Appendix 1

Appendix 1


1                   Professor Andrew Blakers

2                   Springers Low Voltage Specialists

3                   Pyramid Power Company

4                   Ms Jennifer Fordyce

5                   Mr Mark Rickards

6                   EcoTasmania Inc

7                   Mr David Bond

8                   Ms Sarah Moles

9                   Mr Peter Meloy

10                 Mr Gary Holt

11                 Mr John Cooke, Independent Power Systems Pty Ltd

12                 Mr Angelo Artuso, Solar Inception Pty Ltd

13                 Mr Rod Menzies, Renewable Resources Workshop

14                 Mr Phil Gower, Remote Area Power Pumping & Solar Systems

15                 Mr David Bartley, Soma Power Pty Ltd t/as Sunrise Solar

16                 Mr Laurence Port, Residential Solar Systems Pty Ltd

17                 St Vincent de Paul Society

18                 Mr Brian Jones, Switched-On Electrical/Solar

19                 Mr Gavin Street

20                 Mr Austin Vaughan, Laser Electrical - Moorabbin

21                 Mr Peter Bone, Bone Electrical Pty Ltd

22                 Mr Paul Cole, PBC SolarPower

23                 Mr Nick Lake, Nickel Pty Ltd

24                 Ergon Energy

25                 Mr Zelko Persic

26                 Mr Philip Wong

27                 Mr Russell French, Sun Empire Solar Systems

28                 Mr Mike and Ms Cathy Gorman, Kangaroo Valley Solar

29                 Mr Jeffrey Michel

30                 World Future Council

31                 Professor Peter Droege

32                 Mr Mark Landmann (PDF 5KB)

33                 Mr Kelvin T Jones

34                 Environmental Defender's Office (ACT) Inc

35                 Mr Glen Holland, Sun Wise Electrics

36                 Mr Christopher Sanderson, Transocean Investments Pty Ltd

37                 Mr Ian J Dawson, ECS Perth

38                 Dr Bill Parker, Proteomics International Pty Ltd

39                 Mr Geoff Bragg, New England Solar Power

40                 Mr Robbert Veerman

41                 Mr Hans-Josef Fell MdB, Member of German Parliament

42                 Mr Rob Lee Tet, SolarCo Canberra

43                 Mr Michael N Nugent

44                 Ms Melva Truchanas

45                 Ms Patricia Scott

46                 Mr Mark England, Electric Biz Pty Ltd

47                 Mr Wayne Kaufline

48                 Dr Gideon Polya

49                 SunPower Corporation Australia

50                 Ms Helen Nicholls

51                 Australsun Pty Ltd

52                 Ms Sandra Hunter

53                 Professor Michael Christie

54                 Ms Jackie Graham and Mr Steve Lord

55                 Dr Peter Burchett and Mr Andrew Sumner

56                 WWF-Australia

58                 Mr David Sydney-Smith, EarthRise Renewables Pty Ltd

59                 Ms Naomi Aitchison, Ms Jackie Hartnell, Ms Stephanie and Mr David Mann, Ms Juliette Rennie and Mr Mark Farnell, Ms Samantha
                     Rennie and Ms Kate Ansett and Mr Steve Fisher

60                 Ms Wendy Suiter

61                 Mr Ian Hall, SolarXpress

62                 European Photovoltaic Industry Association

63                 Ms Judith Bailey

64                 Locals Into Victoria's Environment (LIVE)

65                 Lighter Footprints

66                 Storm Sustainability Ltd

67                 Ms Rebecca Horridge

68                 Department of Premier and Cabinet, Government of South Australia

69                 Mr Kevin Hicks

70                 Mr Michael Croft

71                 Mount Alexander Sustainability Group, Tarrangower Branch

72                 Solartec Renewables Pty Ltd

73                 Mr Nigel and Ms Nikki Waters

74                 Mr Geoff Thomas, Advanced Wind Technologies

75                 Mr John Sheehan

76                 Mr Steve Gates, Sustainable Energy Now Inc

77                 Ms Prue Acton

78                 Dr Muriel Watt, Australian PV Association

79                 c4 Healesville

80                 Nature Conservation Council of NSW

81                 Mr Steve Burns

82                 Friends of the Earth Australia

83                 BREAZE

84                 Mr Michael Tibbs, Rock Innovations

85                 Mr Robert A Redmond

86                 Mr Peter and Ms Kerry Davies

86A               Mr Peter and Ms Kerry Davies (Supplementary Submission)

87                 The Australian Climate Justice Program

87A               The Australian Climate Justice Program (Supplementary Submission)

88                 Australian Conservation Foundation

89                 City of Greater Bendigo

90                 Mr David Phillips, Ethical Energy

91                 The Conservation Council

92                 Mr Trevor Robotham, Sun Wind and Power (SWAP)

93                 Rainbow Power Company

94                 Environment Victoria

95                 GetUp

96                 Mr Bill Scott

97                 Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council

98                 Greenpeace Australia Pacific

99                 Moreland Energy Foundation Limited

100               ATA - Alternative Technology Association

101               Environment Tasmania

102               Mr Clement Clarke

103               Beyond Zero Emissions

104               Solar Shop Australia Pty Ltd

105               Ms Liz Denborough

106               Ms Miwa Tominaga

107               Beyond Building Energy

108               Ms Maria Romiti

109               Healesville Environment Watch Inc

110               Local Power

110A             Local Power (Supplementary Submission)

111               Phoenix Solar Pty Ltd

112               Mrs Louise Broadbent and Ms Susan Plowright

113               W-Can - Wollongong Climate Action Network

114               Electrical Trades Union of Australia - Southern States Branch

115               Sustainable Energy Policy Queensland

116               BP Solar

117               Energy Australia

118               Hush Wind Power Limited

119               Mr Martin Hogan

120               Dr Max Whisson

121               Woolworths Limited

122               Ausra Pty Limited

123               Dr James Prest

124               Department of Climate Change

125               Clean Energy Council

126               Conergy

127               Suntech Power Australia

128               Mr Dieter Liebrich - Solectrics

129               Dr Christina Kirsch - Northern Beaches Greens

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