

Chapter 1 - Introduction

[1]        Journals of the Senate, No. 143, 21 March 2013, pp 3864–3867.

[2]        Senate Selection of Bills Committee, Report No. 4 of 2013, p. 3, available at: (accessed 28 March 2013).

[3]        Explanatory Memorandum, p. 1.

[4]        Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Consumer Protection) Bill 2013, proposed amendments, at:;fileType=application%2Fpdf (accessed 17 May 2013).

[5]        Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Submission 5, p. 4.

[6]        See, for example, Correspondence from the TIO, dated 2 May 2013.

[7]        Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Reform of the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman Scheme, at (accessed 10 May 2013).

[8]        Explanatory Memorandum, p. 12.

[9]        Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Submission 5, pp 5–6.

[10]      Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Submissions received in response to the TIO discussion paper, at: (accessed 10 May 2013).

[11]      Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Reform of the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman Scheme, at (accessed 10 May 2013).

[12]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 12; see also TIO report, p. 7. The DIST benchmarks are at: (accessed 13 May 2013).

[13]      Note that the benchmarks are also currently under review: see Commonwealth Consumer Affairs Advisory Council, Review of the Benchmarks for Industry-based Customer Dispute Resolution Schemes, at: (accessed 10 May 2013).

[14]      Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Submission 5, p. 6.

[15]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 12; see also TIO report, p. 9.

[16]      Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Submission 5, p. 7.

[17]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 1.

[18]      See item 31, Part 2, Schedule 1 of the bill.

[19]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 13 and proposed ss. 31(11).

[20]      Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Submission 5, p. 7.

[21]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 13 and proposed new s.133A: see item 32, Part 2, Schedule 1.

[22]      Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Submission 5, p. 3.

[23]      Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Submission 5, p. 3.

[24]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 1.

[25]      See items 8–11, Part 1, Schedule 1.

[26]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 8.

[27]      See items 12–15, Part 1, Schedule 1.

[28]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 9.

[29]      Proposed paragraphs 119A(1)(e) to 119A(1)(k).

[30]      Note there is no requirement to consult the TIO where the code variation deals with telemarketing or fax marketing matters: see proposed paragraph 119A(1)(h).

[31]      Explanatory Memorandum, pp 9–10.

[32]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 10. The current arrangements are set out in subsection 120(2) of the Telecommunications Act, which is to be repealed by the bill.

[33]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 1. See also items 17–30, Part 1, Schedule 1.

[34];fileType=application%2Fpdf (accessed 17 May 2013).

[35]      See proposed subsection 61A(2).

[36]      Carrier Licence Conditions (Telstra Corporation Limited) Declaration 1997, clause 9.

[37]      Mr Adam Bandt MP, Greens moves to halt offshoring of Sensis jobs, media release, 9 April 2013, at: (accessed 17 May 2013) and Peter Cai and Glenda Kwek, Better service offshore: Telstra, Sydney Morning Herald, 21 February 2013, at:  (accessed 17 May 2013).

[38]      Explanatory Memorandum, pp 1–2.

[39]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 6.

[40]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 6.

[41]      Note that the bill refers to a 'contract, arrangement or understanding'.

[42]      Explanatory Memorandum, p. 6.

[43]      Items 2-4, Part 1, Schedule 1.

[44]      Proposed para. 12(1)(a) at item 6, Part 1, Schedule 1.

[45]      Proposed para. 12(1)(c) at item 4, Part 1, Schedule 1. A definition of 'give effect to' would be inserted into section 4 of the Do Not Call Register Act by item 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 1 of the bill.

[46]       Parliament Joint Committee on Human Rights, Sixth report of 2013, May 2013, pp 84-85.

[47]       Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills, Alert Digest, No. 5, 2013, p. 98.

Chapter 2 - Key issues

[1]        Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Submission 5, p. 4.

[2]        Vodafone Hutchinson Australia, Submission 3, p. 1.

[3]        Vodafone Hutchinson Australia, Submission 3, p. 1.

[4]        ACCAN, Submission 2, p. 1.

[5]        Vodafone Hutchinson Australia, Submission 3, p. 1; Correspondence from the TIO, dated 2 May 2013, p. 2.

[6]        Explanatory Memorandum, p. 13 and see also p. 12.

[7]        iiNet, Submission 4, p. 2.

[8]        iiNet, Submission 4, p. 2.

[9]        iiNet, Submission 4, p. 2 and see also paragraph 4(b) of the Telecommunications Act.

[10]      iiNet, Submission 4, p. 4.

[11]      iiNet, Submission 4, pp 3–4.

[12]      Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Submission 5, p. 7.

[13]      Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Submission 5, p. 6.

[14]      Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Submission 5, p. 6.

[15]      Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Submission 5, p. 6.

[16]      Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Submission 5, p. 7.

[17]      Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Submission 5, p. 7.

[18]      Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Submission 5, p. 6.

[19]      Communications Alliance, Submission 1, p. 1.

[20]      Communications Alliance, Submission 1, p. 2.

[21]      Communications Alliance, Submission 1, p. 2.

[22]      Communications Alliance, Submission 1, p. 3.

[23]      ACCAN, Submission 2, p. 1.

[24]      Vodafone Hutchinson Australia, Submission 3, p. 1.

[25]      iiNet, Submission 4, p. 1.

[26]      ADMA, Submission 6, p. 2.

[27]      as provided to the TIO by the department in February 2013.

[28]      Correspondence from the TIO, dated 2 May 2013, p. 2.

[29]      Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Submission 5, p. 5.

[30]      Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Submission 5, p. 4.

[31]      Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Submission 5, p. 4.

[32]      Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Submission 5, p. 5.

[33]      Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Submission 5, p. 4.

[34]      Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Submission 5, p. 8.

[35]      Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Submission 5, p. 8.

[36]      ACCAN, Submission 2, p. 1.

[37]      ADMA, Submission 6, p. 1.

[38]      ADMA, Submission 6, p. 1.

[39]      Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Submission 5, p. 8.