Terms of Reference

Inquiry into COAG Reforms Relating to Health and Hospitals

Terms of Reference

The key outcomes agreed by the Commonwealth Government and five states and two territories at the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) meeting on 19 April and 20 April 2010 and the process of consultation between the states and Commonwealth prior to these agreements and related matters, including but not limited to:

(a)   the new financial arrangements between the Commonwealth and states and territories over the forward estimates and the conditional requirements upon the states for receipt of additional Commonwealth funding;

(b)   what amounts of the $5.4 billion Commonwealth funding is new spending, what is re-directed from existing programs/areas, the impact on these existing programs and what savings are projected in existing health programs across the forward estimates from these new financial arrangements, including the inputs, assumptions and modelling underpinning these funding amounts;

(c)   the projected number of additional/new services this additional funding will provide in elective surgery treatments, in emergency department treatments, in expected numbers of patients to sign up to the diabetes spending measure, in additional general practitioner (GP) treatments in aged care facilities, including the inputs, assumptions and modelling underpinning these projections;

(d)   the $15.6 billion top-up payments guaranteed to the states by the Commonwealth in the period 2014-15 to 2019-20, including exploring the breakdown of expenditure relating to hospitals, outpatient services, capital expenditure, GP and primary healthcare, aged care and other areas of health expenditure;

(e)   the names, roles, structures, operations, resourcing, funding and staffing of any new statutory bodies, organisations or other entities needed to establish, oversee, monitor, report upon or administer the National Health and Hospital Networks, Primary Care Organisations and the funding channels to be established under the COAG agreements;

(f)   what arrangements are in place, or are being negotiated for states that have not signed up, nor fully signed up to the COAG agreements, including what contingencies have been put in place for states that may want to alter agreements in future;

(g)   the intent of the state and territory governments and their preferred number and size of Local Hospital Networks in each state and territory;

(h)   the number of hospitals which will receive: activity-based funding, block grant funding, or a mix of both;

(i) aged care:
(i) the 2 500 new aged care beds to be generated by zero interest loans,
(ii) the 2 000 beds for long stay older patients to be established,
(iii) the funding for the above, and
(iv) the establishment of the Commonwealth Government as responsible for full funding, policy, management and delivery responsibility for a national aged care system;

(j)   mental health matters; and

(k)   any other related matter.

For further information, contact:

Senate Finance and Public Administration Committee
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone:+61 2 6277 3439
Fax:+61 2 6277 5809