Public hearing - Canberra, Monday 7 June 2010

COAG Reforms Relating to Health and Hospitals

Public hearing - Canberra, Monday 7 June 2010

Committee Room 2S1
Parliament House

8.30 am – 4.15 pm

Time Witness

8.30 am – 10.00 am

Department of Health and Ageing, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Department of Finance and Deregulation and Treasury (Sub 24)

Department of Health and Aging
Ms Rosemary Huxtable, Deputy Secretary
Mr Graeme Head, Deputy Secretary
Ms Maria Jolly, Acting First Assistant Secretary, Health Workforce Division
Mr Alan Singh, Assistant Secretary, Health Reform Taskforce
Mr Tony Kingdon, First Assistant Secretary, Acute Care Division
Mr Peter Broadhead, Acting First Assistant Secretary, Transition Office
Mr Michael Cullhane, Assistant Secretary, Budget Branch, Portfolio Strategies Division
Ms Lesley Podesta, First Assistant Secretary, Ageing and Aged Care Division
Dr Andrew Singer, Principal Medical Adviser, Acute Care Division

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Mr Ben Rimmer, Deputy Secretary
Ms Yael Cass, First Assistant Secretary, Social Policy Division

Department of Finance and Deregulation
Mr David de Carvalho, First Assistant Secretary, Social Policy Division

The Treasury
Ms Peta Furnell, General Manager, Social Policy Division
Mr Peter Robinson, Principal Adviser, Social Policy Division
Ms Sue Vroombout, General Manager, Commonwealth-State Relations Division

10.00 am – 10.10 am


10.10 am – 11.40 am

Department of Health and Ageing, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Department of Finance and Deregulation and Treasury (Sub 24)
in continuation

11.40 am – 12.20 pm

Catholic Health (Sub 3)
Mr Martin Laverty, Chief Executive Officer

12.20 pm – 12.50 pm


12.50 pm – 1.30 pm

Rural Doctors Association (Sub 22)
Mr Steve Sant, Chief Executive Officer

1.30 pm – 2.05 pm

Doctors' Action
Dr Adrian Sheen

2.05 pm – 2.45 pm

Australian General Practice Network (Sub 27)
Ms Leanne Wells, Executive Director
Ms Rachel Yates, Policy Advisor

2.45 pm – 2.55 pm


2.55 pm –3.35 pm

Mental Health Council of Australia (Sub 21)
Mr David Crosbie, Chief Executive Officer

3.35 pm – 4.15 pm

Australian Medical Association (Sub 10)
Dr Andrew Pesce, President
Mr Francis Sullivan, Secretary General

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Finance and Public Administration
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3439
Fax: +61 2 6277 5809