

Chapter 1 - Introduction

[1]        Explanatory Memorandum, p.2.

Chapter 2 - Key issues

[1]        Second Reading Speech, Hon. Gary Nairn, House Hansard, 18 October 2006, p.6.

[2]        See, for example, The Proposed Sale of Medibank Private: historical, legal and policy perspectives, Research Brief, Parliamentary Library, September 2006, pp 18-26; Dr Ken Harvey, Submission 1, pp 6-7; Community and Public Sector Union/Save Medibank Alliance, Submission 7, p.6.

[3]        Mr Butterworth, Committee Hansard, p.64.

[4]        Mr Tom Bathurst QC, Blake Dawson Waldron, 4 September 2006, "Parliamentary Library Research Brief, The proposed sale of Medibank Private: historical, legal and policy perspectives", tabled in the Senate, 4 September 2006.

[5]        Submission 5, p.8.

[6]        Dr Deeble, Submission 5, p.13; Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Submission 6, p.8.

[7]        Research Brief, pp. 32-35.

[8]        See, for example, Mr Morphy, Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.61.

[9]        Research Brief, p.29.

[10]      The impact of privatisation of Medibank Private on private health insurance premiums, CRA International, 31 October 2006, prepared for the Department of Finance and Administration, p.1.

[11]      Mr George Savvides, Sale time for Medibank Private?, Business Sunday television broadcast, October 23 2005, transcript available at

[12]      See, for example, K. Harvey, The sale of Medibank Private, New Matilda, March 2006, p.3.

[13]      See, for example, Health Insurance Restricted Membership Association of Australia, Submission 2, p.2.

[14]      Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.10.

[15]      Private Health Insurance Ombudsman, Submission 3, p.2.

[16]      Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, Canberra, pp.1-2.

[17]      Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.3.

[18]      Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.7.

[19]      Community and Public Sector Union/Save Medibank Alliance, Submission 7, p.2.

[20]      Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.57. See also answer to question on notice, 'Communications strategy', received from Medibank Private on 23 November 2006.

[21]      Second Reading Speech, p.6.

[22]      Alert Digest 13/06, tabled in the Senate 8 November 2006, p.28.

Opposition Senators’ Report

[1]        Mr Charles Maskell-Knight, Senate Community Affairs Committee, Proof Estimates Hansard, 1 November 2006, p.14.

[2]        CRA International (commissioned by the Department of Finance and Administration), The impact of privatisation of Medibank Private on private health insurance premiums, 31 October 2006, p.1.

[3]        Subsection 73AAC(1) National Health Act 1953 (Cth).

[4]        The Proposed Sale of Medibank Private: historical, legal and policy perspectives, Research Brief, Parliamentary Library, September 2006, p.18, discussing H. Hansmann, The Ownership of Enterprise, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1996. See also, Wood Preservation Ltd v Prior [1969] 1 WLR 1077 cited in Commissioner of Taxation v Linter Textiles Australia Ltd (in liquidation) [2003] FCAFC 63.

[5]        Subsection 73AAD National Health Act 1953 (Cth).

[6]        Research Brief, p.21, discussing Faulconbridge v National Mutual General Insurance Association [1952]1 Lloyd's List Law Reports 17, cited in Re NRMA Ltd: Re NRMA Insurance Ltd [2000] NSWSC 82.

[7]        Research Brief, p.23.

[8]        Medibank Private Sale Bill 2006, Bills Digest No. 47, Parliamentary Library, 30 October 2006, p.3.

[9]        Subsection 73AAC(1) National Health Act 1953 (Cth).

[10]      Medibank Private, Annual Report 2006, Melbourne, 2006, p.4.

[11]      Australian Medical Association, Submission 8, p.3.

[12]      Subsections 68(2)(b)(ii) and 73AAAC(2) National Health Act 1953 (Cth).

[13]      Mr Tim Morphy, Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.61.   

[14]      Mr Charles Maskell-Knight, Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.11.

[15]      Dr John Deeble quoted in Sale time for Medibank Private?-Business Sunday, transcript, television broadcast, Nine Network, 23 October 2006.

[16]      Ms Gillespie, Proof Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.39.

[17]      Dr John Deeble, Submission 5, pp.5-6.

[18]      Dr John Deeble, Submission 5, p.11.

[19]      AMA, Submission 8, p.3.

[20]      Dr Ken Harvey, Submission 1, p. 8. This point was also made by CHOICE, Submission 11, p.1.

[21]      Private Health Insurance Ombudsman, State of the Funds Report, Standard and Poor's, 2005.

[22]      Private Health Insurance Ombudsman, State of the Funds Report, Standard and Poor's 2006, p. 24.

[23]      Standard and Poor's.

[24]      Australian Medical Association, Submission 8, p.5.

[25]      Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.32. See also Australian Medical Association, Supplementary Submission 8A, pp.2-3.

[26]      Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.15.

[27]      Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.15.

[28]      Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.38. Dr Deeble goes on to elaborate on the nature and extent of the erroneous methodology.

