Information about the inquiry

Inquiry into the Export Finance and Insurance Corporation Amendment Bill 2006

Information about the inquiry

On 16 August 2006, the Senate referred the above bill to the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by Saturday, 9 September 2006.

The Bill proposes to change the board management structure of the Export Finance and Investment Corporation to align more closely with the board corporate governance model.

The amendments are part of the Government’s response to the Review of the Corporate Governance of Statutory Authorities and Office Holders, which examined and reported on improving the structures and the governance practices of such entities.

The main changes are to the membership of the EFIC Board and include:

According to Explanatory Memorandum the proposed changes 'are of an operational and enabling nature. The amendments do not impact EFIC's functions, nor EFIC's delivery of export facilitation services to Australia business. EFIC will continue to be focussed on assisting Australian businesses to enter and develop export markets'.

Lodging Submissions

Submissions are called for by Monday, 28 August 2006. Submissions become Committee documents and are only made public after a decision by the Committee. Unauthorised release of submissions is not covered by parliamentary privilege. Further assistance can be obtained by phoning the secretariat on (02) 6277 3535.

For further information, contact:

Dr Kathleen Dermody
Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3538
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818