Reports on 1997-98 Annual Reports

Report on 1997-98 Annual Reports: Report Two

Table of Contents

Members of the Committee

Chapter 1 – General overview


Reports examined

Assessment as to whether the reports are satisfactory

Structure of the remainder of the report

Reporting requirements under the Commonwealth Authorities and
Companies Act 1997

Chapter 2 – Annual reporting requirements


Purpose of annual reports

Timeliness of reporting

The artificiality of a 12-month timeframe

General content issues

Annual reports versus other reporting

The former on-request information

Performance information

Staffing information

Other content

Financial statements

Presentational standards

Parliamentary review

Maintenance of annual reporting requirements


Chapter 3 – Specific Issues


Performance information

Availability on the Internet



Financial statements

Service charters

Requirement for non-reporting bodies to report

Appendix A – Tabling dates of 1997-98 annual reports