Submissions received

Inquiry into the Commonwealth Radioactive Waste Management (Repeal and Consequential Amendment) Bill 2008

Submissions received

Sub No. Submitter
1 Ms Judy Blyth (PDF 6KB)
2 Australian Uranium Association (PDF 5KB)
3 Ms Karin Ochsner (PDF 4KB)
4 Ms Judith Cullity (PDF 37KB)
5 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Association (ANSTO) (PDF 23KB)
6 Central Land Council (PDF 135KB)
7 Ms Julie Matheson, CFP, Sovereign Bridge Pty Ltd (PDF 7KB); Attachment (PDF 1409KB)
8 Ms Susan Ambler (PDF 5KB)
9 Ms Sandra Betts (PDF 4KB)
10 Ms Alana Parrott-Jolly (PDF 5KB)
11 Mr Nick Koukourou (PDF 4KB)
12 Ms Monique Fabris (PDF 5KB)
13 Ms Dawn Jecks (PDF 6KB)
14 Ms Elke Stegemann (PDF 5KB)
15 Mr Rufus Coffield-Feith (PDF 5KB)
16 Ms Jessica Felix (PDF 6KB)
17 Ms Kerrie-Ann Garlick (PDF 110KB)
18 Australian Nuclear Association (PDF 112KB)
19 Mr Marcus Atkinson (PDF 17KB)
20 Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (Australian Section) Inc (PDF 35KB); Attachment 1 (PDF 17KB);
Attachment 2 (PDF 190KB); Attachment 3 (PDF 18KB) and Attachment 4 (PDF 619KB)
21 Mr Brendan Cahill (PDF 3KB)
22 Ms Leonie Chester (PDF 334KB)
23 Top End Aboriginal Conservation Alliance (PDF 72KB)
24 Ms Karin Geradts (PDF 8KB)
25 Friends of the Earth Sydney (PDF 34KB)
26 Ms Marion Giles (PDF 6KB)
27 Ms Kristin Knorr (PDF 5KB)
28 Mr Anson Antriasian (PDF 10KB)
29 Ms Michele Madigan (PDF 15KB)
30 Katherine Town Council (PDF 33KB)
31 Ms Margaret Smyrnis (PDF 257KB)
32 Ms Emily Mercer (PDF 343KB)
33 Medical Association for the Prevention of War (Northern Territory Branch) (PDF 470KB)
34 Ms Edwina Howell (PDF 10KB)
35 Arid Lands Environment Centre, Inc (PDF 62KB)
36 Environment Centre NT (PDF 49KB)
37 Ms Olivia Nigro (PDF 16KB)
38 Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia) (PDF 42KB)
39 Ms Jessica Morrison (PDF 5KB)
40 Ms Anna McIldowie (PDF 5KB
41 Ms Petrena and Mr Alex Ariston (PDF 9KB)
42 Ms Katie Beruldsen (PDF 44KB)
43 Blue Mountains Nuclear Free Group (PDF 45KB)
44 Ms Lisa Hall (PDF 5KB)
45 Mr Andrew Longmire (PDF 5KB)
46 Mr Peter and Ms Christine Holmes (PDF 42KB)
47 Ms Kate Holmes (PDF 9KB)
48 Ms Liz Denborough (PDF 7KB)
49 Alderman Jane Clark (PDF 4KB)
50 Friends of the Earth Adelaide (PDF 26KB)
51 Mr Leonard J Aronsten (PDF 5KB)
52 Nicky Schonkala (PDF 10KB)
53 Ms Cheryl and Mr Keith Kaulfuss (PDF 32KB)
54 Ange Parrish (PDF 39KB)
55 Mr John Goodall (PDF 4KB)
56 Ms Janet Pierce (PDF 829KB)
57 Oxfam Australia (PDF 35KB)
58 Ms Amelia Young (PDF 9KB)
59 Mr Adrian Hyland (PDF 6KB)
60 Ms Belinda Lang (PDF 8KB)
61 Dr Tom Keaney (PDF 8KB)
62 Mr Benedict Keaney (PDF 269KB)
63 Mr Daniel-John Peterson (PDF 14KB)
64 Australian Student Environment Network (PDF 19KB)
65 Mr Pete Allsop (PDF 4KB)
66 Mr Tony Backhouse (PDF 4KB)
67 Mr Scott Foyster (PDF 114KB)
68 Aly de Groot (PDF 4KB)
69 Ms Mandy Webb (PDF 5KB)
70 Ms Marlene Hodder (PDF 9KB
71 Ms Laura Metcalf and Mr Luke Ariston (PDF 241KB)
72 Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (WGAR) (PDF 9KB)
73 Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies (FASTS) (PDF 94KB)
74 Friends of the Earth, Australia (PDF 172KB)
75 Pindimar Bundabah Community Association (PDF 12KB)
76 Ms Karen Drew (PDF 9KB)
77 Mr Barry Utley (PDF 8KB)
