

[1] Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee Report, A funding matter under the Dairy Regional Assistance Program, June 2003.

[2] See for example, Lenore Taylor, 'Nationals roll out a barrel of porkies', Australian Financial Review, 21 November 2004, pp 1 and 8; and Editorial, 'Handouts must be above board', Australian Financial Review, 1 December 2004, p. 62.

[3] The allegations are examined in Chapter 8 of this report.

[4] Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee Report, A funding matter under the Dairy Regional Assistance Program, June 2003.

[5] Finance and Public Administration References Committee Report, A funding matter under the Dairy Regional Assistance Program, June 2003, p. xv.

[6] Australian Government, Government Response to Finance and Public Administration References Committee Report – A Funding Matter under the Dairy Regional Assistance Programme, tabled 27 November 2003, p. 1.

[7] Mr Dobes, Acting First Assistant Secretary, DOTARS, correspondence, 27 January 2005.

[8] Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 8.

[9] Mr Yuile, Deputy Secretary, DOTARS, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 3.

[10] Mr Evans, Clerk of the Senate, The Senate—Grounds for public interest immunity claims, 19 May 2005, p. 5.

[11] Mr Yuile, Committee Hansard, 10 February 2005, p. 11.

[12] Committee Hansard, 10 February 2005, p. 11.

[13] Mr Evans, Clerk of the Senate, The Senate—Grounds for public interest immunity claims, 19 May 2005, p. 5.

[14] Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 5.

[15] Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 4.

[16] See for example, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, pp 91-92.

[17] Ms Riggs, Executive Director, Regional Services, DOTARS, correspondence, 8 July 2005.

[18] Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 3.

[19] Committee Hansard, 15 July 2005, pp 67-68.

[20] Dr Dolman, DOTARS weekly email to ACC Chairs and Executive Officers, 7 February 2005, tabled document, 10 February 2005, pp 1-3.

[21] The Committee ordered the production of documents from the Far North East NSW SRAC, Campbelltown-Camden SRAC, Peel ACC, Orana Development and Employment Council ACC, New England North West ACC, Melbourne East ACC and Far North Qld ACC.

[22] Mr Hallett, correspondence 9 August 2004, in answers to questions on notice, received 4 July 2005.

[23] Mayor Pavier, correspondence, 11 August 2005.

[24] Senate Hansard, 7 September 2005, p. 113.

[25] Senate Hansard, 7 September 2005, p. 114.

[26] DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 11.

[27] Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee report, A funding matter under the Dairy Regional Assistance Program, June 2003.

[28] DOTARS, Submission 14.

[29] DOTARS, Regional Partnerships website,

[30] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 10 February 2005, pp 45, 46.

[31] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 10 February 2005, p. 54.

[32] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment D, Regional Partnerships Guidelines, p. 3.

[33] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment D, Regional Partnerships Guidelines, p. 3.

[34] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment D, Regional Partnerships Guidelines, p. 4.

[35] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment D, Regional Partnerships Guidelines, p. 5.

[36] Mr Stanhope MLA, ACT Chief Minister, Submission 38, p. 1.

[37] For information about the process for assessing competitive neutrality, see Ms Riggs, correspondence, 8 July 2005, p. 2. Competitive neutrality is also discussed in relation to the SR program in Chapter 10.

[38] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment D, Regional Partnerships Guidelines, p. 7.

[39] DOTARS, Regional Partnerships Guidelines,, accessed 12 August 2005.

[40] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment H, Procedures for Strategic Opportunities Notional Allocation (SONA), p. 1.

[41] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment H, Procedures for SONA, p. 1.

[42] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment H, Procedures for SONA, p. 1.

[43] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment H, Procedures for SONA, p. 1.

[44] DOTARS, Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee requested information on Regional Partnerships projects (hereafter Revised RPP Tables), not approved projects, received 11 May 2005, p. 4.

[45] DOTARS, Revised RPP Tables, received 11 May 2005.

[46] DOTARS, Revised RPP Tables, received 11 May 2005.

[47] DOTARS, Committee Hansard, 10 February 2005, p. 47.

[48] ANAO, Regional Assistance Programme: Department of Transport and Regional Services, Audit Report No. 48, 2001-02, Performance Audit, 10 May 2002.

[49] DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 15.

[50] DOTARS, Committee Hansard, 10 February 2005, p. 54.

[51] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 59.

[52] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 69.

[53] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 10 February 2005, p. 92.

[54] See Mr Hale, Chairman, Central Coast ACC, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 67; Mr Robert, Chairman, Far North Queensland ACC, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 131; Mr Rowell, Chairman and Ms Thomas, Executive Officer (EO), ACC Tasmania, Committee Hansard, 30 June 2005, pp 41-42; Mr Haerewa, Chair, Kimberley ACC, Committee Hansard, 15 July 2005, p. 85; Mr Vukelic, Chairman, South West ACC, Committee Hansard, 18 July 2005, p. 53.

[55] Ms Thomson, EO, New England North West ACC, Committee Hansard, 29 June 2005, p. 72; Mr Simpkins, EO, Pilbara ACC, Committee Hansard, 14 July 2005, p. 104, Mr Durant, EO, Kimberley ACC, Committee Hansard, 15 July 2005, pp 85-87; Mr Hodgson, Executive Director, South West ACC, Committee Hansard, 18 July 2005, p. 53.

[56] DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 15.

[57] DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 16; Committee Hansard, 12 February 2005, p. 38.

[58] DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 38.

[59] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment D, Regional Partnerships Guidelines, p. 6.

[60] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 105.

[61] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 105.

[62] Mr Stanhope MLA, ACT Chief Minister, Submission 38, p. 2.

[63] Mr Andren MP, Submission 27, p. 4.

[64] DOTARS, Portfolio Budget Statement 2005-06, Table 3.2.2.

[65] DOTARS, Annual Report 2003-04, Table 5.1, p. 103.

[66] DOTARS, Revised RPP tables, received 11 May 2005, p. 45.

[67] DOTARS, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 38.

[68] DOTARS, Revised RPP tables, received 11 May 2005, pp 8, 44.

[69] DOTARS, Election Commitments 2004 – Likely to use Regional Partnerships Programme as Mechanism: prepared for Area Consultative Committees as at 7/1/2005, tabled 10 February 2005.

[70] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 10 February 2005, p. 56.

[71] DOTARS, Election Commitments 2004 – Likely to use Regional Partnerships Programme as Mechanism: prepared for Area Consultative Committees as at 7/1/2005, tabled 10 February 2005.

[72] DOTARS, Election Commitments 2004 – Likely to use Regional Partnerships Programme as Mechanism: prepared for Area Consultative Committees as at 7/1/2005, tabled 10 February 2005.

[73] The Hon Paul Lennon MHA, Premier of Tasmania, Submission 37, pp 1-2.

[74] The Hon Paul Lennon MHA, Premier of Tasmania, Submission 37, p. 1.

[75] The Hon Paul Lennon MHA, Premier of Tasmania, Submission 37, p. 2.

[76] ACC Tasmania (formerly Tasmanian Employment Advisory Committee), Submission 30, p. 6.

[77] DOTARS, Equity of Funding – Regional Partnerships programme, in answers to questions on notice, received 11 May 2005. DOTARS noted that the analysis was based on the electorate at the time of application and related to electorates held prior to the 2004 election. Location of electorate was classified using the AEC's electorate demographic rating system.

[78] Includes both 'Inner Metropolitan' and 'Outer Metropolitan' electorates.

[79] Mr Katter MP, Committee Hansard, 23 June 2005, pp 4, 6.

[80] Data from DOTARS, Revised RPP tables, received 11 May 2005. Data for June 2003 relate to projects approved under the Namoi Valley Structural Adjustment package but funded from RPP appropriation.

[81] See DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual, pp 58, 91-92.

[82] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual, p. 59.

[83] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual, p. 93.

[84] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual, p. 93.

[85] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual, pp 96-98.

[86] DOTARS, Committee Hansard, 10 February 2005, p. 10, 67.

[87] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual, p. 93.

[88] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 105.

[89] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment D, Regional Partnerships Guidelines, p. 9.

[90] Mr Vieira, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 100.

[91] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual, pp 23, 56.

[92] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual, p. 125.

[93] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 105.

[94] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 74.

[95] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual, p. 67.

[96] DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 9.

[97] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual, p. 101.

[98] DOTARS, Regional Partnerships standardised funding agreement,, accessed 15 September 2005.

[99] Ms Riggs, correspondence, 8 July 2005, p. 3. For a detailed discussion of the A2DM project, see Chapter 6.

