Submissions and additional information received by the committee


1          Mr Harold Guida

2          MS Australia

3          Department of Parliamentary Services

4          International Union of Architects (UIA)

5          National Trust of Australia

6          Joint Standing Committee on the Parliamentary Library

7          Mr Romaldo Giurgola

8          Mr Paul Cohen

9          Mr Peter Hicks

10        Mr Steve O'Neill

11        Mr Andrew Podger

12        Mr Michael Bolton

13        Ms M. Pamille Berg

14        Australian Institute of Architects

15        Australian Parliamentary Service Commissioner

16        Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU)

17        Australian Heritage Council

18        Mr Chris Bettle

19        Ms Anne Ferguson

20        Ms Rosemarie Willett

21        Mr Franco Colussi

22        Walter Burley Griffin Society Inc.

23        Mr John Smith

Additional information

1          Correspondence from the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, received 14 September 2011

2          Department of Parliamentary Services, Response to Questions on Notice Additional information, received on 11 October 2011

3          Department of Parliamentary Services, Valuation of Billiard Tables Located in Parliament House, Final Report, September 2011 and Minute, Items with possible heritage value, provided 20 September 2011

4          Department of Parliamentary Services, Parliament House Heritage Management Framework, provided 15 December 2011

5          Community and Public Sector Union, DPS staff survey 2011: results, tabled 2 May 2012

6          DPS People Management Paper No. 1.1 - Procedures For Investigating and Determining Breaches of the Code of Conduct

7          Department of Parliamentary Services, Email correspondence re: Comcare audit, tabled 2 May 2012 

8          Mr Russell Grove, Acting Secretary, Department of Parliamentary Service, Letter to clarify evidence provided to the Committee at the hearing of 2 May 2012, dated 16 May 2012

Answers to Questions on Notice

1          Department of Parliamentary Services, Response to Questions on Notice concerning staffing matters, dated 19 January 2012

2          Department of Parliamentary Services, Response to Questions on Notice taken at hearing of 2 May 2012, dated 15 May 2012

3          Department of Parliamentary Services, Estimates briefs, received 15 May 2012

4          Department of Parliamentary Services, Response to Questions on Notice concerning heritage and other matters, dated 26 April 2012

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