Senate Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Committees

Commonwealth Environment Powers
Table of Contents



Monday, 15 September 1997, Melbourne

Australian Conservation Foundation Victoria

Mr Mark Hortsman

Australian Conservation Foundation New South Wales

Mr Peter Charles Wright

Tuesday, 16 September 1997, Sydney

Colong Foundation for Wilderness, NSW

Mr Alexander Colley

Mr James Soimerville

Wildlife Preservation Society of Australia

Mr Vincent Serventy

Tuesday, 30 September 1997, Canberra

Environment Panel of the Canberra Division, Institution of Engineers, Australia

Mr Ian Richard Mcomb

Ms Lyne Joan Reeder

Dr John Alexander Webster

Thursday, 18 December 1997, Sydney

Environmental Defender's Office NSW

Mr Donald Anton, Policy Officer

Mr James Johnson, Director

Humane Society International

Mr Michael Kennedy

Mr Bruce Donald

Centre for Natural Resources Law and Policy, University of Wollongong

Ms Linda Tucker

The Colong Foundation for Wilderness NSW

Mr Keith Muir (Evidence followed by slide presentation)

Mr Peter Oastler

Coasts and Wetlands Society Inc

Associate Professor Paul Adam

Dr Brian Robinson

Australian Council of National Trusts ACT

Ms Sarah Jane Brazil

National Trust of Australia (NSW)

Mr Mathew Devine

National Parks Association of NSW Inc

Ms Anne Reeves

Environmental Defender's Office NSW

Mr James Johnson

Thursday, 23 April 1998, North Stradroke Island

Wildlife Preservation Society of QLD

Mr Simon Baltais

Redland Shire Council

Councillor Frank George Bradley

Mayor Edward Santagiuliana

Mr Gary White

Stradbroke Island Management Organisation Inc

Ms Ellie Durbidge

Ms Janice Haenke

Mr John Hepburn

Consolidated Rutile Limited

Mr Alan Kym

Quandamooka Land Council

Mr Brian Moreton Coghill

Mr Gregory S. McDougall

Mr Dale Ruska


Mr Melvile J. Holz

Marine Education Society of Australia

Ms Janet Olver

Rivermouth Action Group Inc

Mr Barry G. Wilson

Queensland Conservation Council

Ms Imogen Zethoven

Friday, 24 April 1998, Townsville

Scientific Background – a short briefing session

Dr Jon Luly – History of development of the site

Mr Trevor Webb – World Heritage issues

Dr Tony Preen – seagrass and dugongs issues

Dr Joanne Ellison – mangrove issues

Centre for Coastal Management Southern Cross University (Scientific Background)

Prof. P. Saenger

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

Dr Ian McPhail,

Mr Clive Cook

Mr Michael O'Keeffe

North Queensland Conservation Council

Mr David Haigh

Mr Keith Williams

North Queensland EDO

Mr Rowan Silva

Hinchinbrook Shire Council

Mayor Giuseppantanio Giandomenico

Cardwell Chamber of Commerce

Mr Bill Whiteman

Mr Gregory W. Smith

Cardwell Shire Council

Mayor Royce Douglas Fitzgerald

Mr Alan Harvey

The Wildlife Preservation Society of Qld Townsville Branch

Dr George Heinsohn

Community for Coastal and Cassowary Conservation Inc

Ms Margaret Thorsborne

Herbert River Canegrowers

Mr Angelo Girgenti

North Queensland Conservation Counicl

Ms Margaret Moorehouse

Mr Jeremy Tager

Monday, 27 April 1998, Melbourne

Peak Environmental Enterprises and Conservation Centre of Australia

Dr Geoff Mosley

Friends of the Earth Australia

Mr Cam Walker

Ms Juliette Forsythe

Environment Victoria

Mr Peter Christoff

Victorian National Parks Association Inc

Ms Jenny Barnett

Birds Australia

Mr Donald Coventry

Dr Stephen Ambrose

Westernport and Peninsula Protection Council

Dr Brian Cuming

Phillip Island Conservation Society

Mr Graeme Burgan

Geelong Environment Council

Mrs Joan Lindross

The Maryvale “A” Team

Mr Chris Moody

Mr Derek Amos

Mrs Leanne Martin

People for Ecologically Sustainable Transport

Mr Alan Parker

Peak Environmental Enterprises and Conservation Centre of Australia

Dr Geoff Mosley

Tuesday, 14 July 1998, Launceston

Launceston Environment Centre

Ms Carol Williams

Tarkine national Coalition

Mr Peter Sims

Tasmanian Conservation Trust

Mr Alistair M. Graham

Tasmanian Conservation Trust (North West Branch)

Mr Arnold Rowlands

Bird Lovers of Black Sugarloaf

Mr Ron Nagorcka

Wednesday, 15 July 1998, Adelaide

Urban Ecology Australia

Ms Sharon Ede

Mr Paul Downton

The Nature Conservation Society of South Australia Inc

Dr Christine Son

Conservation Council of South Australia

Dr David Close

Mr David Noonan

Fleurieu Regional Environmental Alliance

Mr Anthony Dent

Town of Kwinana Council (By Teleconference)

Mr Peter McKenzie, Manager Environmental Health

Aboriginal Legal Service (By Teleconference)

Mr Glenn Shaw, Executive Officer, Land and Heritage Unit