Membership of the Committee

Membership of the Committee

Current Members

Senator John Hogg, ALP, QLD (Chair)

Senator the Hon David Brownhill, NPA, NSW

(Deputy Chair) (from 1.7.99)

Senator Vicki Bourne, AD, NSW (from 12.5.99)

Senator Ross Lightfoot, LP, WA

Senator John Quirke, ALP, SA

Senator Sue West, ALP, NSW


Current Participating Members

Senator the Hon Eric Abetz, LP, Tas

Senator the Hon Nick Bolkus, ALP, SA

Senator the Hon Ron Boswell, NPA, Qld

Senator Bob Brown, TG, TAS

Senator Paul Calvert, LP, TAS (from 24.8.99)

Senator Grant Chapman, LP, SA (from 24.8.99)

Senator the Hon Peter Cook, ALP, WA (from 3.12.98)

Senator Helen Coonan, LP, NSW (from 24.8.99)

Senator Winston Crane, LP, WA (from 24.8.99)

Senator Alan Eggleston, LP, WA (from 9.12.98)

Senator the Hon John Faulkner, ALP, NSW

Senator Alan Ferguson, LP, SA (from 24.8.99)

Senator Jeannie Ferris, LP, SA (from 24.8.99)

Senator Michael Forshaw, ALP, NSW

Senator Brenda Gibbs, ALP, Qld (from 3.12.98)

Senator the Hon Brian Gibson, LP, TAS (from 24.8.99)

Senator Brian Harradine, Ind, TAS

Senator Steve Hutchins, ALP, NSW

(from 23 September 1999)

Senator Susan Knowles, LP, WA (from 24.8.99)

Senator Brett Mason, LP, QLD (from 24.8.99)

Senator Julian McGauran, NPA, Vic (from 3.12.98)

Senator Shayne Murphy, ALP, TAS (from 20.10.99)

Senator the Hon Warwick Parer, LP, QLD (from 24.8.99)

Senator Marise Payne, LP, NSW (from 24.8.99)

Senator Tsebin Tchen, LP, VIC (from 24.8.99)

Senator John Tierney, LP, NSW (from 24.8.99)

Senator John Watson, LP, TAS (from 24.8.99)


Former Members

Senator Alan Eggleston, LP, WA (to 3.12.98)

Senator Brenda Gibbs, ALP, QLD (to 3.12.98)

Senator Sandy Macdonald, NPA, NSW (to 30.6.99)

Senator John Woodley, AD, QLD (to 12.5.99)

Former Participating Members

Senator the Hon David Brownhill, NPA, NSW (to 30.6.99)

Senator Mal Colston, Ind, Qld (to 30.6.99)

Senator Dee Margetts, GWA, WA (to 30.6.99)




Mr Paul Barsdell, Secretary

Dr Kathleen Dermody, Principal Research Officer

Mr Robert King, Principal Research Officer

Ms Loes Baker, Senior Research Officer

Ms Pamela Corrigan, Research Officer

Ms Judith Wuest, Executive Assistant

The Senate
Parliament House
Canberra  ACT  2600

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