Chapter 1 – Privilege Matters raised with the ECITA Committee

Chapter 1 – Privilege Matters raised with the ECITA Committee

On 30 June 2006, the ECITA Committee held a public hearing in Cairns in connection with its national parks, conservation reserves and marine protected areas inquiry. At that hearing the committee took evidence from two Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) staff – Mr Dave Green and Dr Paul Williams – each appearing in an individual capacity.

The committee later received complaints from both witnesses that raised concerns regarding parliamentary privilege. On 12 January 2007, Dr Paul Williams complained to the committee concerning his treatment by two managers, District Manager Mr Geoff Meadows, and Regional Director Mr Clive Cook. On 29 January 2007, Mr Green wrote to the committee expressing concern regarding a statement made to him by one of his organisation's senior managers, Clive Cook, at the time of the hearing.

Under Privilege Resolution 1(18), the committee is required in a situation such as this to report the facts and its conclusions to the Senate.

Chapter two addresses the matters raised by Dr Williams, while chapter three addresses the matter raised by Mr Green. Because both witnesses raised matters at a similar time in relation to the same senior manager (Mr Cook), and both cases were addressed on behalf of QPWS by the Queensland Deputy Crown Solicitor, there are references to both cases in some of the attached correspondence.

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