Friends of the Earth, Submission 8 and 8a; Ms Cate Kyne, Submission 14; Pat Mackle, Submission 15; Luke Digance, Submission 17; Injured Service Persons Association, Submission 26; Womens' International League for Peace and Freedom, Submission 36.

[42]      Committee Hansard, 6 November 2006, p. 19.

[43]      Mr Hodges, National Veterans' Affairs Adviser, Returned and Services League of Australia, described the entitlements afforded by hazardous service classification. See Committee Hansard, 6 November 2006, p. 23.

[44]      Committee Hansard, 6 November 2006, pp 13–14.

[45]      Major Alan Batchelor, Submission 2, p 3.

[46]      Report of the Review of Veterans' Entitlements, Chapter 16 – British Atomic Tests, p. 389.

[47]      The Hon Bruce Billson, House Hansard, 11 October 2006, p. 142.

[48]      Department of Veterans' Affairs, Answers to Questions on Notice, Friday 3 November, Question 1, p 1.

[49]      Committee Hansard, 6 November 2006, p. 14.

[50]      Department of Veterans' Affairs, Answers to Questions on Notice, Friday 3 November, Question 1, p 1.

[51]      Department of Veterans' Affairs, Answers to Questions on Notice, Friday 3 November, Question 2, p 2.

[52]      See Report of the Review of Veterans' Entitlements, Chapter 16 – British Atomic Tests, p. 377.

[53]      Report of the Review of Veterans' Entitlements, Chapter 16 – British Atomic Tests, p. 377.

[54]      Department of Veterans' Affairs, Submission 30, p. 2.

[55]      Department of Veterans' Affairs, Submission 30, p. 2.

[56]      Report of the Review of Veterans' Entitlements, Chapter 16 – British Atomic Tests, p. 380.

[57]      Report of the Review of Veterans' Entitlements, Chapter 16 – British Atomic Tests, p. 377.

[58]      Senator Campbell, Answer to Senate Question on Notice no. 2329.

[59]      Major Alan Batchelor, Submission 2, p 13.

[60]      Department of Veterans' Affairs, Answers to Questions on Notice, Friday 3 November, Question 2, p 2.

[61]      Submission 11, p. 2.

[62]      Department of Veterans' Affairs, Answers to Questions on Notice, Friday 3 November, Question 9, p 6.

[63]      Department of Veterans' Affairs, Answers to Questions on Notice, Friday 3 November, Question 9, p 6.

[64]      Department of Veterans' Affairs, Answers to Questions on Notice, Friday 3 November, Question 9, p 6.

[65]      Department of Veterans' Affairs, Answers to Questions on Notice, Friday 3 November, Question 9, p 6.