[100] Regional Partnerships Funding Agreement between DOTARS and Primary Energy Pty Ltd, tabled 12 August 2005, item 2.5, p. 33. For a detailed discussion of the grant to Primary Energy Pty Ltd, see Chapter 7.

[101] Ms Riggs, correspondence, 8 July 2005, p. 3; DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment G, Operational Funding Contract, p. 14.

[102] See, for example, Regional Partnerships Funding Agreement between DOTARS and Primary Energy Pty Ltd, tabled 12 August 2005, clause 11.1, p. 36.

[103] See, for example, Regional Partnerships Funding Agreement between DOTARS and Primary Energy Pty Ltd, tabled 12 August 2005, clause 11.3, p. 36.

[104] DOTARS, Submission 14, pp 11-13.

[105] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment J, Internal assessment of DOTARS regional programme procedures against ANAO Better Practice Guide, audit and evaluation recommendations, p. 8.

[106] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, pp 7-8.

[107] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, pp 7-8.

[108] Mr Durant, Committee Hansard, 15 July 2005, p. 96.

[109] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 10.

[110] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 10.

[111] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, pp 7, 9.

[112] Mr Yuile, Committee Hansard, 10 February 2005, p. 3.

[113] DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 20.

[114] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment J, Internal assessment of DOTARS regional programme procedures against ANAO Better Practice Guide, audit and evaluation recommendations.

[115] DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 22.

[116] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment K, Summary of the impacts and performance of a selection of DOTARS regional programs.

[117] DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 21.

[118] DOTARS, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 14.

[119] DOTARS, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 13.

[120] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment J, Internal assessment of DOTARS regional programme procedures against ANAO Better Practice Guide, audit and evaluation recommendations, p. 4.

[121] DOTARS, Committee Hansard, 10 February 2005, p. 67.

[122] ANAO, Better Practice Guide for the Administration of Grants, May 2002, p. 9.

[123] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment J, Internal assessment of DOTARS regional programme procedures against ANAO Better Practice Guide, audit and evaluation recommendations, p. 3.

[124] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment J, Internal assessment of DOTARS regional programme procedures against ANAO Better Practice Guide, audit and evaluation recommendations, p. 3.

[125] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment F, ACC Handbook June 2004 and Attachment G, Operational Funding Contract.

[126] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment F, ACC Handbook June 2004, p. 5.

[127] Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 74.

[128] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment F, ACC Handbook June 2004, p. 5.

[129] DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 14 and Attachment F, ACC Handbook June 2004, p. 9.

[130] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 55.

[131] Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 75.

[132] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 5.

[133] DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 14.

[134] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 75.

[135] Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 75.

[136] Committee Hansard, 10 February 2005, p. 58.

[137] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment F, ACC Handbook June 2004, Appendix A.

[138] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment F, ACC Handbook June 2004, Appendix A, pp 40-41.

[139] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment F, ACC Handbook June 2004, p. 5.

[140] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment F, ACC Handbook June 2004, Appendix A, p. 43.

[141] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment F, ACC Handbook June 2004, p. 13.

[142] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment F, ACC Handbook June 2004, p. 6.

[143] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment F, ACC Handbook June 2004, p. 6.

[144] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment F, ACC Handbook June 2004, p. 5.

[145] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment G, Operational Funding Contract, p. 29.

[146] DOTARS financial year contract list, 1 July 2004 to 30 June 2005,, accessed 29 August 2005.

[147] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 16.

[148] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 16.

[149] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment G, Operational Funding Contract, p. 22.

[150] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment F, ACC Handbook June 2004, p. 11.

[151] Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 75.

[152] Pilbara Area Consultative Committee, Answers to questions on notice, received 3 August 2005; Mr Durant, Executive Officer and Mr Haerewa, Chair, Kimberley Area Consultative Committee, Committee Hansard, 15 July 2005, pp 88-91.

[153] Central Queensland Area Consultative Committee, Submission 12, p. 3.

[154] DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 14.

[155] See for example, Submission 3, Submission 7, Submission 10, Submission 11, Submission 22, Submission 23, Submission 29, Submission 35.

[156] Ms Connelly, Connelly Public Relations Group, Submission 2, p. 2; Mr Allen, President, North Burnett Regional Economic Development Council, Submission 33, p. 1.

[157] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment D, Regional Partnerships Guidelines, pp 2-3.

[158] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment D, Regional Partnerships Guidelines, p. 2.

[159] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment D, Regional Partnerships Guidelines, p. 3.

[160] DOTARS, Regional Partnerships Application Form for more than $25,000,, accessed 19 August 2005.

[161] DOTARS, Regional Partnerships Application Form for $25,000 and less,, accessed 19 August 2005.

[162] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual September2004, p. 19.

[163] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual September 2004, pp 20-21.

[164] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual September 2004, pp 19-20.

[165] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual September 2004, p. 51.

[166] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual September 2004, p. 57.

[167] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 32.

[168] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 31.

[169] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual September 2004, p. 58.

[170] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 31.

[171] DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 16.

[172] See for example, ACC comment forms provided in Far North Queensland ACC, Minutes and Recommendations, received 1 April 2005.

[173] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual September 2004, p. 58.

[174] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment D, Regional Partnerships Guidelines, p. 2.

[175] DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 16.

[176] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual September2004, p. 50.

[177] Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee report, A funding matter under the Dairy Regional Assistance Program, June 2003.

[178] Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 63.

[179] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 62.

[180] Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee report, A funding matter under the Dairy Regional Assistance Program, June 2003, p. 45.

[181] Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 62.

[182] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 29.

[183] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual September 2004, p. 58.

[184] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual September 2004, pp 91-92.

[185] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 22.

[186] Area Consultative Committee Tasmania (formerly Tasmania Employment Advisory Council), Submission 30, p. 2.

[187] Area Consultative Committee Tasmania, Submission 30, p. 4.

[188] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual September 2004, pp 63-64.

[189] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual September 2004, p. 18.

[190] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual September 2004, p. 93.

[191] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual September 2004, p. 93.

[192] See for example, Submission 8, Submission 9, Submission 18, Submission 29.

[193] Ms Masterman, Chair, Barossa Riverland MidNorth Area Consultative Committee, Submission 8, p. 2.

[194] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual September 2004, p. 59.

[195] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual September 2004, p. 59.

[196] Hunter Area Consultative Committee, Submission 7.

[197] Mr Warren, CEO of the Orana Development and Employment Council, Submission 51, pp. 3-4.

[198] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 42.

[199] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 42.

[200] Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 17.

[201] Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 17.

[202] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 17.

[203] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 18.

[204] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment G, Operational Funding Contract, p. 38.

[205] Mr Yuryevich, Chair, Goldfields Esperance Area Consultative Committee, Submission 54.

[206] DOTARS, Revised RPP tables, received 11 May 2005.

[207] Mr Warren, CEO, Orana Development and Employment Council (Orana region ACC), Submission 51, p. 4.

[208] Ms Gwilliam, Director General, Department of Local Government and Regional Development, Government of Western Australia, Submission 34.

[209] Mr MacDonald, Melbourne Development Board (Melbourne Central and Southern Area ACC), Submission 4, p. 1.

[210] Mr MacDonald, Melbourne Development Board (Melbourne Central and Southern Area ACC), Submission 4.

[211] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 74.

[212] Minister Truss, Speech to South Australia ACCs meeting, Thursday 1 September 2005,

[213] Minister Truss, Speech to South Australia ACCs meeting, Thursday 1 September 2005,

[214] Minister Truss, Speech to South Australia ACCs meeting, Thursday 1 September 2005,

[215] Mr Cawley, former President of the Beaudesert Shire Railway Support Group, Committee Hansard, 25 February 2005, p. 2.

[216] Mr Cawley, Committee Hansard, 25 February 2005, p. 1.

[217] Mr Gassman, former Chair, Gold Coast and Region Area Consultative Committee, Committee Hansard, 25 February 2005, p.28.

[218] Mr Cawley, Committee Hansard, 25 February 2005, p. 2.

[219] Mr Gillow, Committee Hansard, 25 February 2005, p. 79.

[220] Lee Garvey Chartered Accountants, Financial Assessment of Beaudesert Shire Railway Support Group Association Inc. 28 March 2003, p. 3, tabled 25 February 2005.

[221] Lee Garvey Chartered Accountants, Financial Assessment of Beaudesert Shire Railway Support Group Association Inc. 28 March 2003, p. 3, tabled 25 February 2005.

