Recommendation 1

1.39      The committee recommends that the Public Service Amendment (Payments in Special Circumstances) Bill 2011 be amended as follows:

Schedule 1, page 3 (lines 4 and 5), omit item 1, substitute:

1. Subsection 73(4)

Omit "$100,000", substitute "$250,000".

Recommendation 2

1.41      The committee recommends that subsection 66(4) of the Parliamentary Services Act 1999 be amended to increase the limit of payments available in special circumstances to $250,000.

Recommendation 3

1.43      The committee recommends that the consultations taking place among the Department of Finance and Deregulation, Comcare and the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations to implement recommendation 1 contained in the Commonwealth Ombudsman's Report No. 4 of 2010 be concluded as a matter of priority.

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