Chapter 1


Referral of the inquiry

On 26 August 2021, the Senate referred the following matter to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee for inquiry with an interim report by 29 November 2021 and final report by the first sitting week in February 2022. The inquiry’s terms of references are as follows:
Australia’s twenty-year military, diplomatic and development engagement in Afghanistan, with reference to:
our success in achieving the Australian Governments’ stated objectives;
the collapse of the Afghan government and Afghan National Army, and the Taliban’s resurgence and takeover of Kabul, following the withdrawal of coalition troops from Afghanistan; and
the costs of Australia’s engagement in Afghanistan.
The adequacy of Australia’s preparation for withdrawal from Afghanistan, including:
closure of the embassy;
the evacuation of Australian citizens, permanent residents and visa holders; and
decisions relating to evacuation of at risk Afghan nationals and partners and family members of Australian citizens and permanent residents.
How the Australian Government should respond to recent developments in Afghanistan in order to:
protect Australia’s national security;
prevent or mitigate damage to Australia’s international reputation, if necessary;
extend immediate mental health support to Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel and veterans while the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide remains ongoing; and
protect Australian citizens, visa holders, and Afghan nationals who supported Australian forces, where they remain in Afghanistan.
Any related matters.1
On 29 November 2021, the Senate agreed to a reporting extension until 10 December in relation to the interim report.2 On 10 December 2021 the committee requested a reporting extension until 17 December 2021 in relation to the interim report. On 17 December 2021, the committee requested an extension until 14 January 2022 in relation to the interim report. On 14 January 2022, the committee requested a further extension until 21 January 2022 in relation to the interim report.

Conduct of the inquiry

Details of the inquiry were placed on the committee website at: The committee also contacted a number of relevant individuals and organisations to notify them of the inquiry and invite submissions by 8 October 2021. The committee continued to receive submissions after the closing date. Public submissions received are listed at Appendix 1.
The committee held three public hearings in Canberra and via videoconference on 11 October and 8 and 15 November 2021. A list of witnesses who gave evidence at the public hearings is available at Appendix 2. Submissions and the Hansard transcripts of evidence may be accessed through the committee website.
The committee thanks the individuals and organisations who provided submissions and participated in the committee's hearings.
The committee notes that the figures quoted in the report were received throughout October and November 2021 and are current to any specific dates specified.

Structure of this report

This report consists of nine chapters:
Chapter 1 contains information on the referral and conduct of the inquiry;
Chapter 2 outlines Australia’s stated objectives in Afghanistan and considers various perspectives on the clarity and achievement of those objectives;
Chapter 3 considers the costs of Australia’s engagement in Afghanistan both to Australia and to the people of Afghanistan;
Chapter 4 analyses the collapse of the Afghan government and the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces and considers the factors that led to the resurgence of the Taliban;
Chapter 5 details Australia’s withdrawal from Afghanistan during 2021, focusing on the closure of the Kabul embassy and evacuation operations in August 2021;
Chapter 6 outlines the aftermath of the evacuation efforts with a discussion on those left behind in Afghanistan, and also analyses issues with the Afghan Locally Engaged Employees (LEE) program;
Chapter 7 considers visa pathways for Afghan evacuees and other Afghans in Australia, and settlement arrangements for recently arrived Afghans;
Chapter 8 covers ongoing engagement with Afghanistan, Australia’s aid program and support available for ADF personnel and veterans; and
Chapter 9 details the committee’s conclusions and recommendations.

  • 1
    Journals of the Senate, No. 117—26 August 2021, pp. 4003–4004.
  • 2
    Journals of the Senate, No. 130—29 November 2021, p. 4340.

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