[222] Lee Garvey Chartered Accountants, Financial Assessment of Beaudesert Shire Railway Support Group Association Inc. 28 March 2003, p. 4, tabled 25 February 2005.

[223] Minutes of the special committee meeting of Beaudesert Rail held 30 April, 2003, p. 2, tabled 25 February 2005.

[224] Provisional Liquidator's Report for Beaudesert Shire Railway Support Group Inc (In Provisional Liquidation), 13 June 2003, p. 2, in Receiver's minutes of meetings and reports to creditors, tabled 25 February 2005.

[225] See, for example, Provisional Liquidator's Report for Beaudesert Shire Railway Support Group Inc (In Provisional Liquidation), 13 June 2003, p. 3, in Receiver's minutes of meetings and reports to creditors, tabled 25 February 2005.

[226] The Hon John Howard MP, Prime Minister, correspondence to the Member for Forde, Mrs Elson MP, 11 June 2003, in Receiver's correspondence with DOTARS, tabled 25 February 2005.

[227] The Hon John Howard, Prime Minister, correspondence to the Member for Forde, Mrs Elson MP, 11 June 2003, in Receiver's correspondence with DOTARS, tabled 25 February 2005.

[228] Mr McIntosh, correspondence to the Hon John Howard, Prime Minister, 15 July 2003, in Receiver's correspondence with DOTARS, tabled 25 February 2005.

[229] Mr McIntosh, correspondence to DOTARS, 31 October 2003, in Receiver's correspondence with DOTARS, tabled 25 February 2005.

[230] See Ms Riggs, answer to question on notice, p. 2, received 16 May 2005, in which DOTARS stated that the KPMG report formed part of the department's advice to the minister and would not be provided to the Committee.

[231] See the email traffic between a departmental officer and the liquidator's office, 3 and 4 November 2003, in Receiver's correspondence with DOTARS, tabled 25 February 2005.

[232] See Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 25 February 2005, p. 96.

[233] The Hon John Anderson MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Transport and Regional Services Correspondence, correspondence to Mr McIntosh, 5 November 2003, in Receiver's correspondence with DOTARS, tabled 25 February 2005.

[234] The previous management committee had stood down in June 2003 at the request of the provisional liquidator and a new, more professionally oriented board was elected in September 2003. See Mr Robert, Committee Hansard, 25 February 2005, p. 4 and Mr Munn, Committee Hansard, 25 February 2005, p. 60.

[235] Mr Munn, Committee Hansard, 25 February 2005, p. 53.

[236] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 25 February 2005, p. 90.

[237] Mr Daynes, Correspondence with the Gold Coast and Region Area Consultative Committee, 25 April 2003, p. 3, and Committee Hansard (in camera), 25 February 2005.

[238] See, for example, Mr Robert, Committee Hansard, 25 February 2005, p. 6.

[239] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 25 February 2005, p. 91.

[240] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 25 February 2005, p. 93.

[241] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 25 February 2005, p. 93.

[242] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 25 February 2005, p. 93.

[243] Ms Riggs, correspondence to Mr McIntosh, 30 October 2003, in Receiver's correspondence with DOTARS, tabled 25 February 2005. (The various deadlines for the provision of information set by DOTARS were determined by the dates set down for proceedings in the Queensland Supreme Court to wind up Beaudesert Rail.)

[244] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 25 February 2005, p. 91.

[245] Committee Hansard (in camera), 25 February 2005.

[246] Mr Daynes, correspondence to the Gold Coast and Region Area Consultative Committee, 25 April 2003, p. 2, tabled 25 February 2005.

[247] Mr Daynes, correspondence to the Gold Coast and Region Area Consultative Committee, 25 April 2003, p. 2, tabled 25 February 2005.

[248] Committee Hansard (in camera), 25 February 2005.

[249] Mr Robert, Committee Hansard, 25 February 2005, p. 3.

[250] Mr Daynes, correspondence to the Gold Coast and Region Area Consultative Committee, 25 April 2003, p. 2, tabled 25 February 2005.

[251] Lee Garvey Chartered Accountants, Financial Assessment of Beaudesert Shire Railway Support Group Association Inc. 28 March 2003, p. 3, tabled 25 February 2005.

[252] Lee Garvey Chartered Accountants, Financial Assessment of Beaudesert Shire Railway Support Group Association Inc. 28 March 2003, p. 3, tabled 25 February 2005.

[253] Lee Garvey Chartered Accountants, Financial Assessment of Beaudesert Shire Railway Support Group Association Inc. 28 March 2003, p. 12, tabled 25 February 2005.

[254] Ms Riggs, correspondence to Mr McIntosh, 30 October 2003, in Receiver's correspondence with DOTARS, tabled 25 February 2005.

[255] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 25 February 2005, p. 96.

[256] Lee Garvey Chartered Accountants, Financial Assessment of Beaudesert Shire Railway Support Group Association Inc. 28 March 2003, p. 3, tabled 25 February 2005.

[257] See, for example, Mr Gillow, Committee Hansard, 25 February 2005, p. 89.

[258] DOTARS, Revised RPP tables, received 11 May 2005.

[259] Wyong Shire Council, Snapshot of the Tuggerah Lakes Estuary Management Study, February 2005, p. 5.

[260] Councillor Graham, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 4.

[261] Mr Cathers, Director, Engineering Services, Wyong Shire Council, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 12.

[262] Wyong Shire Council, Review of Environmental Factors, Maintenance Dredging at the Mouth of Tumbi Creek, Killarney Vale, December 2004, p. 1.

[263] Committee Hansard, Thursday 24 February 2005, p. 74.

[264] Committee Hansard, Thursday 24 February 2005, p. 74.

[265] Wyong Shire Council, Review of Environmental Factors, Maintenance Dredging at the Mouth of Tumbi Creek, Killarney Vale, December 2004, p. 2.

[266] Chronology compiled from Wyong Shire Council, Review of Environmental Factors, Maintenance Dredging at the Mouth of Tumbi Creek, Killarney Vale, December 2004, pp 1-9.

[267] Wyong Shire Council, Review of Environmental Factors, Maintenance Dredging at the Mouth of Tumbi Creek, Killarney Vale, September 2001.

[268] Wyong Shire Council, Review of Environmental Factors, Maintenance Dredging at the Mouth of Tumbi Creek, Killarney Vale, December 2004, p. 8.

[269] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 6

[270] Mr Ticehurst MP, Federal Member for Dobell, correspondence, 10 March 2004, in answers to questions on notice received 4 July 2005.

[271] Wyong Shire Council, 'Appendix 5 Wyong Shire Council Report – June 9 2004 Dredging Options', in Review of Environmental Factors, Maintenance Dredging at the Mouth of Tumbi Creek, Killarney Vale, December 2004.

[272] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 6.

[273] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 6.

[274] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 7.

[275] The Committee notes that, as with other RPP and SRP projects, it experienced significant difficulty obtaining correct date information regarding this funding application. The Committee was originally informed by DOTARS that applications made in relation to Tumbi Creek were submitted on 24 June 2004 and 11 July 2004 and approved on the 24 June 2004. After questioning by Committee members, questions raised in the House of Representatives and investigation by DOTARS, the Committee was advised that the first application was received on 10 June 2004 and approved on 24 June 2004 and that a further application seeking additional funds was received on 25 June 2004, formally confirmed by the Council on 1 July 2004 and approved on 11 July 2004.

[276] Mr Ticehurst MP, Media release, 8 June 2004.

[277] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 41.

[278] Mr Cathers, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 41.

[279] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 93.

[280] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 107.

[281] Dr Dolman, Assistant Secretary, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 93.

[282] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 93.

[283] Mr Burdekin, DOTARS Northern NSW Regional Office, correspondence, 11 June 2005, in Central Coast ACC minutes and recommendations.

[284] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 99.

[285] Mr Taylor, correspondence, 10 February 2005.

[286] Dr Dolman, answers to questions on notice, received 23 September 2005, p. 4.

[287] DOTARS, Revised RPP tables, received 11 May 2005.

[288] Parliamentary Secretary Kelly, correspondence, 2 July 2004, in answers to questions on notice received 4 July 2005.

[289] Mr Long, Manager, Open Space and Recreation, Wyong Shire Council, correspondence 25 June 2005, in answers to questions taken on notice received 10 March 2005.

[290] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, pp 30-31.

[291] Mr Hale, Chairman, Central Coast ACC, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 54.

[292] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 107.

[293] Wyong Shire Council, Reports to the ordinary meeting of council, February 23 2005, p. 32.

[294] Parliamentary Secretary Kelly, correspondence, 26 August 2004, in answers to questions on notice received 10 March 2005.

[295] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 38.