[29]      Opposition senators note that, curiously, averting a conflict of interest does not appear as an objective of the sale in the Explanatory Memorandum.

[30]      Community & Public Sector Union/Save Medibank Alliance, Submission 7, p.3.

[31]      Explanatory Memorandum, p.7.

[32]      Australian Medical Association, Media Release, 5 September 2006 available at:

[33]      Blake Dawson & Waldron, Legal Advice, Paragraph 5(f) tabled on 4 September 2006.

[34]      Dr Deeble, Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.37.

[35]      Bills Digest, p.11.

[36]      Mr Staines, Department of Finance and Administration, Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.71.

[37]      J Breusch, 'Howard builds roadblock to Medibank takeover', Australian Financial Review, 18 October 2006, p.4.

[38]      Dr Ken Harvey, Submission 1, p.6.

[39]      Explanatory Memorandum, p.8.

[40]      Mr Andrew Staines, Department of Finance and Administration, Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.64.

Australian Democrats Minority Report

[1]        Senator Andrew Murray, Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.48.

[2]        Australian Democrats, 2004 Election Issues Sheet ‘Public Service’, p.1.

[3]        Australian Democrats, 2004 Election Issues Sheet ‘Public Service’, p.1.

[4]        Medibank Private Sale Bill 2006 Explanatory Memorandum, p.2.

[5]        Senator Andrew Murray, Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.62.

[6]        Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, Canberra, pp.62-63.

[7]        Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.10.

[8]        Medibank Private Sale Bill 2006 Explanatory Memorandum, p.2.

[9]        Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, Canberra, pp.34-35.

[10]      AMA, Committee Hansard, 3 November 2006, Canberra, pp.13-14; Dr Deeble, Committee Hansard, 3 November 2006, Canberra, pp.30-31 and esp. 37. See also AMA Submission 8a, pp.2-3.

[11]      Mr Charles Maskell-Knight, Principal Adviser, Acute Care Division, Department of Health and Ageing.

[12]      Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, Canberra, pp.11-12.

[13]      Australian Medical Association, Submission 8, p.4, paraphrased.

[14]      Australian Medical Association, Submission 8, p.4.

[15]      CRA International, The impact of privatisation of Medibank Private on private health insurance premiums, 2006, p11.

[16]      Parliamentary Library, Bills Digest No 47, 30 October 2006.

[17]      Committee Hansard, 3 November 2006, Canberra, pp.62-63.

[18]      Committee Hansard, 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.65.

[19]      Committee Hansard, 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.64.

[20]      Senate Scrutiny of Bills Committee Alert Digest 13/06.

[21]      Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.63.

[22]      Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.48.

[23]      Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, p.49.

[24]      Committee Hansard, Friday 3 November 2006, p.16-17.

[25]      Committee Hansard, 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.16.

Family First Dissenting Report

[1]        Medibank Private to be Floated in 2008, Media Release: Senator Nick Minchin, Minister for Finance, 12 September 2006.

[2]        Membership growth drives record result for Medibank. Media Release, Medibank Private, 5 October 2006.

[3]        The OECD Health Project, Private Health Insurance in OECD Countries, OECD, 2004.

[4]        Breusch, J, 'The prognosis is uncertain', Australian Financial Review, 13 September 2006, p.61.

[5]        Dr Deeble, Committee Hansard, 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.29.

[6]        Westfund, Submission 10.

[7]        CRA International, The Impact of Privatisation of Medibank Private on Private Health Insurance Premiums, 21 October 2006, p.1.

[8]        Australian Medical Association, submission 8A.

[9]        Dr John Deeble, Committee Hansard, 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.38.

[10]      Australian Medical Association, submission 8A.

[11]      Dr Yong, Australian Medical Association, Committee Hansard, 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.16.

[12]      Dr John Deeble, submission 5.

[13]      Dr John Deeble, Committee Hansard, 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.31.

[14]      Mr Morphy, Medibank Private, Committee Hansard, 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.61.

[15]      Dr John Deeble, Committee Hansard, 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.29.

[16]      Dr John Deeble, Committee Hansard, 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.29.

[17]      Mr Francis Sullivan, 'Health insurers need competition', Australian Financial Review, 6 September 2006, page 63.

[18]      Committee Hansard, 3 November 2006, Canberra, p.16.

[19]      Dr John Deeble, submission 5.

[20]      Dr John Deeble, submission 5.

[21]      Australian Bureau of Statistics, Private Health Insurance: A snapshot, 2004-05, 22 November 2006, Catalogue 4185.055.001.

[22]      Belinda Tasker, 'NRMA to introduce hefty fee increases', The Canberra Times, 24 April 2003, p.19.

[23]      Anthony Hughes and Kate Askew, 'Now the NRMA lemon puts the squeeze on members', The Sydney Morning Herald, 4 March 2003, p.1.

[24]      Jack Waterford, 'Milking a cash cow leaves us feeling sick', The Canberra Times, 5 April 2006, p.17.