78 People for Nuclear Disarmament, Western Australia (PDF 44KB)
79 Mr Derek Schild (PDF 5KB
80 Ms Thalia Collard (PDF 5KB)
81 Northern Territory Government (PDF 220KB)
82 Ms Georgie Stubbs (PDF 5KB)
83 No Waste Alliance (PDF 254KB)
84 Mr Stephen McMahon (PDF 11KB)
85 Australian Conservation Foundation (PDF 316KB)
86 Mr Gerry Wood MLA (PDF 8KB)
87 Ms Vina Hornsby (PDF 6KB)
88 Ms Mia Pepper (PDF 4KB)
89 Miss Liz Howells (PDF 5KB)
90 Anti-Nuclear Alliance of Western Australia (PDF 55KB)
91 Mr Michael Henry (PDF 7KB)
92 Ms Grusha Leeman (PDF 6KB)
93 Alice Springs Town Council (PDF 177KB)
94 Arid Lands Environment Centre - Beyond Nuclear Initiative (PDF 238KB); Attachment - Letter to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd regarding Radioactive Waste Management Election Commitments (PDF 79KB)
95 Muckaty Traditional Owners (PDF 547KB); Attachment 1: Map of Aboriginal Lands in the Northern Territory (Not available electronically); Attachment 2: Muckaty Pastoral Lease Aboriginal Land Commissioner determination, 1997 (PDF 2567KB); Attachment 3: Plan of proposed waste facility location (PDF 94KB); Attachment 4: List of Ngapa sacred sites (PDF 44KB); Attachment 5: UN Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples (PDF 66KB); Attachment 6: Traditional owners correspondence to NLC, 1 December 2006 (PDF 139KB); Attachment 7: Traditional owners correspondence to Minister Julie Bishop, 21 February 2007 (PDF 124KB); Attachment 8: Traditional owners correspondence to NLC, 1 March 2007 (PDF 74KB); Attachment 9: Traditional owners correspondence to Minister Martin Ferguson, 22 April 2008 (PDF 147KB); Attachment 10: Traditional owners correspondence to Hon. Warren Snowdon and Senator Trish Crossin, 30 May 2008 (PDF 103KB); Attachment 11: Minister Martin Ferguson correspondence to Ms Dianne Stokes, 22 July 2008 (PDF 64KB); Attachment 12: Ms Dianne Stokes correspondence to Minister Martin Ferguson, 30 July 2008 (PDF 53KB); Attachment 13: McCluskys Lawyers correspondence to NLC, 3 September 2008 (PDF 416KB)
95A Muckaty Traditional Owners (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 305KB)
96 Northern Land Council (PDF 34KB); Attachment (PDF 52KB)
96A Northern Land Council (Supplementary Submission) (PDF 94KB)
Response from Dr Jim Green (Friends of the Earth) and Ms Natalie Wasley (Beyond Nuclear Initiative) (PDF 53KB)
97 Keelah Lam (PDF 9KB)
98 Mr Nick Pastalatzis (PDF 599KB)
99 The Radioactive Show Crew, 3CR Community Radio (PDF 5KB)
100 Public Health Association of Australia (PDF 74KB)
101 Dr Charlie Carter (PDF 312KB)
102 Ms Waratah Rose Gillespie (PDF 1143KB)
103 Muckaty Traditional owners opposed to the proposed radioactive waste facility (PDF 145KB) (DVD available from committee secretariat on request).

Additional Information Received

Parliament of New South Wales: Joint Select Committee on the Transportation and Storage of Nuclear Waste - Inquiry into the Transportation and Storage of Nuclear Waste (PDF 1546KB)

Answer to questions taken on notice

Department of Resources Energy and Tourism (from public hearing, Canberra, 28 November 2008) (PDF 667KB)

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committee on Environment, Communications and the Arts Committee
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818