Members of the Committee for the inquiry

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Members of the Committee for the inquiry

Senator Michael Forshaw (Chair) - ALP, NSW
Senator John Watson (Deputy Chair) - LP, TAS
Senator Carol Brown - ALP, TAS (appointed 13 September 2005)
Senator Mitch Fifield - LP, NSW
Senator Claire Moore - ALP, QLD
Senator Andrew Murray - AD, WA

Substitute members

Senator Andrew Bartlett to replace Senator Andrew Murray
Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells to replace Senator Mitch Fifield

Former members

Senator George Campbell (discharged 1 July 2005)
Senator the Hon William Heffernan (discharged 1 July 2005)
Senator Aden Ridgeway (until 30 June 2005)
Senator Ursula Stephens (1 July to 13 September 2005)

Participating members

Senators Abetz, Bishop, Boswell, Brandis, Bob Brown, Carr, Chapman, Colbeck, Conroy, Coonan, Crossin, Eggleston, Evans, Faulkner, Ferguson, Ferris, Fielding, Joyce, Ludwig, Lundy, Sandy Macdonald, Mason, McGauran, McLucas, Milne, O'Brien, Parry, Payne, Ray, Sherry, Siewert, Stephens, Trood and Webber.


Alistair Sands - Committee Secretary
Richard Grant - Senior Research Officer
Alex Hodgson - Executive Assistant

Committee address

Finance and Public Administration Committee
Parliament House

Tel: 02 6277 3530
Fax: 02 6277 5809

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