


[1]        Journals of the Senate, 12 February 2008, p. 11.

[2]        As a matter of comity between the Houses, it is traditional that neither House inquires into the operations of the other House. For this reason, neither the annual report of, nor the proposed expenditure for, the Department of the House of Representatives is referred to a Senate committee for review.

[3]        Several other entities which are not required to prepare separate annual reports have been established within the PM&C department. These are an Office of National Security; an Office of Work and Family; and a Social Inclusion Unit, see: Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio, Portfolio Additional Estimates Statement 2007–08, February 2008, p. 3.

[4]        The Office of Best Practice Regulation was also transferred to the Finance department from the Productivity Commission. Although it is required under its guidelines to produce an annual report, there is no legislative requirement for the reports to be tabled in either House of Parliament. To access the Office of Best Practice Regulation annual reports see: (accessed 4 March 2008).

[5]        Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports: for departments, executive agencies and FMA Act bodies, June 2007, p. 3, emphasis added.

[6]        Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports: for departments, executive agencies and FMA Act bodies, June 2007, p. 4.

[7]        These guidelines may be found at: (accessed 22 January 2008).

[8]        This legislative instrument may be found at: (accessed 22 January 2008).

[9]        There is no statutory requirement for the Australian Political Exchange Council to table its annual report in the Senate. However the Senate Finance and Public Administration Committee has previously chosen to examine its activities, as it is primarily funded, and receives administrative support, from the Department of Finance and Deregulation.

[10]      As the Department of Climate Change was established after the tabling date for 06–07 annual reports, information on climate change can be found in the Department of the Environment and Water Resources' Annual Report 2006–07.

[11]      Responsibility for the Commonwealth Grants Commission has transferred from the Department of Finance to the Department of the Treasury. Its annual report is now considered by the Economics Committee.

[12]      This list may be found at: (accessed 28 February 2008).

[13]      Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1999, s. 9.

[14]      See the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 'Part 8—Reporting and Audit':$file/FinanMgmtAccount1997WD02.pdf (accessed 24 January 2008).

[15]      Acts Interpretation Act 1901, s. 34C.

[16]      Dr Louise Morauta, Deputy Secretary, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Estimates Hansard, 18 June 2008, p. 90.

[17]      Journals of the Senate, 11 May 2004, p. 3379.

[18]      Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration, Annual reports (No. 2 of 2007), September 2007, p. 19.

[19]      Mr David Boymal, Chairman, Australian Accounting Standards Board, correspondence, received 17 October 2007.

[20]      Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Annual Report 2006–07, p. 76.

[21]      Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports: for departments, executive agencies and FMA Act bodies, June 2007, p. 4.

[22]      See for example, Dr Louise Morauta, Deputy Secretary, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and Mr Robert McMahon, Assistant Secretary, Government Communications Unit, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Estimates Hansard, 22 May 2007, pp 26–41.

[23]      Finance and Public Administration References Committee, Government advertising and accountability, December 2005, pp 98–105.

[24]      Journals of the Senate, 29 October 2003, p. 2641.

[25]      The Senate, Standing Orders and other orders of the Senate, September 2006, Procedural Orders of Continuing Effect 10, pp 123–124.

[26]      Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports: for departments, executive agencies and FMA Act bodies, June 2007, p. 26.

[27]      Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, answers to questions on notice, PM85, received 3 July 2007. See: (accessed 5 February 2008).

[28]      Material gathered by the Australian Public Service Commission established that quality of work, the work environment, intellectual stimulation, interaction, achievement and a worthwhile notion of the public service ranked above performance linked remuneration as a motivator for public sector employees. Australian Public Service Commission, 'Performance management in the APS: A strategic framework.' Last updated: 19 September 2001, p. 5, (accessed 5 February 2008).

[29]      Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Annual Report 2006–07, p. 32.

[30]      Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports: for departments, executive agencies and FMA Act bodies, June 2007, p. 3.

[31]      Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports: for departments, executive agencies and FMA Act bodies, June 2007, p. 4.

[32]      Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Annual Report 2006–07, pp 97 and 57 respectively.

[33]      Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, answers to questions on notice, PM69, received 26 March 2007. See: (accessed 5 February 2008).

[34]      Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, answers to questions on notice, PM85, received 3 July 2007. See: (accessed 5 February 2008).

[35]      Figure 704 states that the totoal number of SES as at 30 June 2007 was 41. However, in figure 7.6, 50 SES are listed (including staff acting at the SES level for longer than 12 months). Figure 7.8 also highlights that 50 SES were eligible for and paid performance bonuses from 1 October 2005 to 30 September 2006. The 52 figure appears at p. 155.

[36]      Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports: for departments, executive agencies and FMA Act bodies, June 2007, p. 4. In addition, the Guidelines state that reports should avoid descriptions on processes and activities and aim at providing an 'assessment of how far the agency has progressed towards outcomes.' p. 6.

