Australian Greens' Dissenting Report

Australian Greens' Dissenting Report

1.1The Australian Greens are disappointed to see the major parties team up to oppose putting an obligation on lawmakers to consider the interests of younger people and generations other than themselves.

1.2Throughout this inquiry and beyond, we have heard time and time again from young people who feel uncertain and anxious about their future in the face of the climate crisis. While they will be the ones left to deal with the devastating impacts of climate change, the protection of their health and wellbeing is entirely disregarded in any decision-making processes under current legislation.

1.3This was made very clear by the overturning of the 2021 Federal Court ruling in Minister for the Environment v Sharma[1] that the duty to take reasonable care to protect our future generations falls directly into the hands of our policy makers.

1.4This overturned decision was very distressing for many people who strongly believe it is the responsibility of the Government to protect all Australians. When it comes to climate change and our future generations, it should be no different.

1.5With 59 coal and gas projects currently under federal assessment, young Australians have grave concerns that their Government is under no obligation to consider the health and wellbeing of future generations when approving polluting projects.

1.6Climate experts have been clear in their projections of the future of our environment; yet the Government’s choice to relentlessly expand the coal and gas industry beyond 2050 sets us on a direct path to climate catastrophe.

1.7The Government cannot continue to ignore the long-term effects of opening new coal and gas mines. We need urgent recognition of future generations within our climate policies to ensure decision makers are required to stop and think about future generations before approving a new coal mine or gas project out to 2050 or beyond.

1.8At a time of deep uncertainty around the health of our environment and the future of our planet, our future generations deserve the protection of their federal government. Passage of this bill will ensure our Ministers and other Government decision-makers consider the fate of our children against the harm of climate change, and put their health and wellbeing at the forefront of their decisions.

Recommendation 1

1.9That the bill be passed.

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young

Committee Member


[1]See: Minister for the Environment v Sharma [2022] FCAFC 35 and Sharma by her litigation representative Sister Marie Brigid Arthur v Minister for the Environment [2021] FCA 560.