

Chapter 1

[1]        As a matter of comity between the Houses of Parliament, neither House inquires into the operations of the other House. For this reason, neither the annual report of, nor the proposed expenditure for, the Department of the House of Representatives is referred to a Senate committee for review.

[2]        Journals of the Senate, No. 1, 13 November 2013, pp 88-89.

[3]        Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports for Departments, Executive Agencies and FMA Act Bodies, 29 May 2014, p. 4.

[4]        Requirements for Annual Reports, 29 May 2014, p. i.

[5]        Requirements for Annual Reports, 29 May 2014, p. i.

[6]        Requirements for Annual Reports, 29 May 2014, p. 3.

[7]        If a company is required by the Corporations Act 2001 to hold an annual general meeting, the company must give the report to the Minister on whichever is the earlier date of the following: 21 days before the next annual general meeting after the end of the financial year; or four months after the end of the financial year. (see subsection 36(1A) of the CAC Act).

[8]        CAC Act, Section 36(4).

[9]        Correspondence from Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion to Mr Samuel Bush-Blanasi, Chairperson, NLC, dated 15 May 2014, tabled in the Senate 16 June 2014.

[10]      Australian National Audit Office, Report No. 16 2014-15, Audits of the Financial Statements of Australian Government Entities for the Period Ended 30 June 2014, p. 251.

[11]      Proof Committee Hansard, 27 February 2015, p. 9.

[12]      Proof Committee Hansard, 27 February 2015, p. 8.

[13]      See (accessed 19 January 2015).

[14]      Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs Annual Report 2012-13, pp 108-109.

[15]      Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Annual Report 2013-14, p. 68.

[16]      Ms Amanda McIntyre, Acting First Assistant Secretary, Integration and Efficiency Taskforce, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Proof Committee Hansard, 27 February 2015, p. 26.

[17]      See (accessed 19 January 2015).

[18]      Journals of the Senate, No. 88, 13 August 2003, p. 2101.

[19]      Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs Portfolio, Portfolio Budget Statements 2013-14, p. 150.

[20]      See (accessed 19 January 2015).

[21]      Correspondence from the Hon Jenny Macklin MP, Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs to Mr Anthony Beven, Registrar of Indigenous Corporations, dated 12 August 2008, (accessed 19 February 2015).

[22]      Correspondence from Mr Anthony Beven, Registrar of Indigenous Corporations to the Hon Jenny Macklin MP, Minister for Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, dated 29 August 2008, (accessed 19 February 2015).

[23]      Ms Amanda McIntyre, Acting First Assistant Secretary, Integration and Efficiency Taskforce, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Proof Committee Hansard, 27 February 2015, p. 25.

Chapter 2 - Review of selected reports

[1]        Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee, The performance of the Department of Parliamentary Services – Final report, November 2012, pp 200-205.

[2]        Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee, The performance of the Department of Parliamentary Services – Final report, November 2012, p. 217.

[3]        Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee, Annual Reports (No. 1 of 2014), March 2014, pp 7-8.

[4]        Department of Parliamentary Services, Answer to question on notice no. 4, from the public hearing on 17 November 2014.

[5]        Department of Parliamentary Services, Answer to question on notice no. 4, from the public hearing on 17 November 2014.

[6]        Printing Standards for Documents Presented to the Parliament, (accessed 13 February 2015)

[7]        Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee, Annual report (No. 1 of 2013), p. 11.

[8]        The numbering of footnotes in Part 3 of the report started at number one on each page a footnote appeared. However, Part 4 of the report numbered footnotes sequentially across pages up to footnote number 10 and then reverted to starting the numbering at one after that point. It was also noted that citation details were missing for footnote number seven on page 75, while there are citation details for a footnote number six which does not appear in the text. The citation details for footnote number four on page 89 are also missing.

[9]        Department of Parliamentary Services Annual Report 2013-14, p. 5.

[10]      Department of Parliamentary Services Annual Report 2013-14, p. 6.

[11]      Department of Parliamentary Services Annual Report 2013-14, pp 7-8.

[12]      Department of Parliamentary Services Annual Report 2013-14, p. 81

[13]      Department of Parliamentary Services Annual Report 2013-14, p. 81.

[14]      Department of Parliamentary Services Annual Report 2013-14, pp 82-83.

[15]      Department of Finance and Deregulation, Guidance for the Preparation of the 2013-14 Portfolio Budget Statements, Attachment A, March 2013, p. 23.

[16]      Department of Finance and Deregulation, Guidance for the Preparation of the 2013-14 Portfolio Budget Statements, Attachment A, March 2013, p. 23.

[17]      Department of Parliamentary Services Annual Report 2013-14, p. vi.

[18]      Department of Parliamentary Services Annual Report 2013-14, pp 117 and 121.

[19]      Department of Parliamentary Services Annual Report 2013-14, p. 75.

[20]      Department of Parliamentary Services Annual Report 2013-14, pp 23-25.

[21]      Department of Parliamentary Services Annual Report 2013-14, p. 25.

[22]      Department of Parliamentary Services Annual Report 2013-14, p. 25.

[23]      Department of Parliamentary Services Annual Report 2013-14, p. 161.