[37]      Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports: for departments, executive agencies and FMA Act bodies, June 2007, p. 6.

[38]      Centrelink, Annual Report 2006–07, pp 8–10.

[39]      Department of the Prime Minister of Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports: for departments, executive agencies and FMA Act bodies, June 2007, p. 6.

[40]      Department of the Prime Minister of Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports: for departments, executive agencies and FMA Act bodies, June 2007, p. 6.

[41]      Centrelink, Annual Report 2006–07, p. 21.

[42]      Centrelink, Annual Report 2006–07, p. 186.

[43]      Centrelink, Annual Report 2006–07, p. 23.

[44]      See chapter 4, section titled: Strengthening our customer focus in line with government direction

[45]      Centrelink, Annual Report 2006–07, p. 18.

[46]      Centrelink, Annual Report 2006–07, p. 10.

[47]      Department of Finance and Deregulation, The Outcomes and Outputs Framework: Specifying Outputs, September 2003, p. 1.

[48]      Department of Finance and Deregulation, The Outcomes and Outputs Framework: Specifying Outputs, September 2003, p. 2.

[49]      The Department of Finance and Regulation's full outcome and output structure is published in its annual report see: Department of Finance and Regulation, Annual Report 2006–07, p. 10. (accessed 24 January 2008). Output 1.2.5 is a new output which has been added to the department's outcome/output structure in 2008, see: Finance and Deregulation Portfolio, Portfolio Additional Estimates Statement 2007–08, February 2008, p. 29.

[50]      Department of Finance and Deregulation, List of bodies subject to the Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997, p. 9. See: (accessed 15 January 2008).

[51]      Australian River Company Ltd, 2006 Annual Report, p. 2.

[52]      With the exception of the inclusion of the word 'wide', as in 'are considering a wide variety of options' (emphasis added) in the 2002 and 2003 reports.

[53]      Journals of the Senate, 12 June 2007, p. 3818.

[54]      Corporations Act 2001, para. 315(1)(b).

[55]      Senate Finance and Public Administration Committee, Annual reports (No. 2 of 2007), September 2007, p. 5.

[56]      Corporations Act 2001, para. 299(1)(a) and (c).

[57]      Australian River Company Ltd, 2006Annual Report, p. 5.

[58]      Australian River Company Ltd, 2006Annual Report, p. 2.

[59]      Australian River Company Ltd, 2006 Annual Report, p. 5.

[60]      Australian River Company Ltd, 2006 Annual Report, p. 7.

[61]      Australian River Company Ltd, 2006 Annual Report, p. 25.

[62]      Australian National Audit Office, Cross Portfolio Audit of Green Office Procurement, Audit Report No. 22, 2005–06, p. 24.

[63]      Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, s. 516A. (accessed 10 December 2007).

[64]      Department of Parliamentary Services, Annual Report 2006–07, p. 99.

[65]      Australian Hearing, Annual Report 2007, p. 33.

[66]      Centrelink, Annual Report 2006–07, p. 223.

[67]      Centrelink, Annual Report 2006–07, p. 224.

[68]      Australian Electoral Commission, Annual Report 2006–07, p. 220.

[69]      Australian Electoral Commission, Annual Report 2006–07, p. 220.

[70]      Medicare's Annual Report 2006–07 states that 'Medicare Australia energy consumption for 2006–07 is currently being determined for this reporting [reported to the Australian Greenhouse Office] exercise. See page 70.

[71]      Medicare Australia, Annual Report 2006–07, pp 71–72.

[72]      Commonwealth Ombudsman, Annual Report 2006–07, p. 31.

[73]      Department of Finance and Administration, Annual Report 2006–07, p. 135.

[74]      Future Fund, Annual Report 2006-07, p. 29.

[75]      Australian Reward Investment Alliance, Annual Report 2006–07, p. 6.

[76]      Australian National Audit Office, Cross Portfolio Audit of Green Office Procurement, Audit Report No. 22, 2005–06, p. 62.

[77]      For comments and analysis made by the Australian National Audit Office see 'case study two' in the report: Cross Portfolio Audit of Green Office Procurement, Audit Report No. 22, 2005–06, pp 62–63.

[78]      This analysis was taken from the Australian National Audit Office report: Cross Portfolio Audit of Green Office Procurement, Audit Report No. 22, 2005–06. p. 63.

Appendix 7 - Updated recommendations of the Finance and Public Administration References Committee, Government advertising and accountability, December 2005

[1]        Reference to the 'Government Communications Unit' in the original Recommendation 10 has been removed given its abolition in January 2008. The three recommendations have been updated to refer to 2007–08 rather than the 2005–06 financial year stated in the original 2005 recommendations. Reference to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet in Recommendation 10 has been changed to that of the Department of Finance and Deregulation to reflect the shift in responsibility under the Administrative Arrangements Order of 25 January 2008, p.22, (accessed 7 February 2008).