Terms of Reference

Report of the Senate Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts References Committee
The Heat Is On: Australia's Greenhouse Future
Table of Contents

This document is produced from camera-ready copy prepared by the Senate Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts References Committee Secretariat, and printed by the Senate Printing Unit, Parliament House, Canberra.

`The whole history of international environmental action has been of arriving at a destination which looked impossibly distant at the moment of departure.'

Tony Brenton, The Greening of Machiavelli

Terms of Reference

1. On 11 August 1999 the Senate referred the following matters to the Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts References Committee for inquiry and report by the first sitting day in August 2000 (which was later extended to 8 November 2000):

2. On 22 September 1999 the Senate referred the Convention on Climate Change (Implementation) Bill 1999, a private senator's bill, to the Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts References Committee, to be considered in conjunction with the Committee's inquiry into global warming.

This Bill seeks to give effect to Australia's obligations under the Framework Convention on Climate Change, and provides for the establishment of regulatory arrangements for Australia's greenhouse policy, including binding emissions targets, a legislated emissions cap and a domestic system of emissions trading.

Membership of the Committee - 39th Parliament


Senator Lyn Allison (Chair) (AD, VIC)
Senator John Tierney (Deputy Chair) (LP, NSW)
Senator Mark Bishop (ALP, WA)
Senator the Hon Nick Bolkus (ALP, SA)
Senator Kate Lundy (ALP, ACT)
Senator Tseben Tchen (LP, VIC)

Substitute Member:

Senator Jan McLucas (ALP, QLD) to substitute for Senator Bolkus for the inquiry into Global Warming and the Convention on Climate Change (Implementation) Bill 1999

Participating Members:

Senator the Hon Eric Abetz (LP, TAS)
Senator Andrew Bartlett (AD, QLD)
Senator the Hon Ron Boswell (NP, QLD)
Senator Bob Brown (AG, TAS)
Senator Paul Calvert (LP, TAS)
Senator George Campbell (ALP, NSW)
Senator Kim Carr (ALP, VIC)
Senator Grant Chapman (LP, SA)
Senator Helen Coonan (LP, NSW)
Senator Winston Crane (LP, WA)
Senator Alan Eggleston (LP, WA)
Senator the Hon John Faulkner (ALP, NSW)
Senator Alan Ferguson (LP, SA)
Senator Jeannie Ferris (LP, SA)
Senator the Hon Brian Gibson AM (LP, TAS)
Senator Brian Harradine (IND, TAS)
Senator Len Harris (PHON, QLD)
Senator Steve Hutchins (ALP, NSW)
Senator Sue Knowles (LP, WA)
Senator Meg Lees (AD, SA)
Senator Sue Mackay (ALP, TAS)
Senator Brett Mason (LP, QLD)
Senator Julian McGauran (NPA, VIC)
Senator Jan McLucas (ALP, QLD)
Senator Shayne Murphy (ALP, TAS)
Senator Marise Payne (LP, NSW)
Senator the Hon Chris Schacht (ALP, SA)
Senator Natasha Stott Despoja (AD, SA)
Senator John Watson (LP, TAS)
Senator Aden Ridgeway (AD, NSW) appointed for
arts issues
Senator Vicki Bourne (AD, NSW) appointed for the
inquiry into the online delivery of ABC material

Committee Secretariat

Mr Richard Selth (to 29 February 2000)
Ms Roxane Le Guen (to 25 August 2000)
Ms Andrea Griffiths (from 28 August 2000)

Principal Research Officer
Dr Anthony Burke

Senior Research Officers
Ms Judy Lachele (SWIM Program Officer)
Ms Helen Grinbergs (seconded from the Australian Greenhouse Office)
Ms Patricia Burritt
Mr David Arnold (to 27 July 2000)

Executive Assistant
Ms Angela Mututu (to 13 September 2000)
Ms EmmaJane Will (from 11 September 2000)

Committee Address:

Environment, Communications, Information Technology
and the Arts References Committee
S1.57, Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Tel: 02 6277 3526

