

Recommendation 1

2.40    Noting strong industry, consumer and government support for FIT schemes, the committee recommends that the Commonwealth government, through COAG, work as quickly as practicable to implement a FIT framework that is as far as possible nationally uniform and consistent.

Recommendation 2

3.18    The committee recommends that all governments consider carefully the evidence received by this Senate inquiry regarding metering, as well as the track record of existing FIT schemes overseas, in designing a nationally consistent FIT framework for Australia.

Recommendation 3

3.55    The committee recommends that a more regular system of payments to generators be considered than the annual payments in the proposed bill.

Recommendation 4

3.78    The committee recommends that tariff degression rates form part of the nationally consistent FIT framework, but that there also be capacity for degression rate 'pauses' to be instituted following a rate review procedure.

Recommendation 5

3.79    The committee recommends that tariff degression rates be technology-specific.

Recommendation 6

3.87    While strongly supporting a nationally consistent feed-in tariff framework, the committee recommends the current bill not proceed.

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