Recommendation 1
The Government should set, in consultation with
industry, a ten-year national target for an optic fibre consumer access network
roll-out and should invest the necessary regulatory and compliance powers with
the Australian Communications Authority to ensure that this target is met
(para. 4.69).
Recommendation 2
The Committee recommends that the Government's
accepted definitions of ADSL and broadband speeds reflect international best
practice standards and should not be determined or overly influenced by product
definitions of speed offered by Telstra and other carriers. The Government
should review these definitions every twelve months to ensure that speeds
remain contemporary (para. 4.70).
Recommendation 3
The Committee recommends that the Productivity
Commission be tasked to undertake a full examination of all the options for
structural reform in Australian telecommunications, including but not
restricted to, the structural separation of Telstra (para. 4.77).
Recommendation 4
The Committee recommends that Telstra be
required to divest its shareholding in Foxtel (para. 4.79).
Recommendation 5
The Government should direct the Australian
Competition and Consumer Commission to provide further advice on its
recommendations in its report Emerging
Market Structures in the Communications Sector on the feasibility of
introducing a content access regime (para. 4.80).
Recommendation 6
The Government should direct the Australian
Competition and Consumer Commission to provide further advice on its
recommendations in its report Emerging
Market Structures in the Communication Sector that Telstra be required to
divest itself of its HFC network (para. 4.81).
Recommendation 7
The Government should review section
151AKA(10) of the Trade Practices Act
1974 to determine whether, under some
circumstances, it may prevent the Australian Competition and Consumer
Commission from acting swiftly to address anti-competitive conduct.
Consideration should be given to the necessity and the effectiveness of issuing
consultation and competition notices in addressing anti-competitive conduct
(para. 4.84).
Recommendation 8
The Australian Competition and
Consumer Commission should examine and report on the anti-competitive effects
of the current peering arrangements which allow the exchange of traffic between
Tier 1 providers on a settlement-free basis and which creates cost
disadvantages for smaller ISPs (para. 4.85).
Recommendation 9
The Australian Competition and Consumer
Commission should examine the availability of access to, and cost of, backhaul
services for carriers building or proposing to build new broadband
infrastructure. Consideration should also be given to the high costs of
backhaul services in regional and remote areas in light of the fact that
distance based charging is not a characteristic of the Internet (para. 4.86).
Recommendation 10
The Committee recommends that the
Australian Communications Authority be provided with all of Telstra's current
geospatial datasets, and that the Australian Communications Authority make
available these datasets on request, in a useable format, to other carriers and
ISPs (para. 4.88).