Senate Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Committees

Commonwealth Environment Powers
Table of Contents

Appendix 4


Monday 15 September 1997 - Melbourne

Australian Conservation Foundation

Draft Wetlands Conservation Bill 1995 (South Africa)

Richardson, K. 1997. Environmental Issues and Values of the Paroo River Wetlands. A Report prepared for the Border Rivers Commission. Department of Land and Water Conservation. Centre for Natural Resources. March 1997. 27 pp.

Paroo River Scientific Workshop. Summary of Proceedings. Hungerford Queensland. July 7-9 1997. Organised by the Paroo River Association and sponsored by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. August 1997. 19 pp.

Media clippings on the Paroo River.

Thursday 18 December 1997 - Conference Room 814/815, Parliament House, Sydney

Mr Bruce Donald

Further information requested on 18 December 1997, 28 January 1998, 4pp

Friday 19 December 1997 - Inspection of the Blue Mountains

Blue Mountains City Council

Documents include: Local Environment Plan 1991, Local Environment Plan 1997, Erosion and Sediment Control Policy and Code of Practice, and covering letter received 27 January 1998

Friday 24 April 1998 -Conference Room TG201, Tropical Environment Studies and Geography Building, James Cook University, Townsville

North Queensland Conservation Council, Ms Margaret Moorhouse

Draft Environmental Review Report on Hinchinbrook, annotated by Mr Williams, 21 April 1994, 11pp,

List of Violations of the Deed of Agreement, 1p

Deed of Variation, annotated by Mr Williams, 6pp

Correspondence from Port Hinchinbrook Resort, 12 April 1996, 5pp

Media Release, 3 September 1996, 1p

1996 and 1997 pH tests, 1p

Preliminary Permit Assessment Record, 4pp

Extracts from NQCC Media releases, 3pp

Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage, Environmental Review Report, Proposed Marina and Resort, `Port Hinchinbrook', 2 May 1994

Monday 27 April 1998 - Council Committee Room, Parliament House, Melbourne

Friends of the Earth

Provided by Ms Juliet Forsyth, Friends of the Earth, covering letter (1p), media release (1p) and a presentation paper to the National Environmental Law Association of Australia by Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development Office of the Auditor General of Canada (8pp)

Tuesday July 14th 1998 - Albert Hall, Tamar Meeting Room, Launceston, Tasmania

Mr Peter Sims

Covering letter and supplementary information, 4pp

July 15th 1998 - Terrace Room, Parliament House, Adelaide, South Australia

Urban Ecology

Mr Paul Downton, Urban Ecology, `The Halifax EcoCity Project' including brochure `Join Urban Ecology Australia' and Information sheet 42pp