Committee membership

Committee membership

Members to 30 June 2008

Senator Anne McEwen (ALP, SA) (Chair)
Senator Andrew Bartlett (AD, QLD) (Deputy Chair)
Senator Simon Birmingham (LP, SA)
Senator the Hon. Rod Kemp (LP, VIC)
Senator Kate Lundy (ALP, ACT)
Senator Stephen Parry (LP, TAS)
Senator Ruth Webber (ALP, WA)
Senator Dana Wortley (ALP, SA)


Members from 1 July 2008

Senator Anne McEwen (ALP, SA) (Chair)
Senator Simon Birmingham (LP, SA) (Deputy Chair from 6 August 2008)
Senator Scott Ludlam (AG, WA)
Senator Kate Lundy (ALP, ACT)
Senator Stephen Parry (LP, TAS)
Senator Louise Pratt (ALP, WA)
Senator John Williams (NP, NSW)
Senator Dana Wortley (ALP, SA)


Participating Members participating in this inquiry

Senator Steve Fielding (FF, VIC)


Committee secretariat

Mr Stephen Palethorpe, Inquiry Secretary
Ms Jane Thomson, Senior Research Officer
Ms Katie Meyers, Executive Assistant
Mrs Dianne Warhurst, Executive Assistant
Ms Margaret Cahill, Executive Assistant


Committee address

PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Tel:  02 6277 3526
Fax: 02 6277 5818

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