Submissions and additional information received by the committee


  1. Phoenix House
  2. SunnyKids
  3. National Foundation for Australian Women
  4. Australian Women's Health Network
  5. Jann
  6. Non-Custodial Parents Party (Equal Parenting)
  7. Association of Women Educators
  8. Mr Hans Ekblad
  9. No To Violence Male Family Violence Prevention Association
  10. Gold Coast Domestic Violence Prevention Centre Inc
  11. Geoff
  12. St Vincent de Paul National Council
  13. Victorian State-wide Children's Resource Program
  14. Australian Institute of Family Studies
  15. The Australian National Committee for UN Women
  16. Inner Melbourne Community Legal and the Royal Women's Hospital
  17. Law Society Northern Territory
  18. Family Planning NSW
  19. Family and Relationship Services Australia
  20. Women's Health and Wellbeing Barwon South West
  21. Women's Health West
  22. Family Law Council
  23. One in Three Campaign
  24. Mr Bruce Bickerstaff
  25. Dr Deborah Walsh
  26. National Association of Community Legal Centres and Women's Legal Services Australia
  27. Office of the Public Advocate
  28. Central Coast Community Women's Health Centre
  29. CASE for Refugees
  30. McAuley Community Services for Women
  31. Muslim Women Association
  32. Lone Fathers Association (Australia)
  33. Women's Health in the North
  34. Children by Choice
  35. Central Coast CALD Domestic Violence Sub-Committee
  36. Western metro Melbourne Local Government partnership
  37. Women's Health Queensland Wide Inc
  38. Coalition of Women's Domestic Violence Services South Australia
  39. Queensland Indigenous Family Violence Legal Service
  40. WIRE Women's Information
  41. Hunter Community Legal Centre
  42. Mrs Ana Borges
  43. Oz Kiwi
  44. Emanuel
  45. Beryl Women Inc
  46. ACTU
  47. Women's House Shelta
  48. Aboriginal Family Law Services (WA)
  49. YWCA Australia
  50. Women with Disabilities Victoria
  51. National Family Violence Prevention Legal Services Forum
  52. Thai Information and Welfare Association
  53. Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth)
  54. Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia
  55. Anglicare WA
  56. Finance Sector Union of Australia
  57. Commonwealth Department of Social Services
  58. Caroline
  59. Equality Rights Alliance
  60. Women's Health Victoria
  61. Women's Health in the South East
  62. Australian Women Against Violence Alliance
  63. South Australian Premier's Council for Women
  64. National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women's Alliance
  65. Ms Rebecca Clark
  66. Brimbank Melton Community Legal Centre
  67. Women's Legal Centre (ACT and Region)
  68. Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety Limited
  69. Melton City Council
  70. SHE
  71. Neville
  72. Youth Affairs Council of South Australia (YACSA)
  73. Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service Victoria
  74. Dr. Elizabeth Celi
  75. ACON
  76. Revd Brian Tucker
  77. Municipal Association of Victoria
  78. The Australian Family Association, Queensland Branch
  79. MurrayLands Domestic Violence Service
  80. Sisters Inside
  81. The Aged-care Rights Service Inc (TARS)
  82. Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission
  83. Western Australian Women's Health Network
  84. Caboolture Regional Domestic Violence Service
  85. Albert
  86. WEAVE
  87. Mr Paul Mischefski
  88. Queensland Domestic Violence Network
  89. Women's Council for Domestic and Family Violence Services (WA)
  90. Save the Children
  91. Mr Rod Bennett
  92. Victoria Police
  93. National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services
  94. White Ribbon Australia
  95. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists
  96. Destroy The Joint
  97. Multicultural Centre for Women's Health
  98. Violence Free Families
  99. EMR Regional FV Partnership & Together for Equality & Respect
  100. Domestic Violence Prevention Council (ACT)
  101. Women's Centre for Health Matters
  102. Springvale Monash Legal Service
  103. Domestic and Family Violence Crisis Lines Australia Network (DFVCLAN)
  104. Women's Legal Services NSW
  105. ACT Women's Services Network
  106. The Salvation Army
  107. Wadeye Safe House
  108. Women's Legal Service Inc. (Queensland)
  109. Women's Domestic Violence Crisis Service (WDVCS) Victoria
  110. Eastern Community Legal Centre
  111. Top End Women's Legal Service
  112. Women's Legal Service Victoria
  113. National LGBTI Health Alliance
  114. Australasian Centre for Human Rights and Health
  115. Federation of Community Legal Centres (Victoria)
  116. Inner City Legal Centre
  117. Tasmanian Government
  118. Western Australian Police
  119. Australian Psychological Society
  120. University of Melbourne
  121. ACT Government
  122. The Law Society of New South Wales
  123. Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria
  124. Domestic Violence Victoria
  125. Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand and Wyndham Legal Service
  126. Australian Guardianship and Administration Council  
  127. Family and Domestic Violence Advisory Group
  128. South Australian Government
  129. Redfern Legal Centre
  130. Law Council of Australia
  131. Relationships Australia
  132. Women with Disabilities ACT
  133. The Australian Human Rights Commission
  134. Aboriginal Peak Organisations Northern Territory
  135. Central Australian Women's Legal Service
  136. Mr Alan Corbett
  137. Queensland Police Service
  138. InTouch, Multicultural Centre against Family Violence
  139. Mr Steve Wickenden
  140. NSW Government
  141. Foundation to Prevent Violence against Women and their Children
  142. National Cross-Disability Disabled People’s Organisations
  143. Mr Mercurio Cicchini
  144. Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education
  145. Ms Rosemary Batty
  146. SOS Women's Services
  147. The Honourable Diana Bryant AO, Chief Justice, Family Court of Australia
  148. Merinda
  149. Mr Robert Kennedy
  150. Safe Futures Foundation
  151. Families Australia
  152. Independent Regional Mothers
  153. Australian Liquor Stores Association
  154. Victorian Government
  155. RiSE Queensland
  156. VANISH Inc.
  157. Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care
  158. Northern Territory Government
  159. ACT Domestic Violence Crisis Centre (DVCS)
  160. Daydawn Advocacy Centre
  161. Government of Western Australia, Department of Housing
  162. Women with Disabilities (WWDA) and University of NSW (UNSW)
  163. James Cook University Australia, Brain Injury Australia and The Cairns Institute

