Appendix 4
Waratah Coal's Galilee Coal Project
Overview of project
Waratah Coal's Galilee coal project includes two open cut mining pits
and four underground coal mines in the Galilee Basin. The mines are expected to
produce over 40 million tonnes per annum over a 30 year period. The mines are
to be linked by a 453 km rail line to Abbot Point State Development Area
(APSDA). In order for the development to proceed, 16,520ha of vegetation for
the mine and 1,731ha for the rail corridor is to be cleared. In addition, it is
estimated that 25,598ha will be impacted by subsidence associated with
underground mining.[2]
Impact of the project
The proposed was determined to be a controlled action under the EPBC Act
on 20 March 2009 based on the potential significant impacts on World Heritage
properties, National Heritage places, listed threatened species and
communities, listed migratory species and the Commonwealth marine environment.
On 24 October 2013, it was determined that water resources, in relation to coal
seam gas development and large coal mining development was also a controlling
provision for the project.
In particular, the key impacts of the project are on:
listed threatened species and communities through the clearance
of remnant vegetation, including: 3,628ha of primary habitat for the endangered
Black-throated Finch, 3,590ha of primary habitat for the vulnerable Squatter
Pigeon, and 42ha of the endangered ecological community Acacia harpophylla
(dominant and co-dominant);
water resources due to drawdown for mine operation; changes to
surface and groundwater hydrology; the potential for inter-aquifer connectivity
impacting on formations within the Great Artesian Basin; increased
surface-groundwater connectivity through subsidence; and cumulative impacts on
surface and groundwater resources from coal mine projects proposed in the
Galilee Basin; and
subsidence-related impacts on an estimated 25,598ha, including
ponding, surface cracking and impacts to habitat for EPBC Act listed threatened
species and communities.
Assessment of the proposal
It was determined that the project would be assessed through an Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS), in parallel with the Queensland Government. The Queensland
Coordinator-General completed his Assessment Report for the proposal on 9
August 2013, concluding the Environment Impact Assessment process at the state
On 25 June 2013, the project was varied to excise the port component at
Abbot Port and coal port facilities within the APSDA, a reduction in length of
the railway line from 495km to 453km, and termination of the railway line at
the boundary of the APSDA. Given the variation, the assessment of the impacts
of the proposed action on matters protected under the EPBC Act were limited to
where the rail line intercepts the boundary of the APSDA and its surrounds.
The EIS was made available for public comment between 26 September 2011
and 19 December 2011 with 1842 submissions received by Waratah Pty Ltd, the
vast majority from individuals. The proponent addressed matters raised in
public submissions in the finalised EIS, which was submitted to the department
on 3 September 2013.
The proponent undertook avoidance and mitigation strategies for the
project including:
re-alignment of the proponent corridor to address cross drainage
commitment to implementing environmental management systems to
protect receiving waters; and
redesign of the creek diversions associated with the mine
component to minimise impacts to Malcolm Creek.
The Commonwealth Minister for the Environment approved the project on 19
December 2013, subject to a number of conditions, including those relating to
Offset requirements
The offsets package required under the conditions of approval[3]
included requirements:
for direct land based offsets for impacted listed threatened
species and communities consisting of:
10,000ha for the Black-throated Finch;
6000ha for the Squatter Pigeon;
383ha for the Red Goshawk;
500ha for the Northern Quoll;
5800ha for the Yakka Skink,
270ha for the Ornamental Snake;
72ha for the Dunmall's Snake; and
199ha for the 'Brigalow (Acacia harpophylla dominant and
co‑dominant)' ecological community;
to prepare and implement an approved offset management plan for
all the offset areas consistent with the Galilee Basin Offset Strategy and
include commitments that demonstrate how the offsets areas required will be met;
that the offsets management plan be approved by the Minister
within 12 months of the commencement of Project Stage 2;
that the offsets detailed in the offsets management plan must be
legally secured within three years of commencement of Project Stage 2 or as
required under Queensland legislation, whichever is earlier; and
to make a contribution of $100,000 each year for ten years to a strategic
fund (with other proponents of Galilee Basin mines) for the better protection
of listed threatened species and communities and to improve the understanding
of matters of national environmental significance in the remote Galilee Basin.
The department commented that the proposed offset areas were identified
by the proponent as containing the necessary vegetation communities and
biodiversity values to acquit the offset requirements of the project.
Preference was given to properties located as close as possible to the impact areas,
larger properties that allow for the co-location of offset values and the achievement
of strategic conservation outcomes, as identified in the Galilee Basin Offset Strategy.
The department added:
During the assessment process, the department reviewed the
proposed offsets provided in the Biodiversity Offset Proposal against the
requirements of the Department's EPBC Act offsets assessment guide and
determined that the proposed offsets provide 90 per cent or greater required
for each threatened species and community, where residual impacts had been
determined in the assessment process.[4]
In addition, the proponent has committed to:
offsetting the conservation values of the Bimblebox Nature
Refuge, so that within three years of the commencement of breaking ground, the proposed
offset areas must be secured under Queensland legislation which will provide protection
from clearing and development activities, mediating the major threats to listed
threatened species and communities in the Galilee Basin; nad
developing and implementing species-specific management
approaches and targeting key conservation and recovery actions for threatened
species and communities. For example, maintaining populations of Red Goshawk
across their range and implementing key management measures to promote recovery
of the species through survey, monitoring and habitat protection, vegetation management,
weed, pest and fire management, and implementing appropriate grazing regimes.
The Queensland Coordinator-General imposed a condition requiring that
the proponent compensate the State for the loss of biodiversity, conservation
and educational values from the Bimblebox Nature Refuge as a result of the
proposed action. The proponent has identified a 36,000ha property within the
Galilee Basin Offset Strategy to offset for the loss of State identified
conservation values associated with the Bimblebox Nature Refuge. The proposed
offset property will be considered as part of the package of offsets proposed
to meet the EPBC Act requirements.
Issues with the proposed offsets
As noted in Chapter 6, the committee does not intend to comment on
particular projects. However, the committee notes that submitters and witnesses
raised a number of issues in relation to the offsets conditions for this
project. These included:
development of area protected under a conservation agreement
forming part of the National Reserve System;[5]
lack of recognition in the approval or offset conditions of the
impact of development on the representation of a bioregion as provided for in
the National Reserve System Strategy 2009–2030;[6]
lack of protection of offsets 'in perpetuity';[7]
whether the offset can be considered 'like for like'. For
example, the Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland – Sunshine Coast &
Hinterland commented that: select offset land many kilometres away would negate
totally the proposed value and effectiveness of any offset. The Reserve
contains threatened species of both flora and fauna, and suitable land must be
found as an offset, in close proximity, in order for threatened flora to be
transplanted and to which the fauna may safely move;[8]
whether there has been sufficient consideration of the cumulative
impact of developments given that in addition to the Waratah mine, three other
coal mining projects already approved for construction in the Galilee Basin,
which also require offsets of habitat for the Black-throated finch;[9]
timing issues in that the offsets are not required to be in place
prior to the commencement of the project;[10]
transparency issues in relation to the suitability of the
proposed offsets.[11]
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