Public hearing - Sydney, Monday 7 December 2009

Inquiry into Independent Arbitration of Public Interest Immunity Claims

Public hearing - Sydney, Monday 7 December 2009

Time 9.00 am–4.00 pm
Venue Level 6, Clifton Suites
190 George Street, Sydney

9.00–9.45 am

Victorian Legislative Council (Sub 5)
Mr Wayne Tunnecliffe, Clerk of the Legislative Council

9.45–10.45 am

NSW Legislative Council (Sub 6)
Ms Lynn Lovelock, Clerk of the Parliaments

10.45–11.00 am


11.00–11.45 am

Dr Anne Twomey (Sub 2)
Associate Professor of Law, University of Sydney

11.45–12.30 pm

Mr Harry Evans (Sub 4)
Former Clerk of the Senate
(via videoconference)

12.30–2.10 pm

Lunch Break

2.10–2.40 pm

Auditor-General (Submission 8)
Mr Ian McPhee, Auditor-General
Mr Russell Coleman, Principal Auditor
(via videoconference)

2.40–3.20 pm

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (no submission)
Ms Philippa Lynch, First Assistant Secretary, Government Division
Mr David Macgill, Assistant Secretary, Parliamentary and Government Branch

Attorney-General's Department (no submission)
(via videoconference)

3.20–4.00 pm

Sir Laurence Street (Sub 7)
Former Chief Justice, Supreme Court of NSW
Independent Arbiter, NSW Legislative Council

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Finance and Public Administration
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600