Submissions and Additional Information received by the Committee


1 Julie Miller

2 Martin Hodgson

3 Lynne Cochrane

4 Glen Hawkins

5 Ian Millar

6 Name Withheld

7 Mike Busetti

8 Name Withheld

9 Australian Society of Anaesthetists

10 Australian Medical Association

11 Australian Wound Management Association Inc.

12 The Wesley Centre for Hyperbaric Medicine

13 Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association

14 Ruben Shearer

15 Department of Health and Ageing

16 Name Withheld

17 David Wilkinson

18 David Smart and Mike Bennett

19 Consumers Health Forum of Australia

20 Confidential

21 Confidential

22 Confidential

23 Confidential

24 Confidential

25 Name Withheld

26 Confidential

27 Confidential

28 Name Withheld

29 Name Withheld

30 Confidential

31 Confidential

32 Adrian Ling

33 Name Withheld

34 Name Withheld

35 Name Withheld

36 Name Withheld

37 Name Withheld

38 Name Withheld

39 Name Withheld

40 Name Withheld

41 John Deeble


Additional Information

1 Dr Glen Hawkins, Opening speech at 12 November 2012 hearing, (received 15 November 2012)

2 Department of Health and Ageing, answers to questions on notice, 12 November 2012, (received 19 November 2012)

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