Appendix 1 - Public submissions

Appendix 1 - Public submissions

  1. Peace Organisation of Australia
  2. Austcare World Humanitarian Aid
    2A Austcare World Humanitarian Aid
  3. Israel Military Industries Ltd (IMI)
  4. United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS)
  5. Landmine Action UK
    5A Landmine Action UK
  6. Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia) and Australians for Lebanon
    6A Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia)
  7. Dr Ben Saul, The University of Sydney
    7A Dr Ben Saul, The University of Sydney
  8. Australian Network to Ban Landmines and Uniting Church of Australia (Synod of Victoria and Tasmania)
    8A Australian Network to Ban Landmines and Uniting Church of Australia (Synod of Victoria and Tasmania)
  9. Australian Red Cross
  10. Department of Defence
  11. Mr David Thomas Bath
  12. Mr Kieran Bennett
  13. Mr Christopher J Flynn
  14. Handicap International and the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC)
  15. Mines Action Canada

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