[24]      Australian National Audit Office, Preparation of Financial Statements by Public Sector Entities, June 2013, p. 32.

[25]      Department of Parliamentary Services Annual Report 2013-14, p. 19.

[26]      Committee Hansard, 17 November 2014, p. 17.

[27]      Department of Parliamentary Services Annual Report 2013-14, pp 89-90.

[28]      This work was funded by the Parliamentary Budget Office, see Department of Parliamentary Services Annual Report 2013-14, p. 37.

[29]      Department of Parliamentary Services Annual Report 2013-14, pp 36-37.

[30]      Department of Parliamentary Services Annual Report 2013-14, pp 36-37

[31]      Department of Parliamentary Services Annual Report 2013-14, p. 24.

[32]      Department of Finance Annual Report 2013-14, pp 8-11.

[33]      Department of Finance Annual Report 2013-14, p. 8.

[34]      Department of Finance Annual Report 2013-14, pp 2-6.

[35]      Department of Finance Annual Report 2013-14, pp vii-viii.

[36]      Portfolio Budget Statements 2013-14, Finance and Deregulation Portfolio, p. 33.

[37]      Department of Finance Annual Report 2013-14, p. 39.

[38]      Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements 2013-14, Finance Portfolio, p. 30.

[39]      It is also noted that performance information from previous years is available from earlier annual reports which are available on the department's website.

[40]      Department of Finance Annual Report 2013-14, pp 25, 45 and 63.

[41]      Department of Finance Annual Report 2013-14, p. 27.

[42]      Department of Finance Annual Report 2013-14, p. 63.

[43]      Department of Finance Annual Report 2013-14, p. 65.

[44]      Department of Finance Annual Report 2013-14, p. 64.

[45]      Department of Finance Annual Report 2013-14, pp112-113.

[46]      Australian National Audit Office, Report No. 16 2014-15, Audits of the Financial Statements of Australian Government Entities for the Period Ended 30 June 2014, p. 173.

[47]      Australian National Audit Office, Report No. 16 2014-15, Audits of the Financial Statements of Australian Government Entities for the Period Ended 30 June 2014, p. 173.

[48]      Department of Finance Annual Report 2013-14, p. 95.

[49]      Department of Finance Annual Report 2013-14, p. 3

[50]      Department of Finance Annual Report 2013-14, p. 95.

[51]      Department of Finance Annual Report 2013-14, p. 95.

[52]      Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 2013-14, p. 1.

[53]      A list of Indigenous portfolio bodies and statutory office holders appears later in the report at page 68.

[54]      Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 2013-14, p. 6.

[55]      Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 2013-14, pp 6-7.

[56]      Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 2013-14, p. 6.

[57]      Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements 2013-14, p. 41.

[58]      Department of the Prime and Cabinet Annual Report 2013-14, p. 89.

[59]      Department of the Prime and Cabinet Annual Report 2013-14, p. 96.

[60]      Australian National Audit Office, Report No. 16 2014-15, Audits of the Financial Statements of Australian Government Entities for the Period Ended 30 June 2014, p. 248.

[61]      Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Annual Report 2013-14, p. 3.

[62]      Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Annual Report 2013-14, p. 4.

[63]      Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Annual Report 2013-14, p. 4.

[64]      Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Annual Report 2013-14, pp 7-32.

[65]      Office of the IGIS considers a matter to be a 'complaint' if it concerns a credible allegation about illegality or impropriety in relation to an action of an intelligence agency, see Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Annual Report 2013-14, p. 15.

[66]      Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Annual Report 2013-14, p. 15.

[67]      Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Annual Report 2013-14, p. 16.

[68]      Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Annual Report 2013-14, p. 16.

[69]      Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Annual Report 2013-14, pp 32.

[70]      Office of the Official-Secretary to the Governor-General Annual Report 2013-14, p. 2.

[71]      Office of the Official-Secretary to the Governor-General Annual Report 2013-14, p. 2.

[72]      Office of the Official-Secretary to the Governor-General Annual Report 2013-14, p. 2.

[73]      Office of the Official-Secretary to the Governor-General Annual Report 2013-14, p. 3.

[74]      Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee, Report on Annual Reports (No. 1 of 2013), p. 11.

[75]      Office of the Official-Secretary to the Governor-General Annual Report 2013-14, pp 12-13.

[76]      Office of the Official-Secretary to the Governor-General Annual Report 2013-14, p. 9.

[77]      Office of the Official-Secretary to the Governor-General Annual Report 2012-13, p. 11.

[78]      Commonwealth Ombudsman Annual Report 2013-14, p. vii.

[79]      Commonwealth Ombudsman Annual Report 2013-14, pp viii-ix.

[80]      Commonwealth Ombudsman Annual Report 2013-14, pp viii-ix.

[81]      Commonwealth Ombudsman Annual Report 2012-13, p. 9.

[82]      Commonwealth Ombudsman Annual Report 2013-14, p. 24.

[83]      See (accessed 18 February 2015).

[84]      Department of Finance, Strengthening the Commonwealth Performance Framework – Slide presentation,, p. 22 (accessed 18 February 2015).