List of Public Hearings and Witnesses

Television Broadcasting Services (Digital Conversion) Bill 1998 and Datacasting Charge (Imposition) Bill 1998

Appendix 2

List of Public Hearings and Witnesses

Monday 1 June 1998 - Committee Room 2S1, Parliament House, Canberra

Australian Broadcasting Authority
Mr Michael Gordon-Smith, Member
Mr Giles Tanner, General Manager
Mr John Corker, Manager, Legal

Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Mr Ian McGarrity, General Manager, ABC Development
Mr Michael Berg, Solicitor, Legal and Copyright Department

Federation of Australian Commercial Television Stations
Mr Tony Branigan, General Manager
Mr Roger Barrett, Network Director of Engineering, Seven Network
Mr Bruce Robertson, Vice President, Engineering, Nine Network
Mr John Rushton, CEO and Managing Director, Win Television Network
Mr Gerry Thorley, Member, FACTS

Mr Nicholas Tayeh
Ethnic Childcare Family and Community Services Cooperative
Ms Vivi Germanos-Koutsounadis, Executive Director

Community Broadcasting Association of Australia
Mr Barry Melville, Policy Development Officer
Mr Richard Hodgman, Vice President, Community Television Standing Committee

Australian Subscription Television and Radio Association
Ms Debra Richards, Executive Director
Mr Bruce Meagher, Acting Director, Government and Public Affairs, Optus Communications
Mr Don Brooks, Engineering Manager, FOXTEL
Mr Rob Nicholls, Manager, Aurora, Optus Communications

Australian Association of National Advertisers
Ms Ruth Medd, Executive Director
Ms Meredith Laverty, Research and Policy Adviser

Office of Asset Sales and Information Technology Outsourcing
Mr Michael Hutchinson, Chief Executive
Mr Mark Heazlett, Senior Director

Internet Industry Association
Mr Michael Ward, Director
Mr Peter Coroneos, Executive Director
Australian Information Industry Association
Mr Rob Durie, Deputy Executive Director

Friday 5 June 1998 - Committee Room 1R1, Parliament House, Canberra

Spencer Gulf Telecasters
Mr Dion Weston, Chief Executive Officer
Mr Graeme Gilbertson, Managing Director, South East Telecasters

Special Broadcasting Service
Mr Nigel Milan, Managing Director
Ms Chris Sharp, Policy Manager
Mr David Soothill, Director, Communications and Planning

NBN Limited, Prime Television, Southern Cross Broadcasting, Telecasters Australia and WIN Corporation
Mr Garry Draffin, CEO Telecasters Australia
Mr John Rushton, CEO, WIN Corporation
Mr Tony Bell, Managing Director, Southern Cross Broadcasting
Mr Warwick Syphers, Finance Manger, Prime Television Limited
Mr David Kennedy, Principal Consultant, Cutler and Company

Communications Law Centre
Mr Jock Given, Director
Ms Julie Eisenberg, Business Development

John Fairfax Holdings Limited
Mr Nigel Dews, General Manger, Business Development and Online Services
Mr Nick Leeder, Business Strategist

Screen Producers Association of Australia
Mr Nick Herd, Executive Director
Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Ms Anne Britton, Joint Federal Secretary
Australian Writers Guild
Mr Geoffrey Atherden, President

Friday 12 June 1998 - Committee Room 2S1, Parliament House, Canberra

Australian Consumers Association
Ms Mara Bun, Manager, Policy and Public Affairs
Mr Norm Crothers, Technical Development Manager

News Limited
Mr Malcolm Colless, General Manager, Corporate Management
Mr John O'Sullivan, Group Director of Technology

Department of Communications and the Arts
Mr Neville Stevens, Secretary
Dr Rod Badger, FAS, Licensed Broadcasting and Information Services Division
Mr Colin Lyons, Assistant Secretary, Digital Television Group
Dr Simon Pelling, Director, Digital Television Group

Australian Communications Authority
Mr Geoff Luther, Executive Manager, Spectrum Marketing Group
Mr Barry Matson Executive Manager, Spectrum Planning and Standards Group