Appendix 2

Tabled documents

Parliamentary departments—22 March 2021

Senator the Hon Scott Ryan, President of the Senate––Clerk's advice concerning AFP investigation, dated 4 June 2002; and
Senator the Hon Scott Ryan, President of the Senate––Opening statement.

Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio—22 March 2021

Ms Stephanie Foster PSM, Deputy Secretary, Governance, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet––Organisational chart;
Ms Stephanie Foster PSM, Deputy Secretary, Governance, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet––Opening statement;
Mr Simon Duggan, Deputy Secretary, Economy, Industry and G20 Sherpa, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet––Letter to the Prime Minister, the Hon Scott Morrison MP, regarding cooperation between the UK and Australia on climate change;
Mr Andrew Colvin APM OAM, Coordinator, National Bushfire Recovery Agency––Breakdown of National Bushfire Recovery Fund allocation and expenditure, 31 January 2021;
The Hon Shane Stone AC QC, Coordinator General, National Drought and North Queensland Flood Response and Recovery Agency––Opening statement;
Senator Jenny McAllister––Crikey news article, Ignored and given scraps: Office for Women demeaned by Morrison government, dated 24 February 2021.
Mr Paul Singer, Official Secretary to the Governor-General–– Opening statement;
Senator Rex Patrick––Letter from Senator Rex Patrick to the Australian National Audit Office regarding Auditor-General Report No. No. 2 of 2020-21, dated 3 November 2020;
Senator Rex Patrick––Letter from the Australian National Audit Office to Senator Rex Patrick regarding Auditor-General Report No. 2 of 2020-21, dated 10 March 2021; and
Senator Malcolm Roberts––Brisbane Times news article, Roads to ruin: serious questions about billions spent on recovery in Queensland, dated 19 March 2021.

Finance portfolio—23 March 2021

Mr Andrew Seaton, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Australian Naval Infrastructure Pty Ltd––Aerial photograph Osborne North Development Project, February 2021;
Ms Rosemary Huxtable PSM, Secretary, Department of Finance––Personal Employee Positions Summary as at 1 March 2021;
Senator Katy Gallagher––The Saturday Paper news article, Time lines will tell, dated 13 March 2021; and
Ms Rosemary Huxtable PSM, Secretary, Department of Finance––Statement in relation to the AFP investigation regarding the alleged sexual assault at Parliament House.

Cross-portfolio on Indigenous Matters—26 March 2021

Mr Selwyn Button, Registrar of Indigenous Corporations––Monthly performance snapshot, February 2021;
Mr Ray Griggs AO CSC, Chief Executive Officer, National Indigenous Australians Agency––Opening statement; and
Mr Ray Griggs AO CSC, Chief Executive Officer, National Indigenous Australians Agency–– Information regarding Indigenous Advancement Strategy grants and unsuccessful applications, and Aboriginals Benefit Account small and large project grants.

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