Appendix 8 - Senate Standing Order of 29 October 2003

Appendix 8 - Senate Standing Order of 29 October 2003

Agency advertising and public information projects

(1)      There be laid on the table, by each minister in the Senate, in respect of each agency administered by that minister, or by a minister in the House of Representatives represented by that minister, a statement in accordance with the succeeding provisions of this order.

(2)      A statement be tabled in respect of each advertising or public information project undertaken by each agency where the cost of the project is estimated or contracted to be $100 000 or more.

(3)      A statement be tabled within 5 sitting days of the Senate after the project is approved. If the Senate is not sitting when a statement is ready for presentation, the statement be presented to the President under standing order 166.

(4)      A statement indicate:

  1. the purpose and nature of the project;
  2. the intended recipients of the information to be communicated by the project;
  3. who authorised the project;
  4. the manner in which the project is to be carried out;
  5. who is to carry out the project;
  6. whether the project is to be carried out under a contract;
  7. whether such a contract was let by tender;
  8. the estimated or contracted cost of the project;
  9. whether every part of the project conforms with the Audit and JCPAA guidelines; and
  10. if the project in any part does not conform with those guidelines, the extent of, and reasons for, the nonconformity.

(5)      In this order, "Audit and JCPAA guidelines" means the guidelines set out in Report No. 12 of 1988–99 of the Auditor-General, entitled Taxation Reform: community education and information programme, and Report No. 377 of the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit, entitled Guidelines for Government Advertising, respectively.

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