Senate Finance and Public Administration Committee Secretariat:

Senate Finance and Public Administration Committee Secretariat:

Ms Lyn Beverley (Secretary)
Ms Ann Palmer (Principal Research Officer)
Mr Nicholas Craft (Senior Research Officer)
Ms Sarah Brasser (Administrative Officer)

The Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Ph: 02 6277 3530
Fax: 02 6277 5809

Printed by the Senate Printing Unit, Parliament House, Canberra.

Membership of the Committee


Senator Jenny McAllister (Chair) (from 12.11.2015)


Senator Katy Gallagher (Chair from 26.03.2015 until 12.11.2015) ALP, ACT
Senator the Hon Kate Lundy (Chair until 23.03.2015) ALP, ACT
Senator Cory Bernardi (Deputy Chair) LP, SA
Senator Joanna Lindgren (from 23.02.2016) LP, QLD
Senator the Hon Joseph Ludwig ALP, QLD
Senator Nova Peris ALP, NT
Senator Janet Rice AG, VIC
Senator Dean Smith (from 13.11.2013 until 23.02.2016) LP, WA
Substitute Member  
Senator Rachel Siewert (replaced Senator Janet Rice) AG, WA

Participating Members

Senator Claire Moore ALP, QLD

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