List of Abbreviations


Appendix 6

List of Abbreviations

AARNET Australian Academic and Research Network

ACA Australian Communications Authority

ACCC Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

ACIF Australian Communications Industry Forum

ADSL Asymmetric digital subscriber line

ALGA Australian Local Government Association

ALP Australian Labor Party

AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone Service

ASPA Australian Secondary Principals' Association

ATIA Australian Telecommunications Industry Association

ATSIC Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission

ATUG Australian Telecommunications Users Group

AUSTEL Australian Telecommunications Authority (merged with SMA on 1 July 1997 to become the ACA)

BTCE Bureau of Transport and Communications Economics

CAN Customer Access Network

CDMA Code Division Multiple Access

CEG Communications Expert Group

CEPU Communications, Electrical and Plumbing Union

CIT Computer Integrated Telephone

CLC Communications Law Centre

CLI Caller Line Identification

COSBOA Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia

CPSU Community and Public Sector Union

CWA Country Women's Association

DECT Digital European Cordless Technology/Telephony

DIST Department of Industry, Science and Tourism

DoCA Department of Communications and the Arts

DoFA Department of Finance and Administration

DPIE Department of Primary Industries and Energy

FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access

HFC Hybrid fibre coaxial

ISDN Integrated Systems Digital Network

ITU International Telecommunications Union

NFF National Farmers' Federation

OASIT Office of Asset Sales and Information Technology Outsourcing

PSTN Public switched telephone network

RCC Radiocommunications Consultative Council

RTIF Regional Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund

SMA Spectrum Management Agency (merged with parts of AUSTEL on 1 July 1997 to become the ACA)

TAF Telecommunications Access Forum

TDMA Time Division Multiple Access

TIO Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman

TMM Telstra Multimedia Pty Ltd

USO Universal Service Provider

USP Universal Service Provider

WMD Western Murray Development