[296] Mr Hallett, correspondence 9 August 2004, in answers to questions on notice, received 4 July 2005.

[297] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 23.

[298] Mr McBride MP, New South Wales Member for The Entrance, Minister for Gaming and Racing and Minister for Central Coast, correspondence, 7 February 2005, in answers to questions on notice received 10 March 2005.

[299] Mr Knowles MP, New South Wales Minister for Infrastructure and Planning and Natural Resources, correspondence, undated, in answers to questions on notice received 10 March 2005.

[300] House of Representatives Hansard, 9 February 2005, pp 47-54.

[301] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 20.

[302] Mr Cathers, PowerPoint presentation to the Council meeting of 24 November 2004, in answers to questions on received 10 March 2005, and transcript of presentation tabled in the House of Representatives, 9 February 2005.

[303] Mr Hallett, correspondence, 17 November 2004, in answers to questions on notice, received 4 July 2005.

[304] Mr Petrovsky, correspondence, 15 November 2004, in answers to questions on notice, received 4 July 2005.

[305] Dr Dolman, correspondence, 22 November 2004, in answers to questions on notice, received 4 July 2005.

[306] Dr Dolman, correspondence, 22 November 2004, in answers to questions on notice, received 4 July 2005.

[307] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 102.

[308] Mr Hallett, correspondence, 22 November 2004, in answers to questions on notice, received 4 July 2005.

[309] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 36.

[310] Mr Hallett, Statement by Graeme Hallett on Tumbi Creek and the Regional Partnerships Grant, House of Representatives tabled document, 10 February 2005.

[311] Minister Lloyd MP, Minister for Local Government, Territories and Roads, House of Representatives Hansard, 10 February 2005, p. 46.

[312] See Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee, Staff employed under the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984, October 2003, particularly chapter 2.

[313] Wyong Shire Council, Regional Partnerships Application Form, 10 June 2004 in Central Coast ACC minutes and recommendations, and Wyong Shire Council, Regional Partnerships Application Form, 25 June 2004, in answers to questions on notice, received 10 March 2005.

[314] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 11.

[315] Mr Cathers, Committee Hansard, Thursday 24 February 2005, pp 13-14.

[316] Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC).

[317] Mr Asquith, Chairman, Central Coast Community Environment Network, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 73.

[318] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, pp 70-71.

[319] Mr Cathers, Committee Hansard, Thursday 24 February 2005, p. 14.

[320] Mr Asquith, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 74.

[321] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 78.

[322] Mr Asquith, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 78.

[323] Wyong Shire Council, Regional Partnerships Application Form, 10 June 2004 in Central Coast ACC minutes and recommendations, and Wyong Shire Council, Regional Partnerships Application Form, 25 June 2004, in answers to questions on notice, received 10 March 2005.

[324] Mr Cathers, Committee Hansard, Thursday 24 February 2005, p.12.

[325] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 27.

[326] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, pp 12-13.

[327] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 77.

[328] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 95.

[329] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment D, Regional Partnerships Guidelines, p.7

[330] DOTARS, Regional Partnerships Guidelines,, accessed 12 August 2005.

[331] Wyong Shire Council, Regional Partnerships Application Form, 10 June 2004, p. 11, in Central Coast ACC minutes and recommendations.

[332] Mr Cathers, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, pp 7-8.

[333] Wyong Shire Council, Review of Environmental Factors, Maintenance Dredging at the Mouth of Tumbi Creek, Killarney Vale, December 2004, p. 23.

[334] Mr Cathers, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 16.

[335] Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 65.

[336] Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 66.

[337] Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 67.

[338] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 43.

[339] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 9.

[340] Wyong Shire Council, Reports to the Ordinary Meeting of Council, 14 September 2005, p. 28.

[341] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment D, Regional Partnerships Guidelines, p. 7.

[342] Mr Knowles MP, NSW Minister for Infrastructure and Planning and Natural Resources, Correspondence 18 February 2001, in answers to questions on notice received 10 March 2005.

[343] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment D, Regional Partnerships Guidelines, p. 4.

[344] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual, September 2004, p. 25.

[345] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Internal Procedures Manual, September 2004, p. 25.

[346] Mr Mundy, correspondence, 11 June 2004, in Central Coast ACC minutes and recommendations.

[347] Mr Hale, Chairman, Central Coast Area Consultative Committee, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 54.

[348] Wyong Shire Council, Regional Partnerships Application Form, 10 June 2004, in Central Coast ACC minutes and recommendations.

[349] Wyong Shire Council, Regional Partnerships Application Form, 25 June 2004, in answers to questions on notice, received 10 March 2005.

[350] Regional Partnerships Application Form, in Central Coast ACC minutes and recommendations, p. 12.

[351] Wyong Shire Council, Tumbi Creek Dredging Project Estimate for Option 1, in answers to questions on notice, received 10 March 2005.

[352] Wyong Shire Council, Tumbi Creek Dredging Project Estimate for Option 1, in answers to questions on notice, received 10 March 2005.

[353] Wyong Shire Council, Regional Partnerships Application Form, 10 June 2004 in Central Coast ACC minutes and recommendations, and Wyong Shire Council, Regional Partnerships Application Form, 25 June 2004, in answers to questions on notice, received 10 March 2005.

[354] Mr Petrovsky, correspondence, 22 November 2004, in answers to questions on notice received 4 July 2005.

[355] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 32.

[356] Wyong Shire Council, Tumbi Creek Dredging Project Estimate for Option 1, p. 1, in answers to questions on notice, received 10 March 2005.

[357] Wyong Shire Council, Regional Partnerships Application Form, in Central Coast ACC minutes and recommendations, p. 14.

[358] Wyong Shire Council, Regional Partnerships Application Form, 10 June 2004 in Central Coast ACC minutes and recommendations, and Wyong Shire Council, Regional Partnerships Application Form, 25 June 2004, in answers to questions on notice, received 10 March 2005.

[359] Central Coast ACC, correspondence, 24 June 2004, in Central Coast ACC minutes and recommendations.

[360] CCACC project synopsis and comments sheet, p. 2, in Central Coast ACC minutes and recommendations.

[361] Central Coast ACC minutes and recommendations.

[362] Mr Hale, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 52.

[363] Mr Hale, Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 50.

[364] Mr Hale, Correspondence, 6 August 2004, in Central Coast ACC minutes and recommendations.

[365] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 53.

[366] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 101.

[367] K. Tailford, C. Berry, A. Thomas and J. Campbell (2003) 'A casein variant in cow's milk is atherogenic', Atherosclerosis 00 (2003) 1 7, p. 3; Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 71.

[368] L. Edmistone (2004) ' Doubts over benefits of new milk', The Courier-Mail, 1 July 2004, p. 10.

[369] Mr Strazzeri, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 86.

[370] L. Edmistone (2004) ' Doubts over benefits of new milk', The Courier-Mail, 1 July 2004, p. 10.

[371] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, pp 31 and 68.

[372] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, pp 34-35.

[373] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, pp 41 and 46; licence agreement between A2DM and A2 Corporation Ltd, dated 22 December 2003, in A2DM liquidator's documents, received 8 April 2005.

[374] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 47.

[375] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 33.

[376] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 34.

[377] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, pp 71-72.

[378] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 37.

[379] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 34.

[380] L. Edmistone, ' Doubts over benefits of new milk', The Courier-Mail, 1 July 2004, p. 10.

[381] S. Dwyer quoted in ABC Queensland, 'Court fines dairy distributor over milk claims', 30 September 2004.

[382] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 39.

[383] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 40. For further information about A2DM's financial status, refer to A2DM liquidator's documents, received 8 April 2005.

[384] Mr Crooke, email to Mr Saddlier, 6 May 2004, in A2DM liquidator's documents, received 8 April 2005.

[385] Mr Stewart, correspondence to Minister Anderson, 10 May 2004, in A2DM liquidator's documents, received 8 April 2005.

[386] Mr Stewart, correspondence to Minister Anderson, 10 May 2004, in A2DM liquidator's documents, received 8 April 2005.

[387] Mr Crooke, email to Mr Saddlier, 6 May 2004, in A2DM liquidator's documents, received 8 April 2005.

[388] Mr Stewart, email to Ms Tunney, 20 May 2004, in A2DM liquidator's documents, received 8 April 2005.

[389] Ms Tunney, email to Mr Stewart, 20 May 2004, in A2DM liquidator's documents, received 8 April 2005.

[390] Mr Stewart, correspondence to Mr McDade, 26 May 2004, in A2DM liquidator's documents, received 8 April 2005.

[391] Mr McDade, answer to question on notice, received 14 April 2005.

