Bibliography & References

Bibliography & References

Includes references cited and select background documents.

AGC Woodward Clyde Pty Ltd, Port Hinchinbrook Site Environmental Audit for Acid Sulfate Soil Potential - Phase 2, 6 August 1999

AGC Woodward Clyde Pty Ltd, Port Hinchinbrook Eastern Precinct - Site Environmental Audit,  9 August 1999

Ackerman B B & others, Trends and Patterns in Mortality of Manatees in Florida, 1974-1992

Australian Economic Consultants, Report on the Townsville Regional Economy, 1998

Bonn Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, 23 June 1979

Bowman G M, Preliminary Assessment of Acid Sulfate Conditions, Port Hinchinbrook Development Site, Cardwell, North Queensland, CSIRO

Bowman G M, Peer Review of ‘Acid Sulfate Management Plan - Port Hinchinbrook’ [1996]

Buckley Vann Pty Ltd, Cardwell Properties Pty Ltd Proposed Rezoning - planning report, November 1998

Canegrowers, [Queensland] Department of Environment & Co-operative Research Centre for Sustainable Sugar Production, Sustainable Cane Growing in Queensland - code of practice, no date [1998]

Cardno & Davies, Port Hinchinbrook Resort at Cardwell - compilation of information..., March 1994

Cardwell Properties P/L, Port Hinchinbrook Acid Sulphate Management Plan - Long Term Acid Sulfate Management Plan, 11 April 1997

Cardwell Shire Council, Corporate Plan 1995-99

Coles R J et al, Distribution of Seagrasses at Oyster Point, Cardwell - a reconnaissance survey, September 1994, Qld Dept of Primary Industries

Coles R J et al, Distribution and Abundance of Seagrasses at Oyster Point, Cardwell, Spring (November) 1995 & Winter (August) 1996, Qld Dept of Primary Industries

Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, 1972

Cooperative Research Centre for the Ecologically Sustainable Development of the Great Barrier Reef, Dugongs in the Great Barrier Reef - the current state of research, August 1998

CSIRO (Dr G Bowman), Peer Review of “Acid Sulfate Management Plan - Port Hinchinbrook”, 25 October 1996

Department of Environment and Heritage [Queensland], Environmental Review Report - Port Hinchinbrook, May 1994

Department of Environment [Queensland], Hinchinbrook Island National Park - draft management plan, August 1996

Department of Environment [Queensland], Brook Islands Island National Park and Goold Island National Park - draft management plans, August 1996

Department of Primary Industries [Queensland], Discussion Paper - Sustainable Growth of Coastal Aquaculture Policy, no date [1999]

Department of Tourism [Commonwealth], National Ecotourism Strategy, 1994

Federal Court: Friends of Hinchinbrook Society Inc. v. Minister for Environment and others [1997] 55FCA (14 February 1997), 69 FCR 28; on appeal Friends of Hinchinbrook Society Inc. v. Minister for Environment and others [1997] 789 FCA (6 August 1997), 77 FCR 153

Fleming A, ‘Friends of Hinchinbrook Society Inc. v. Minister for Environment and Management of World Heritage’, Environmental and Planning Law Journal, vol. 14 no. 4, August 1997

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Port Hnchinbrook - scientific review of risk assessment with respect to ministerial consent, June 1996

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, The Great Barrier Reef: Keeping it Great: a 25 year strategic plan for the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, 1994-2019

Great Barrier Reef Ministerial Council, Dugong Communiqué, 14 August 1997

Hall M & Weiler B (eds), Special Interest Tourism, Belhaven Press, London 1991.

Hicks W S, Bowman G M & Fitzpatrick R W, East Trinity Acid Sulfate Soils - Part 1: Environmental Hazards, CSIRO Land & Water Technical Report 14/99, April 1999

Hill, the Hon. R, Statement of Reasons for my decisions under ... the World Heritage Properties Conservation Act 1983, that consent be given for Cardwell Properties ... , 1996

Illidge P, Recommended operational guidelines for QDE vessels in waterways in the Hinchinbrook Island area,

Johnson A K L & Murray A E, Herbert River Catchment Atlas, CSIRO, 1997

Kaly U L, Eugelink G & Robertson A L, Soil Conditions in Damaged North Queensland Mangroves, 1994; Estuaries, vol. 20 no. 2,  June 1997

Lee Long W J et al, Baseline Survey of Hinchinbrook Region Seagrasses - October (Spring) 1996, GBRMPA

Lee Long W J et al, Oyster Point Post-Dredging Seagrass Distribution, December 1997, Qld Dept of Primary Industries.

Loder & Bayly (J Wood & R Ison), A Review of the Draft Valentine Report Regarding World Heritage Values and the Oyster Point Proposal, 8 July 1994

Lucas P H C & others, The Outstanding Universal Value of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, 1997

Marsh H, Breen B & Morissette N, Shoalwater Bay Queensland: a report on the importance of the marine environment of Shoalwater Bay with particular reference to mangroves, seagrasses, sea turtles, shorebirds, dugongs and dolphins, James Cook University, 1992

Marsh H et al, The Status of the Dugong in the Southern Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, GBRMPA research paper no. 41, 1996

McCormick, Bill,  Port Hinchinbrook - To be or not to be? Parliamentary Research Service [Cth] Current Issues Brief No. 30 1994

National Ecotourism Strategy, Commonwealth Department of Tourism, 1994

National Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Development, Commonwealth of Australia, December 1992

National Environmental Consulting Services, “Port Hinchinbrook” - Assessment of potential environmental impacts on World Heritage property, 4 July 1995

Peterson M, Environmental Law Reform in Queensland, 1996

Queensland Acid Sulfate Soils Investigation Team, An assessment of the revised ‘Acid Sulfate Management Plan’ 13/3/97 ...  March 1997

Queensland Acid Sulfate Soils Investigation Team, A Report of the Acid Sulfate Soil Situation, Port Hinchinbrook Development Site, March 1999

Reichelt R, Overview of the scientific reviews of “Port Hinchinbrook Environmental Risk Assessment with reference to activities requiring Ministerial Consent”, 9 June 1996

Sammut J & Lines-Kelly R, An Introduction to Acid Sulfate Soils, Department of Environment, Sport & Territories, no date

Senate Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts References Committee, Commonwealth Environment Powers, May 1999

Sinclair Knight Merz, Port Hinchinbrook - Environmental Risk Assessment with reference to activities requiring Ministerial Consent, April 1996

Sinclair Knight Merz, Oyster Point Baseline Water Quality and Turbidity Studies, report for [Qld] Office of Major Projects, May 1996

The effects of mangrove clearing and related foreshore developments on the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area adjacent to the Port Hinchinbrook development, report to the Minister for the Environment, Sport and Territories of an experts’ workshop, Brisbane 25 November 1994

Valentine P, Hinchinbrook Area - World Heritage Values and the Oyster Point Proposal - a report to DEST, August 1994

Wachenfeld D R, Oliver J K & Morrissey J I (eds), State of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, 1998, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, 1998

White I & Melville D, Acid Sulfate Soils - facing the challenges, Earth Foundation Australian monograph 1, 1996

White I, Assessor’s report Port Hinchinbrook Acid Sulfate Management Plan [1996] 

Wright S D & others, Analysis of Watercraft Related Mortality of Manatees in Florida, 1979-1991

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