Additional Comments submitted by Senator Scott Ludlam for the Australian Greens

Additional Comments submitted by Senator Scott Ludlam for the Australian Greens

The Australian Greens welcome the opportunity to begin the process of reversing the worst consequences of the privatisation of Telstra. The main aim of the bill is to address the horizontal and vertical integration of Telstra, which has allowed the incumbent to unfairly exercise market power, ultimately to the detriment of the public interest. While the Telstra board will decide which form of separation the company will undergo, the most likely outcome will be a return to public hands of key network infrastructure which should never have been sold in the first place.

The amendments the Greens will propose to this bill are intended to strengthen the rights of three distinct interest groups, namely:

Principles with which the Greens have approached this bill:

Greens position on the bill:

The Greens seek Government agreement on the following amendments:

The debate over the future of Telstra (and the market structure of the proposed NBN) has tended to overlook the rights of the people who will ultimately use the telecommunications services - the end-users. For this reason the Greens will propose amendments which broaden the definition of 'Standard Telephone Service' to cover the much larger array of telecommunications services which now exist, and we will move to make compensation payments liable under the Customer Service Guarantee (CSG) automatic rather than relying on customers to apply.

In particular these amendments will strengthen services in regional areas where services have traditionally been patchy or non-existent.


Senator Scott Ludlam
Senator for Western Australia

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