Submissions and additional information received by the Committee


1. Australian Council on Smoking and Health

2. Quit Victoria

3. Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) Australia

4. Tomohiro Matsuoka

5. Heart Foundation

6. International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (Australia)

7. The Australian Lung Foundation

8. Department of Finance and Deregulation

9. The Royal Australasian College of Physicians

10. Oxfam Australia

11. Responsible Investment Association Australasia

12. The Future Fund

13. Department of Health and Ageing


Additional Information

1. Future Fund, Answers to questions on notice, 29 June 2012, (received 27 July 2012).

2. Future Fund, Answer to question on notice 8 August 2012, (received 14 August 2012).

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