[392] Mr McDade, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 150.

[393] Mr McDade, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 151.

[394] Mr McDade, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 151.

[395] Ms Tunney, email to Mr Stewart, 11 June 2004, in A2DM liquidator's documents, received 8 April 2005.

[396] Ms Tunney, email to Mr Stewart, 11 June 2004, in A2DM liquidator's documents, received 8 April 2005.

[397] A2DM expression of interest for SRP funding, undated, in A2DM liquidator's documents, received 8 April 2005.

[398] Mr McDade, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 150.

[399] Mr McDade, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, pp 150-151.

[400] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 52.

[401] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 55.

[402] Mr Vieira, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, pp 98, 112-113.

[403] Mr Vieira, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 98.

[404] Mr Blanckensee and Mr Vieira, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 99.

[405] Mr Stewart, correspondence to Mr Vieira, 22 June 2004, in A2DM liquidator's documents, received 8 April 2005; A2DM incomplete RPP application, undated, in A2DM liquidator's documents, received 8 April 2005.

[406] Mr Vieira, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 98.

[407] Mr Vieira, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 115.

[408] Mr Yuile, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 76.

[409] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 78.

[410] Mr Strazzeri, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 83.

[411] Mr Strazzeri, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 90.

[412] Mr Vieira, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 100.

[413] Mr Vieira, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 127.

[414] Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 128.

[415] L. Taylor, 'Nats' milk plan turns sour', Australian Financial Review, 1 December 2004, pp 1, 7.

[416] Ms Riggs, correspondence, received 12 July 2005, p. 3.

[417] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, pp 78-79.

[418] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 76.

[419] Mrs O'Connor, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, pp 2, 4.

[420] Mrs O'Connor, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 3.

[421] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, pp 78-79.

[422] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment E, Regional Partnerships Programme Internal Procedures Manual September 2004, p. 58.

[423] Mr Blanckensee, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 120.

[424] Mr Vieira, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 104.

[425] Mr Blanckensee, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 102.

[426] Mr Blanckensee, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 126.

[427] Mr Blanckensee, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 126.

[428] Mr Vieira, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 112.

[429] FNQACC Minutes 6 August 2004, p. 5, in FNQACC minutes and recommendations, received 1 April 2005.

[430] Mr Blanckensee, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 105.

[431] Mr Blanckensee, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 129.

[432] Mr Blanckensee, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 130.

[433] FNQACC TRAX comments on A2 Milk Processing project, 26 August 2004, in FNQACC minutes and recommendations, received 1 April 2005.

[434] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 90.

[435] Mrs O'Connor, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 3.

[436] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 58.

[437] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 38.

[438] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, pp 77-78.

[439] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 44.

[440] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 43.

[441] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 78.

[442] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 39.

[443] FNQACC TRAX comments on A2 Milk Processing project, 26 August 2004, in FNQACC minutes and recommendations, received 1 April 2005.

[444] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p 80-81.

[445] Mr Yuile, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, pp 76-77.

[446] Mrs O'Connor, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 12.

[447] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, pp 59 and 60.

[448] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 60.

[449] DOTARS became aware of the legal action against A2DM on 26 August 2004 – see Ms Riggs, correspondence, 22 June 2005.

[450] Parliamentary Secretary Kelly, correspondence to Mr Stewart, 2 September 2004, in A2DM liquidator's documents, received 8 April 2005.

[451] Parliamentary Secretary Kelly, correspondence to Mr Stewart, 2 September 2004, in A2DM liquidator's documents, received 8 April 2005.

[452] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 82.

[453] Senator O'Brien, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 83.

[454] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment D, Regional Partnerships Guidelines, p. 6.

[455] Mrs O'Connor, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 10.

[456] Mrs O'Connor, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, pp 10-11.

[457] Mrs O'Connor, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 11.

[458] Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Guidance on caretaker conventions, July 2004, p. 4.

[459] DOTARS, Revised RPP tables, received 11 May 2005, p. 24.

[460] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 48.

[461] Asia Pacific Corporation, Proposal for A2 Corporation – Government and media relations strategy, 18 February 2004, in A2DM liquidator's documents, received 8 April 2005.

[462] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 49.

[463] Mr Stewart, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 58.

[464] House of Representatives Hansard, 2 December 2004, pp 75-87.

[465] The Hon John Howard MP, Prime Minister, House of Representatives Hansard, 9 December 2004, pp 80-81.

[466] Mrs O'Connor, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, pp 15-16.

[467] Mr Bell, Submission 41, p. 1.

[468] Mrs O'Connor, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 6.

[469] Mrs O'Connor, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 6.

[470] Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, pp 87-88.

[471] Mr Bell, Submission 41, p. 3.

[472] Mrs O'Connor, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 3.

[473] M. Roarty and R. Webb, "Fuel Ethanol – Background and Policy Issues", Parliamentary Library Current Issues Brief No. 12 2002-03, 10 February 2003, pp 1‑2.

[474] NENWACC, Namoi Valley Structural Adjustment Package Application Form, p. 9, in answers to questions on notice, received 15 July 2005.

[475] NENWACC, Namoi Valley Structural Adjustment Package Application Form, p. 6, in answers to questions on notice, received 15 July 2005.

[476] Mr Humphries, Chairman, NENWACC, Committee Hansard, 29 June 2005, p. 62.

[477] Mr Humphries, Committee Hansard, 29 June 2005, p. 63.

[478] NENWACC, Namoi Valley Structural Adjustment Package Expression of Interest, p. 9, in answers to questions on notice, received 15 July 2005; see also Mr Humphries, Chairman, NENWACC, Committee Hansard, 29 June 2005, p. 79.

[479] Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 48.

[480] NENWACC, Namoi Valley Structural Adjustment Package Expression of Interest, p. 9, in answers to questions on notice, received 15 July 2005.

[481] Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 20; see also Ms Riggs, DOTARS, Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 22; and Correspondence from Mr Kevin Humphries to the Hon Wilson Tuckey MP, dated 26 June 2003, in additional information provided by NENWACC, Minutes and recommendations - Namoi Valley Structural Adjustment package material relating to Primary Energy Pty Ltd, received 26 June 2003.

[482] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 22.

[483] Mr Carmody, Committee Hansard, 15 September 2005, p. 3.

[484] Mr Carmody, Committee Hansard, 15 September 2005, p. 3.

[485] NENWACC, Namoi Valley Structural Adjustment Package Application Form, p. 11, in answers to questions on notice, received 15 July 2005.

[486] Mrs Margaret Thomas, Chair, Central Ranges Natural Gas and Telecommunications Association Inc and Mr David Adams, Managing Director, Central Ranges Natural Gas Pipeline Pty Ltd, Committee Hansard, 11 August 2005, pp 30-33.

[487] Mr Kelley, in camera answers to matters taken on notice, 2 October 2005.

[488] NENWACC, Namoi Valley Structural Adjustment Package Application Form, pp 17-18, in answers to questions on notice, received 15 July 2005.

[489] Mr Kelley, Committee Hansard, 15 September 2005, p. 16.

[490] Mr Humphries, Committee Hansard, 29 June 2005, p. 79. See also Mr Carmody, Committee Hansard, 15 September 2005, p. 3.

[491] Committee Hansard, 29 June 2005, p. 85; see also additional information provided by NENWACC, Minutes and recommendations - Namoi Valley Structural Adjustment package material relating to Primary Energy Pty Ltd, received 26 June 2003.

[492] NENWACC, Minutes and recommendations - Namoi Valley Structural Adjustment package material relating to Primary Energy Pty Ltd, additional information received 26 June 2003; see also Mr Humphries, Committee Hansard, 29 June 2005, p. 63.

[493] Mr Humphries was also chair of NENWACC.

[494] Correspondence from Mr Kevin Humphries to the Hon Wilson Tuckey MP, dated 26 June 2003, in additional information provided by NENWACC, Minutes and recommendations - Namoi Valley Structural Adjustment package material relating to Primary Energy Pty Ltd, received 26 June 2003; see also Committee Hansard, 29 June 2005, p. 85.

[495] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 20.

[496] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 20.

[497] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 20.

[498] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 20.

[499] DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 11.

[500] Mr Carmody, Committee Hansard, 15 September 2005, p. 17.

[501] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 49.

[502] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 50.

[503] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 9.

[504] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 9.

[505] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 20.

[506] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 18.

[507] Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, pp 11, 15-16; see also Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 55.

[508] Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 3.

[509] Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 4.

[510] Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 3.

[511] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 16.

[512] Ms Briggs, Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 4.

[513] Ms Briggs, Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 4.

[514] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 9.

[515] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 9.

