Submissions received by the Committee

Exposure Drafts of Australian Privacy Amendment Legislation

Submissions received by the Committee

The Privacy Exposure Drafts were released in stages. Some organisations provided submissions in relation to more than one exposure draft. The submissions for each exposure draft are as follows: APP submissions 1 to 45 and supplementary submission 31a; Credit Reporting supplementary submissions 1a, 2a, 8a, 12a, 13a, 15a, 17a, 19a, 29a, 31b, 33a, 36a, 39a and submissions 46 to 70

Sub No.

1Australian Law Reform Commission (PDF 229KB) 
1a Supplementary Submission(PDF 858KB) 
2National Australia Bank  (PDF 88KB) 
2a Supplementary Submission(PDF 763KB) 
4Office of the Guardian for Children and Young People (PDF 50KB) 
5Office of the Victorian Privacy Commissioner (PDF 549KB) 
6NAID-Australasia (PDF 85KB) 
7Abacus Australian Mutuals (PDF 125KB) 
8Australian Institute of Credit Management (PDF 128KB) 
8a Supplementary Submission(PDF 150KB) 
9Epworth Health Care (PDF 910KB) 
10Coles Supermarkets Australia Pty Ltd (PDF 151KB) 
11Dr Colin Bennett (PDF 35KB) 
12Australian Finance Conference (PDF 100KB) 
12a Supplementary Submission(PDF 220KB) 
13The Westpac Group (PDF 41KB) 
13a Supplementary Submission(PDF 58KB) 
14Microsoft Australia (PDF 626KB) 
15Australian Bankers' Association Inc (PDF 151KB) 
15a Supplementary Submission(PDF 97KB) 
16Google Australia and New Zealand (PDF 136KB) 
17Insurance Council of Australia (PDF 77KB) 
17a Supplementary Submission(PDF 82KB) 
18Office of the Information Commissioner - Queensland (PDF 83KB) 
19Telstra Corporation Ltd (PDF 244KB) 
19a Supplementary Submission(PDF 127KB) 
20Yahoo!7 Pty Limited (PDF 46KB) 
21Australian Association of National Advertisers (PDF 185KB) 
22Australian Hotels Association (PDF 412KB) 
23The Communications Council (PDF 221KB) 
24Privacy Law Consulting Australia  (PDF 217KB) 
25Professor Graham Greenleaf and Mr Nigel Waters (PDF 304KB) Attachment 1(PDF 405KB) 
26Office of the Health Services Commissioner (PDF 51KB) 
27Australian Direct Marketing Association (PDF 61KB) 
28Deliotte Touche Tohmatsu  (PDF 80KB) 
29Privacy NSW  (PDF 66KB) 
29a Supplementary Submission(PDF 1004KB) 
30Name Withheld (PDF 15KB) 
31Law Council of Australia (PDF 340KB) 
31a Supplementary Submission(PDF 58KB) 
31b Supplementary Submission(PDF 69KB) 
32Public Interest Advocacy Centre LTD (PDF 190KB) Attachment 1(PDF 346KB) 
33Australian Privacy Foundation (PDF 125KB) 
33a Supplementary Submission(PDF 279KB) 
34Financial Services Council  (PDF 2294KB) 
35Catholic Education Office - Archdiocese of Melbourne (PDF 430KB) 
36Law Institute of Victoria (PDF 525KB) 
36a Supplementary Submission(PDF 302KB) 
37Australian Medical Association (PDF 102KB) 
38Qantas Airways Limited (PDF 53KB) 
39Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (previously the Australian Privacy Commissioner) (PDF 387KB) 
39a Supplementary Submission(PDF 647KB) 
40Obesity Policy Coalition (PDF 2369KB) Attachment 1(PDF 132KB) Attachment 2(PDF 57KB) Attachment 3(PDF 67KB) 
41Internet Society of Australia (ISOC-AU) (PDF 163KB) 
42NSW Department of Justice and Attorney General (PDF 2602KB) 
43Macquarie Telecom (PDF 292KB) 
44Mr Rodney Lovell (PDF 45KB) 
46Experian (PDF 282KB) 
47Dun and Bradstreet Australia (PDF 293KB) 
48Australasian Retail Credit Association (PDF 393KB) 
49Consumer Credit Legal Service of Western Australia (CCLSWA) (PDF 171KB) 
50Tasmanian Collection Service (PDF 930KB) 
51Energy and Water Ombudsman NSW (EWON) (PDF 177KB) 
52National Relay Service (PDF 91KB) 
53GE Capital Finance Australasia (PDF 212KB) 
54Commercial Asset Finance Brokers Association (PDF 151KB) 
55MasterCard (PDF 1151KB) 
56Communications Alliance (PDF 259KB) 
58Optus (PDF 204KB) 
59Citigroup  (PDF 43KB) 
60Legal Aid Queensland (PDF 122KB) 
61Insolvency Practitioners Association (PDF 2002KB) 
63Consumer Action Law Centre (PDF 269KB) 
64ANZ Bank (PDF 252KB) 
65Veda Advantage (PDF 2037KB) 
66Consumer Credit Legal Centre (NSW) (PDF 116KB) 
67Financial Counsellors' Association of Queensland (FCAQ) (PDF 214KB) 
68Credit Ombudsman Service Limited (PDF 77KB) 
69Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (PDF 256KB) 
70Consumer Credit Legal Centre NSW, Consumer Action Law Centre, Financial Counselling Australia, Australian Privacy Foundation, FCRC (Financial and Consumer Rights Council Inc.) and Care Inc. - Consumer Law Centre of the ACT (PDF 313KB) 
71Princeville Credit Advocates (PDF 51KB) 

Additional Information Received

1Background information: Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet(PDF 41KB) 
2Journal article by Dr Normann Witzleb, Faculty of Law, Monash University "Privacy: Exposure Draft of the new Australian Privacy Principles – The first stage of reforms to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)" Australian Business Law Review 39(2011)(PDF 114KB) 
3Background information provided by Dun & Bradstreet: Roadmap to Reform, October 2008(PDF 725KB) 
4Background information provided by Dun & Bradstreet: Credit Reporting Customer Payment Data, March 2009(PDF 2664KB) 
5Background information provided by Dun & Bradstreet: New to Credit from Alternative Data, March 2009(PDF 1989KB) 
6Background information provided by Dun & Bradstreet: Financial Inclusion Through Credit Reporting - Hurdles and Solutions, April 2010(PDF 2470KB) 
7Background information provided by Veda Advantage: Economic Impacts of Payment Reporting Participation in Latin America, May 2007(PDF 3549KB) 
8Background information provided by Veda Advantage: The Economic Consequences of Consumer Credit Information Sharing - Efficiency, Inclusion, and Privacy, October 2010(PDF 1884KB) 
9Additional Information provided by Veda Advantage, 9 August 2011(PDF 148KB) 
10Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet's response to proposals made by Veda Advantage, provided on 2 September 2011(PDF 24KB) 

Answers to Questions on Notice

1Australian Law Reform Commission - Answers to Questions on Notice following the public hearing on 25 November 2010, dated 15 March 2011(PDF 402KB) 
2Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet - Answers to Questions on Notice provided following the public hearing on 25 November 2010(PDF 431KB) 
3Australian Privacy Commissioner, Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC): answer to a Question on Notice asked at the public hearing held on 16 May 2011, provided on 28 June 2011(PDF 285KB) 

For further information, contact:

Senate Finance and Public Administration Committees
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone:+61 2 6277 3439
Fax:+61 2 6277 5809