Fax: 02 6277 5818


ABARE Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics
ABEC Australian Building Energy Council
ACA Australian Cogeneration Association (see AEA)
ACCC Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
ACF Australian Conservation Foundation
AEA Australian EcoGeneration Association (formerly Australian Cogeneration Association)
AGA Australian Gas Association
AGO Australian Greenhouse Office
AIGN Australian Industry Greenhouse Network
ALGA Australian Local Government Association
AMEIF Australian Municipal Energy Improvement Facility
Anthropogenic Caused by human activity, in relation to climate change it describes greenhouse gas emissions resulting from human activities.
ANZECC Australia and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council
AOGCMs ocean-atmosphere global climate models
ARA Australasian Railways Association
ARMCANZ Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand
BAU `business-as-usual' scenario
BCA Business Council of Australia
BFG Bush For Greenhouse
CANA Climate Action Network Australia
CCA Coca-Cola Amatil
CCP Cities for Climate ProtectionTM
CDM Clean Development Mechanism
CERs certified emission reductions
CH4 methane
CIF Cement Industry Federation
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
CO2 carbon dioxide
COAG Council of Australian Governments
CoP Conference of the Parties
DISR Department of Industry, Science and Resources
DNV Det Norske Veritas
EEBPP Energy Efficiency Best Practice Program
ENSO El Nino-Southern Oscillation
EPBC Act Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
ERUs emission reduction units
ESAA Electricity Supply Association of Australia
ETI Energy Technology Investments
EU European Union
FBT Fringe Benefits Tax
FCCC Framework Convention on Climate Change
FE `frozen' or `static' efficiency assumption
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GEF Global Environment Facility
GEMS Greenhouse Energy Management System
GGAP Greenhouse Gas Abatement Program
GNE Gross National Expenditure
Gt Giga (billion) tonnes
GTEM Global Trade and Environment Model
GWP Global warming potential
HADCM3 Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research latest climate change model
HFCs Hydrofluorocarbons
ICLEI International Council of Local Environment Initiatives
ICSU International Council of Scientific Unions
INC Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee
IPART NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal
IPCC Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change
JI Joint Implementation
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
LPG Liquid Petroleum Gas
LUC Land use change
LULUCF Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry
MEPS Minimum Energy Performance Standards
MMA McLennan Maganasik
Mt Mega (million) tonnes
N2O nitrous oxide
NCC National Competition Council
NCP National Competition Policy
NEC National Electricity Code
NECA National Electricity Code Administrator
NEEP National Energy Efficiency Program
NEM National Electricity Market
NEMMCO National Electricity Market Management Company
NEPC National Environment Protection Council
NEPM National Environment Protection Measure
NGAP National Green Power Accreditation Program
NGGI National Greenhouse Gas Inventory
NGS National Greenhouse Strategy
NSSP National Strategy Study Program
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OEM original equipment manufacture
PFCs Perfluorocarbons
PMSEIC Prime Minister's Science, Engineering and Innovation Council
Ppbv Parts per billion by volume
PPMFA Pulp and Paper Manufacturers Federation of Australia
ppmv Parts per million by volume
PVRP Photovoltaic Rebate Program
QCC Queensland Conservation Council
R&D Research and Development
RECP Renewable Energy Commercialisation Program
REEA Renewable Energy Action Agenda
REEF Renewable Energy Equity Fund
RESP Renewable Energy Showcase Program
RFAs State Regional Forest Agreements
RRPGP Renewable Remote Power Generation Program
SCARM Standing Committee on Agriculture and Resource Management
SECV State Electricity Commission of Victoria
SEDA Sustainable Energy Development Authority
SEIA Sustainable Energy Industry Association
SF6 sulphur hexafluoride
SRES Special Report on Emissions Scenarios
UNEP United Nations Environment Program
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
UNSWTP University of NSW Transport Program
VEEP Voluntary Energy Efficiency Program
WCP World Climate Program
WMO World Meteorological Organization
WWF World Wildlife Fund