[516] Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 9.

[517] Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 57.

[518] Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 24.

[519] See Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee, Staff employed under the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984, October 2003, particularly chapter 2.

[520] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 50.

[521] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 50.

[522] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 50.

[523] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 58.

[524] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, pp. 8-9.

[525] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 10.

[526] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 9.

[527] Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, pp 20-21.

[528] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment D, Regional Partnerships Guidelines, p. 6.

[529] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 60.

[530] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment D, Regional Partnerships Guidelines, p. 7.

[531] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 59.

[532] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment H, Procedures for SONA, p. 1.

[533] Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 58.

[534] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, pp 60-61.

[535] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, pp 60-61.

[536] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 61.

[537] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 60.

[538] DOTARS, Regional Partnerships Funding Agreement between DOTARS and Primary Energy Pty Ltd, tabled 12 August 2005.

[539] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 9.

[540] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 61; see also DOTARS, Regional Partnerships Funding Agreement between DOTARS and Primary Energy Pty Ltd, tabled 12 August 2005.

[541] Mr Kelley, Committee Hansard, 15 September 2005, p. 14.

[542] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, pp 22-23.

[543] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 17 August 2005, p. 22.

[544] Mr Kelley, Committee Hansard, 15 September 2005, p. 2.

[545] Mr Carmody, Committee Hansard, 15 September 2005, p. 9.

[546] Mr Windsor MP, House of Representatives Hansard, 17 November 2004, pp 151-153.

[547] Mr Windsor MP, Submission 15, pp 2-3.

[548] See, for example, Tamworth Regional Council, Submission 16, pp 1-5.

[549] Tamworth Regional Council, Submission 16, p. 3 and Mr Botfield, Committee Hansard, 29 June 2005, p. 42.

[550] Tamworth Regional Council, Submission 16, p. 3.

[551] Tamworth City Council, 2002/2003 Federal Budget Submission, 24 January 2002, in answers to questions on notice, received 29 June 2005.

[552] Mr Inglis, Committee Hansard, 29 June 2005, p. 5.

[553] See Department of Industry, Science and Resources, correspondence to Mr Paul Anderson, Tamworth City Council, 10 November 2001, in Mr Botfield, answers to questions on notice, received 6 July 2005.

[554] Mr Windsor MP, Committee Hansard, 3 February 2005, p. 48.

[555] Mr Botfield, Submission 32, p. 6.

[556] 'Equine Centre Talks', The Northern Daily Leader, 22 February 2002.

[557] 'Equine Centre Talks', The Northern Daily Leader, 22 February 2002.

[558] Mr Anderson MP, Media Release A69/2002, pp 1, 4.

[559] Mr Anderson MP, Media Release A69/2002, p. 1.

[560] Tamworth Regional Council, Submission 16, p. 4.

[561] Tamworth Regional Council, Submission 16. p. 2.

[562] Mr Windsor MP, Submission 15, p. 3.

[563] Councillor Treloar, Committee Hansard, 29 June 2005, p. 22.

[564] Tamworth Regional Council, Submission 16, Attachments 1 and 2.

[565] Mr Maguire, Committee Hansard, 10 March 2005, p. 3.

[566] Mr Botfield, Committee Hansard, 29 June 2005, p. 43.

[567] Mr Botfield, Committee Hansard, 29 June 2005, p. 42.

[568] See, for example, Mr Maguire, Press Release of 23 November 2004, p. 2, attached to Mr Maguire, Submission 43.

[569] Mr Windsor MP, Committee Hansard, 3 February, p. 34.

[570] Mr Windsor MP, Submission 15, p.4.

[571] Mr Windsor MP, House of Representatives Hansard, 17 November 2004, p. 152.

[572] Ms Tickle, Submission 5, p. 2.

[573] Ms Tickle, Committee Hansard, 3 February 2005, p. 67.

[574] Mr Hall, Committee Hansard, 3 February 2005, p. 91.

[575] Mr Hall, Submission 15, p. 2.

[576] Mayor Treloar, Committee Hansard, 29 June 2005, p. 19.

[577] Ms Thomson, Committee Hansard, 29 June 2005, p. 68.

[578] Mr Windsor MP, Committee Hansard, 3 February 2005, p. 52.

[579] Mr Windsor MP, Submission 15, p. 4.

[580] Mr Maguire, Committee Hansard, 10 March 2005, p. 2.

[581] Mr Maguire, Committee Hansard, 10 March, pp 2-3.

[582] Mr Tony Windsor MP, Submission 15, p. 5.

[583] Mr Tony Windsor MP, House of Representatives Hansard, 17 November 2004, p.152.

[584] Mr Anderson MP, House of Representatives Hansard, 17 November 2004, p. 158.

[585] Senator Macdonald, correspondence, 7 March 2005, p. 1.

[586] See, for example, Mr Maguire, Press release dated 23 November 2004 and Committee Hansard, 10 March 2005, p. 16.

[587] Australian Federal Police Media Statement, 22 November 2004.

[588] Australian Federal Police Media Statement, 22 November 2004.

[589] Mr Windsor MP, House of Representatives Hansard, 29 November 2004, p. 85.

[590] Mr Windsor MP, House of Representatives Hansard, 29 November 2004, p. 85.

[591] See, for example, Mr Maguire, Submission 43, pp 3-4.

[592] See, for example, Mr Windsor MP, Committee Hansard, 3 February 2005, p. 32.

[593] Committee Hansard, 3 February 2005, p. 72.

[594] Mr Hall, Committee Hansard, 3 February 2005, p. 91.

[595] Committee Hansard, 3 February 2005, pp 98-99.

[596] Mr Hall, Submission 13, pp 3-6.

[597] Mr Hall, Committee Hansard, pp 82, 95.

[598] Mr Hall, Submission 13, pp 3-6.

[599] Mr Hall, Submission 13, p. 3.

[600] Mr Hall, Submission 13, p. 4.

[601] Mr Hall, Submission 13, p. 4.

[602] Mr Hall, Submission 13, p. 5.

[603] Mr Hall, Submission 13, p. 5.

[604] Mr Hall, Submission 13, p. 6.

[605] Mr Maguire, Committee Hansard, 10 March 2005, p. 7.

[606] Mr Maguire, Committee Hansard, 10 March 2005, p. 8.

[607] Mr Maguire, Committee Hansard, 10 March 2005, p. 24.

[608] Mr Hall, Committee Hansard, 3 February 2005, p. 95.

[609] Mr Hall, Committee Hansard, 3 February 2005, p. 94; Mr Maguire, Committee Hansard, 10 March 2005, p. 25.

[610] Mr Hall, Submission 13, p. 5.

[611] Mr Windsor MP, Committee Hansard, 3 February 2005, p. 115.

[612] Mr Maguire, Committee Hansard, 10 March 2005, pp 34-35.

[613] Mr Maguire, Submission 43, p. 4.

[614] Mr Maguire, Committee Hansard, 10 March 2005, p. 4.

[615] Mr Hall, Committee Hansard, 3 February 2005, p. 84.

[616] Australian Federal Police Media Statement, 22 November 2004.

[617] Mr Windsor MP, Committee Hansard, 3 February 2005, pp 56-57.

[618] Mr Maguire, Committee Hansard, 10 March 2005, p. 4.

[619] See, for example, Mr Hall, Committee Hansard, 3 February 2005, p. 90.

[620] Mr Maguire, Committee Hansard, 10 March 2005, p. 49.

[621] Committee Hansard, 10 March 2005, pp 45-49.

[622] DOTARS, Revised RPP Tables, received 11 May 2005, p. 8.

[623] The University of New England, Faculty of Education, Health and Professional Studies, The National Centre of Science, Information and Communication Technology, and Mathematics Education for Rural and Regional Australia (SiMERR): background, Executive Summary, p. 1.

[624] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 59.

[625] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 60.

[626] Professor Pegg, Committee Hansard, 28 June 2005, p. 17.

[627] Professor Pegg, Committee Hansard, 28 June 2005, p. 3.

[628] Professor Pegg, Committee Hansard, 28 June 2005, p. 3.

[629] Professor Pegg, answer to question on notice, 25 July 2005, p. 1.

[630] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 59.

[631] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 91.

[632] Senator O'Brien and Professor Minichiello, Committee Hansard, 28 June 2005, pp 10-11.

[633] Professor Pegg, Committee Hansard, 28 June 2005, p. 16.

[634] Professor Pegg, Committee Hansard, 28 June 2005, p. 3.

[635] Ms Thomson, Committee Hansard, 29 June 2005, p. 75.

[636] Ms Thomson, Committee Hansard, 29 June 2005, p. 75.

