

Chapter 1

[1]        As a matter of comity between the Houses of Parliament, neither House inquires into the operations of the other House. For this reason, neither the annual report of, nor the proposed expenditure for, the Department of the House of Representatives is referred to a Senate committee for review.

[2]        Journals of the Senate, No. 1, 13 November 2013, pp 88-89.

[3]        Available from: (accessed 14 February 2014)

[4]        Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports for Departments, Executive Agencies and FMA Act Bodies, 24 June 2013, p. 3.

[5]        PM&C Requirements, 29 May 2014, p. i.

[6]        PM&C Requirements, p. i.  Spatial reporting is described as reporting actual expenditure, broken down by program between regional and non-regional Australia, for expenditure that is a grant or transfer, or expenditure that is not a grant or transfer payment but is relevant to what the Government is doing in regional Australia, see PM&C Requirements 24 June 2013,  p. 27.

[7]        It is noted that the requirement for Spatial Reporting has been removed from the latest version of the PM&C Requirements, see PM&C Requirements, 29 May 2014, p. i.

[8]        PM&C Requirements 24 June 2013, p. 2.

[9]        If a company is required by the Corporations Act 2001 to hold an annual general meeting, the company must give the report to the Minister on whichever is the earlier date of the following:

[10]      CAC Act, Section 36(4).

[11]      The referred correspondence notifying a delay in the presentation of the annual reports, together with the Minister's responses, were tabled in the Senate on 2 December 2013, in accordance with Section 34C of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901.

[12]      The Northern Land Council also wrote to the Minister notifying a delay in the provision of its reports on 24 October 2013, 17 January 2014 and 11 March 2014 and was granted an extension to provide its report on each occasion. Its report was subsequently tabled on 17 June 2014 and will be examined in the committee's next report on annual reports.

[13]      Former Senator Boyce referred to the Torres Strait Regional Authority annual report for 2012–13 in a speech in the Senate on 14 May 2014 but did not make specific comment on the report, Senate Hansard, 14 May 2014, p. 2666.

Chapter 2 - Review of selected annual reports

[1]        Parliamentary Budget Office Annual Report 2012–13, p. 6.

[2]        Parliamentary Budget Office Annual Report 2012–13, pp 3-4.

[3]        Parliamentary Budget Office, Portfolio Budget Statements 2012–13, p. 9.

[4]        Parliamentary Budget Office Work Plan 2012-13, p. 7.

[5]        The committee notes the subsequent PBSs for the PBO for the financial years 2013-14 and 2014-15 do not include KPIs with targets.

[6]        Australian National Audit Office, Development and implementation of key performance indicators to support the outcomes and programs framework, Performance Audit Report No. 5 2011-12, p. 21.

[7]        Parliamentary Budget Office Annual Report 2012–13, pp 20-23.

[8]        Parliamentary Budget Office Annual Report 2012–13, p. 24.

[9]        Parliamentary Budget Office Annual Report 2012–13, p. 74.

[10]      Torres Strait Regional Authority Annual Report 2012–13, pp 2 and 6.

[11]      Torres Strait Regional Authority Annual Report 2012–13, p. 6.

[12]      Torres Strait Regional Authority Annual Report 2012–13, p. 84.

[13]      Torres Strait Regional Authority Annual Report 2012–13, p. 29.

[14]      The Plan was developed under section 142D of the ATSI Act and outlines seven TSRA programs, listing desired outcomes and benefits to be delivered, see Torres Strait Regional Authority Annual Report 2012–13, p. 12.

[15]      Australian National Audit Office, Torres Strait Regional Authority – Service Delivery, Performance Audit Report No. 10 2013-14, p. 70.

[16]      Torres Strait Regional Authority Annual Report 2012–13, pp 200-207

[17]      Native Title Representative Bodies (NTRB) are organisations appointed under the Native Title Act 1993 to assist Indigenous people with all aspects of their native title claims. NTRBs are appointed by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to cover a region in Australia.

[18]      Torres Strait Regional Authority Annual Report 2012–13, pp 208-210

[19]      See for examples, Torres Strait Regional Authority Annual Report 2012–13, pp 150-157, 162-163 and 172.

[20]      Torres Strait Regional Authority Annual Report 2012–13, pp 172-173.

[21]      See section 142F of the ATSI Act which provides the TSRA with powers to make grants and loans.

[22]      Indigenous Land Corporation Annual Report 2012–13, p. i.

[23]      Indigenous Land Corporation Annual Report 2012–13, pp 4-8.

[24]      Indigenous Land Corporation Annual Report 2012–13, p. 6. See also references to this issue at pp 26, 109 and 168-169.

[25]      See for example, Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee, Examination of Additional Estimates 2013-14, tabled document: correspondence from the ILC Chair to the Prime Minister, dated 14 November 2013.

[26]      Indigenous Land Corporation Annual Report 2012–13, p. 32.

[27]      Indigenous Land Corporation Annual Report 2012–13, pp 48-115.

[28]      See Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee, Report on Annual Reports: Report 1 of 2013, p. 9.

[29]      Indigenous Land Corporation Annual Report 2012–13, p. 257.

[30]      Indigenous Land Corporation Annual Report 2012–13, pp 253-256.

[31]      Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation Annual Report 2012–13, p. 14.

[32]      Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation Annual Report 2012–13, pp 14 and 17.

[33]      Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation Annual Report 2012–13, p. 30

[34]      Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation Annual Report 2011-12, p. 23.

[35]      Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation Annual Report 2012-13, pp 12-13.

[36]      Aboriginal Hostels Limited Annual Report 2012–13, pp 138-141.

[37]      Aboriginal Hostels Limited Annual Report 2012–13, p. 2.

[38]      Aboriginal Hostels Limited Annual Report 2012–13, p. 22.

[39]      Aboriginal Hostels Limited Annual Report 2012–13, p. 20.

[40]      ASC Pty Ltd Annual Report 2013, p. 23.

[41]      ASC Pty Ltd Annual Report 2013, p. 3.

[42]      ASC Pty Ltd Annual Report 2013, p. 6.

[43]      ASC Pty Ltd Annual Report 2013, pp 8-9.