Additional information

  1. Correspondence from Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Woman, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, received 13 August 2014
  2. Correspondence from FECCA Woman's Chair, Ms Pallavi Sinha, received 31 October 2014
  3. Correspondence from Women's Legal Service, received 10 November 2014
  4. Correspondence from Department of Social Services, received 7 November 2014
  5. Additional information from Finance Sector Union of Australia, received 26 November 2014
  6. Correspondence from Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, received 5 December 2014

Answers to Questions taken on Notice

  1. Answer to question taken on notice from Melbourne Public hearing, 5 November 2014, provided by No to Violence, received 16 November 2014
  2. Answer to question taken on notice from Canberra Public hearing, 15 October 2014, provided by the Attorney-General’s Department and the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, received 6 November 2014
  3. Answer to question taken on notice from Melbourne Public hearing, 5 November 2014, provided by inTouch Multicultural Centre against Family Violence, received 25 November 2014
  4. Answer to question taken on notice from Sydney Public hearing, 4 November 2014, provided by Finance Sector Union of Australia, received 26 November 2014
  5. Answer to question taken on notice from Melbourne Public hearing, 5 November 2014, provided by Federation of Community Legal Centres, received 16 November 2014
  6. Answers to questions taken on notice from Brisbane Public hearing, 6 November 2014, provided by National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander legal Services, received 1 December 2014
  7. Answers to questions taken on notice from Sydney Public hearing, 4 November 2014, provided by Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety, received 1 December 2014
  8. Answers to questions taken on notice from Canberra Public hearing, 15 October 2014, provided by Family and Relationship Services Australia, received 3 December 2014
  9. Answer to question taken on notice from Melbourne Public hearing, 5 November 2014, provided by Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria, received 8 December 2014
  10. Answer to question taken on notice from Canberra Public hearing, 15 October 2014, provided by Women’s Legal Services Australia, received 8 January 2015
  11. Answer to question taken on notice from Melbourne Public hearing, 5 November 2014, provided by Violence Free Families, received 14 January 2015

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