[637] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 59.

[638] Mr Humphries, Committee Hansard, 29 June 2005, p. 76.

[639] Mr Humphries, Committee Hansard, 29 June 2005, p. 70.

[640] Mr Humphries, Committee Hansard, 29 June 2005, pp 70-71.

[641] Professor Pegg, Committee Hansard, 28 June 2005, p. 3

[642] The Nationals, 'Anderson calls for Better Maths and Science Training', media release, 12 October 2003.

[643] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 60.

[644] Committee Hansard, 28 June 2005, pp 18-22.

[645] The Northern Daily Leader, 24 July 2005, pp 32-33.

[646] Mr Windsor MP, Committee Hansard, 3 February 2005, p.11.

[647] Mr Windsor MP, Submission 15, p.3.

[648] Professors Pegg and Minichiello, Submission 52, p. 1.

[649] Professor Minichiello, Committee Hansard, 28 June 2005, pp 4-5.

[650] Professor Minichiello, Committee Hansard, 28 June 2005, p. 29.

[651] Mr Khan, Submission 42, p.6.

[652] Senator Macdonald, correspondence, 7 March 2005, p. 3.

[653] Mr Windsor MP, Committee Hansard, 3 February 2005, p.13.

[654] Committee Hansard, 28 June 2005, p. 5 (in camera, excerpt agreed for citation).

[655] Mr Windsor MP, Submission 15, Attachment C, p. 1.

[656] Mr Windsor MP, Committee Hansard, 3 February 2005, p. 53.

[657] Senator Macdonald, correspondence, 7 March 2005.

[658] Mr Robert Fulcher, Statutory Declaration dated 15 December2004, p. 2, included in Mr Windsor MP, Submission 15, Attachment C.

[659] Councillor Filmer, Mayor of the Uralla Shire, media release, 30 November 2004, included in Mr Windsor MP, Submission 15, Attachment C.

[660] Senator Macdonald, correspondence, 7 March 2005, p. 2.

[661] Senator Macdonald, correspondence, 7 March 2005, p. 2.

[662] DOTARS, Stronger Regions, A Stronger Australia, August 2001; DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 4.

[663] DOTARS, Submission 14.

[664] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,

[665] DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 4.

[666] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment A, Sustainable Regions Programme Guidelines, p. 5.

[667] DOTARS, Annual Report 2003-04 pp 103, 110.

[668] DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 5.

[669] DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 4.

[670] See, for example, DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,

[671] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 49.

[672] Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, pp 49-51; Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, pp 27-28.

[673] For a detailed explanation of the role of DOTARS, see DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment C, Sustainable Regions Programme Internal Procedures Manual.

[674] Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 23 August 2005.

[675] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment A, Sustainable Regions Programme Guidelines, p. 5.

[676] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, p. 29.

[677] In the course of this inquiry, the Sustainable Regions Programme Internal Procedures Manual also became public as Attachment C to DOTARS' Submission 14.

[678] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment A, Sustainable Regions Programme Guidelines.

[679] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment B, Guidelines – General Assessment Criteria.

[680] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment B, Guidelines – General Assessment Criteria.

[681] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment A, Sustainable Regions Programme Guidelines, p. 5.

[682] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment A, Sustainable Regions Programme Internal Procedures Manual, pp 8-9.

[683] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment A, Sustainable Regions Programme Internal Procedures Manual, p. 12.

[684] Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, pp 104-107.

[685] Mr Yuile, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, pp 104-107.

[686] DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 21.

[687] For a discussion of the Committee's request for SRAC minutes and recommendations, see Chapter 1.

[688] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment A, Sustainable Regions Programme Guidelines, p. 5.

[689] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment A, Sustainable Regions Programme Guidelines, p. 5.

[690] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment A, Sustainable Regions Programme Guidelines, p. 5.

[691] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment A, Sustainable Regions Programme Guidelines, p. 5.

[692] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment A, Sustainable Regions Programme Guidelines, p. 5.

[693] Ms Riggs and Ms Gosling, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 35.

[694] Mr McDade, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 140.

[695] Mr Jaensch, Committee Hansard, 30 June 2005, p. 65.

[696] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment A, Sustainable Regions Programme Guidelines, p. 5.

[697] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment A, Sustainable Regions Programme Guidelines, p. 5.

[698] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment A, Sustainable Regions Programme Guidelines, p. 4.

[699] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 23 August 2005.

[700] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 23 August 2005.

[701] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 23 August 2005.

[702] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment A, Sustainable Regions Programme Guidelines, p. 4.

[703] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 23 August 2005.

[704] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 23 August 2005.

[705] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 31 August 2005.

[706] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 31 August 2005.

[707] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 31 August 2005.

[708] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 22 August 2005.

[709] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment A, Sustainable Regions Programme Guidelines, p. 4.

[710] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 22 August 2005.

[711] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 22 August 2005.

[712] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment A, Sustainable Regions Programme Guidelines, p. 4.

[713] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 23 August 2005.

[714] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 22 August 2005.

[715] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 22 August 2005.

[716] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 22 August 2005.

[717] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 22 August 2005.

[718] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 22 August 2005.

[719] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment A, Sustainable Regions Programme Guidelines, p. 4.

[720] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 23 August 2005.

[721] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 23 August 2005.

[722] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 23 August 2005.

[723] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment A, Sustainable Regions Programme Guidelines, p. 4.

[724] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 30 August 2005.

[725] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 30 August 2005.

[726] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 27.

[727] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 30 August 2005.

[728] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 30 August 2005.

[729] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 30 August 2005.

[730] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 30 August 2005.

[731] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 30 August 2005.

[732] Ms Riggs, Committee Hansard, 12 August 2005, p. 27.

[733] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 30 August 2005.

[734] See Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, 14 April 2005, 23 June 2005, 11 August 2005; and Submissions 1 and 1a, 17, 21, 40, 44, 46, 48 and 48a, 49, 50, 55 and 55a.

[735] Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, pp 63-65.

[736] Dr Stocker, Submission 21, p. 4.

[737] Ms Riggs, quoted in Committee Hansard, 23 June 2005, p. 50.

[738] Mr McDade, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 140.

[739] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment A, Sustainable Regions Programme Guidelines, p. 5.

[740] Mr McDade, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 139.

[741] Mr Blanckensee, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 136; Mayor Byrnes, Committee Hansard, 11 August 2005, p. 3.

[742] Mayor Chapman, Committee Hansard, 11 August 2005, p. 4.

[743] Mr McDade, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 140.

[744] Mr Nasser, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 37.

[745] Dr Stocker, Submission 21, p. 3.

[746] Mr Blanckensee, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, pp 133-134.

[747] Ms Cameron, Submission 60, p. 2.

[748] Mrs Allwood, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 2; Mr Blanckensee, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, pp 135, 137; Dr Stocker, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 112.

[749] Mr Jaensch, Committee Hansard, 30 June 2005, p. 58.

[750] Mr Jaensch, Committee Hansard, 30 June 2005, p. 58.

[751] Mayor Chalk, Committee Hansard, 30 June 2005, p. 60.

[752] Mr Jaensch, Committee Hansard, 30 June 2005, p. 59.

[753] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 1 August 2005.

[754] ATSRAC, The Atherton Tablelands Strategic Framework and Prospectus for Regional Development 2002-05, January 2003; ATSRAC, Atherton Tablelands Sustainable Region Advisory Committee Action Plan 2002-05, July 2002.

[755] ATSRAC, Atherton Tablelands Sustainable Region Advisory Committee Action Plan 2002-05, July 2002, p. 7.

[756] Mr McDade, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 141.

[757] Mr McDade, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 142.

[758] Dr Stocker, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 114.

[759] Ms Cameron, Submission 60, p. 2.

[760] Ms Fabris, Director of Nursing, Dimbulah Health Clinic, correspondence to Mr Briggs, Chief Executive Officer, Mareeba Shire Council, 7 April 2005, in Ms Taylor, answers to questions on notice, received 14 April 2005.

[761] Ms Taylor, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, pp 51-52.

[762] Ms Taylor, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 50.

[763] Mr McKinley, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 53.

[764] Mr McKinley, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 56.

[765] DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 5.

[766] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 23 August 2005.

[767] DOTARS, Sustainable Regions website,, accessed 31 August 2005.

[768] Mareeba Shire Council, General Meeting Minutes, 5 April 2005, tabled 14 April 2005.

[769] Mr Lawrence, ATSRAC Executive Officer, email to Mr Briggs, 5 April 2005, in Ms Taylor, answers to questions on notice, received 14 April 2005.

