
ANAOAustralian National Audit Office
APS Australian Public Service
CCPFNational Commuter Car Park Fund
CGRGCommonwealth Grant Rules and Guidelines
Conventions Guidance on Caretaker Conventions (November 2018)
The Centre for Public Integrity
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications
ICACIndependent Commission Against Corruption
IIP Infrastructure Investment Program
NGAANational Growth Areas Alliance
NLT Act National Land Transport Act 2014
Notes on Administration
National Partnership Agreement on Land Transport Infrastructure Projects
PGPA Act Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013
PIIPublic interest immunity
PM&CDepartment of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
PMOPrime Minister’s Office
PTUAPublic Transport Users Association
RRAT committee
Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee
SNELA Stop North East Link Alliance
TIA Transparency International Australia
UCF Urban Congestion Fund

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