[770] Cradle Coast SRAC, Cradle Coast Sustainable Regions Investment Plan, October 2002, tabled document, 30 June 2005.

[771] Mr Jaensch, Committee Hansard, 30 June 2005, p. 59.

[772] Mr Jaensch, Committee Hansard, 30 June 2005, p. 59.

[773] Mr Jaensch, Committee Hansard, 30 June 2005, pp 61-62.

[774] Mr and Mrs Allwood, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 2.

[775] Mr McKinley, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 62.

[776] Mr and Mrs Allwood, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 7.

[777] Mr and Mrs Allwood, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 10.

[778] Ms Campbell, Submission 55, p. 2.

[779] Mr McDade, cited in Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 13.

[780] Ms Riggs, correspondence, received 12 July 2005, p. 2.

[781] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment B, Guidelines – General Assessment Criteria.

[782] Ms Riggs, correspondence, received 12 July 2005, p. 2.

[783] Mr McDade, Committee Hansard, 23 June 2005, p. 26.

[784] Mr McDade, Committee Hansard, 23 June 2004, p. 30.

[785] ATSRAC commissioned an independent competitive neutrality review on one occasion in relation to the Rose Gums project—see Committee Hansard, 23 June 2005, pp 24-25.

[786] Dr Stocker, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 109.

[787] Dr Stocker, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 118.

[788] Ms Campbell, Submission 55, p. 2.

[789] Mr Simpkins, Executive Officer, Pilbara ACC, Committee Hansard, 14 July 2005, p. 124.

[790] DOTARS, Revised SRP tables, received 11 May 2005, p. 8.

[791] Mr and Mrs Allwood, Submission 1 and 1a; Mr and Mrs Allwood, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005.

[792] Mr and Mrs Allwood, Submission 1, p. 2.

[793] Mr McDade, Committee Hansard, 23 June 2005, p. 42-43.

[794] Mr and Mrs Allwood, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 2.

[795] Ms Riggs, correspondence, received 12 July 2005, p. 5.

[796] Mr and Mrs Allwood, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 13.

[797] Ms Riggs, correspondence, received 12 July 2005, p. 5.

[798] Mr Allwood, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 12.

[799] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment B, Guidelines - General Assessment Criteria.

[800] DOTARS, Revised SRP tables, answer to question on notice, received 11 May 2005, p.7.

[801] Mr Nasser, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 18.

[802] Mr Nasser, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 18.

[803] Ms Riggs, correspondence, received 12 July 2005, p. 3.

[804] Mr Curtis, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 20.

[805] Mr Nasser, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 25.

[806] Mr Nasser, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 27.

[807] Ms Riggs, correspondence, 12 July 2005, p. 4.

[808] Ms Riggs, correspondence, 12 July 2005, p. 4; DOTARS, Revised SRP tables, answer to question on notice, received 11 May 2005, p.7.

[809] Ms Taylor, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 54.

[810] Ms Tunney, email to Mr Coyle, 14 December 2004, in Ms Taylor, answers to questions on notice, received 14 April 2005.

[811] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment B, Guidelines - General Assessment Criteria.

[812] Ms Riggs, correspondence, 12 July 2005, p. 4.

[813] Mr McDade, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, pp 154-155.

[814] Mr McDade, Committee Hansard, 23 June 2005, p. 39.

[815] Ms Riggs, correspondence, 12 July 2005, p. 4.

[816] Mayor Chapman, Committee Hansard, 11 August 2005, p. 13.

[817] Mr Curtis, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, pp 28-29; Mayor Chapman, Committee Hansard, 11 August 2005, p. 13.

[818] Mr Tenni, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, p. 68.

[819] Committee Hansard 13 April 2005, p. 134; Committee Hansard, 11 August 2005, pp 8-9.

[820] ATSRAC, answer to question on notice, received 10 June 2005.

[821] Mr Jaensch, Committee Hansard, 30 June 2005, p. 66.

[822] Mr Jaensch, Committee Hansard, 30 June 2005, pp 62-63.

[823] Mr Jaensch, Committee Hansard, 30 June 2005, pp 62-63.

[824] For a discussion of the of the council's establishment of this project and in-kind and cash commitment, see Committee Hansard, 11 August 2005, pp 9-11.

[825] DOTARS, Revised SRP tables, received 11 May 2005, p. 7.

[826] Ms Kerri-Ann Stout, 'Funds probe may widen', Cairns Post, 13 September 2005.

[827] K. Stout, 'Auditors probe three councils', Cairns Post, 12 September 2005.

[828] Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, pp 29-32.

[829] Advice from the Queensland Audit Office to the Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee Secretariat, 23 September 2005.

[830] Crime and Misconduct Commission Queensland, 'CMC releases public sector fraud and corruption guidelines', media release, 15 March 2005.

[831] ANAO, Administration of Grants Better Practice Guide, May 2002, p. 20.

[832] ANAO, Administration of Grants Better Practice Guide, May 2002, pp 22-23.

[833] ANAO, Administration of Grants Better Practice Guide, May 2002, p. 47.

[834] ANAO, Administration of Grants Better Practice Guide, May 2002, p. 23.

[835] DOTARS, answers to questions on notice, received 11 May 2005, p. 3.

[836] ANAO, Administration of Grants Better Practice Guide, May 2002, p. 22.

[837] DOTARS, answers to questions on notice, received 11 May 2005, p. 4.

[838] ANAO, Administration of Grants Better Practice Guide, May 2002, p. 48.

[839] DOTARS, Equity of Funding – Regional Partnerships programme, answer to question on notice, received 11 May 2005.

[840] Mr Michael Ferguson MP, Member for Bass, Submission 28, pp 3-4.

[841] Committee Hansard, 2 February 2005, pp 48-49.

[842] Ms Riggs, answers to questions on notice, received 16 May 2005, p. 3.

[843] DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 3.

[844] DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 3.

[845] DOTARS, Submission 14. Also see DOTARS Internal Procedures Manual for Regional Partnerships and Sustainable Regions Internal Procedures Manual.

[846] Mr Vukelic, Committee Hansard, 18 July 2005, pp 58-59.

[847] DOTARS, Submission 14, pp 20-22.

[848] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment J, Responses to Audit and Evaluation Findings DOTARS Regional Programs 2001-2004.

[849] Mr Cameron Simpkins, Executive Officer, Pilbara ACC, Committee Hansard, 14 July 2005, p. 97.

[850] DOTARS, Submission 14, Attachment G, ACC Operational Funding Contract, p. 21.

[851] DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 4.

[852] DOTARS, Submission 14, p. 5.

[853] Mr Strazzeri, Committee Hansard, 13 April 2005, p. 9.

[854] Dr Dolman, Committee Hansard, 14 April 2005, pp 78-79.

[855] The Hon Kim Beazley MP, Leader of the Opposition, House of Representatives Hansard, 9 February 2005, p. 52

[856] Committee Hansard, 24 February 2005, p. 18.

[857] The Hon Kim Beazley MP, Leader of the Opposition, House of Representatives Hansard, 9 February 2005, p. 52

[858] Wyong Shire Council, Media release Tumbi Creek dredging licence offer, 20 September 2005.

[859] Mayor Pavier, correspondence, 11 August 2005.

[860] Mayor Pavier, correspondence, 11 August 2005.

[861] Mr Carmody, Committee Hansard, 15 September 2005, p. 4.

[862] Mr Anderson MP, House of Representatives Hansard, 17 November 2004, p. 158.

[863] Australian Federal Police, Media Statement AFP concludes electoral bribery investigation, 22 November 2004.

[864] Unless otherwise noted, information about these projects is sourced from DOTARS, Revised RPP tables and Revised SRP tables, received 11 May 2005.

[865] South East Development ACC, Minutes and recommendations, received 4 April 2005.

[866] The Pilbara ACC, Submission 35, p. 4.

[867] Ms Fran Haintz, Manager, Wangka Maya Aboriginal Language Centre, Committee Hansard, 14 July 2005, p. 84.

[868] Mrs Geraldine Webster, Secretary and Volunteer, In Town Centre Inc., Committee Hansard, 18 July 2005, pp. 37-38.

[869] Mrs Webster, Committee Hansard, 18 July 2005, p. 38.

[870] Mr Greg Ramsay, Director, Links Golf Tasmania Pty Ltd, Committee Hansard, 30 June 2005, p. 13.

[871] Committee Hansard, 30 June 2005, pp. 13-14.

[872] Tasmanian Orford/Triabunna Region Chamber of Commerce, Submission 31, p. 2.

[873] DOTARS website, Regional Partnerships Approved Projects,, accessed 20 September 2005.