Select Committee on Energy Planning and Regulation in Australia

On 16 September 2024 the Senate established a select committee, to be known as the Select Committee on the Energy Planning and Regulation in Australia, to inquire into and report on the institutional structures, governance, regulation, functions, and operation of the Australian energy market, be established to inquire into and present its final report by 20 December 2024.

Submissions are sought by the 18 October 2024.

Information relating to Senate Committee inquiries is available online, including notes to assist the preparation of submissions.

The committee secretariat can also help with any inquiries and can be contacted on telephone +61 2 6277 5011 or by email to

Preparing a submission

The committee welcomes submissions from individuals about their experiences with and views on Energy Planning and Regulation in Australia. In preparing a submission, the following guidance may be helpful:

• Address the submission to the committee and cover some or all of the terms of reference.
• Try to be concise, generally five pages or less.
• Outline the issues and how they can be addressed, without necessarily naming people (if submissions contain potential adverse reflections on individuals or organisations, the committee may be required to provide them with an opportunity to respond).

The committee may not accept or publish material that is not relevant to the inquiry's terms of reference, or which reflects adversely on others. The committee may also not accept personal or business documents or correspondence which might be attached to a submission.

Types of submissions

During an inquiry, committees prefer to make submissions public by publishing them on the inquiry webpage, with personal information like email addresses and phone numbers removed.

However, there are several ways committees can consider documents. When you provide your submission to the committee, please clarify whether you are requesting that your submission be:

• a public submission published with your name on the internet; or
• a name withheld submission published without your name on the internet; or
• a confidential submission, kept confidential by the committee.

Please note that while committees are respectful of such requests, they do have the power to refuse to accept as confidential, or to publish submissions following consultation with the submitter.

If asking for name withheld or confidentiality, please provide brief reasons for this.

Treatment of documents

All documents sent to the inquiry become committee documents on receipt, and are only made public following a decision of the committee.

In some circumstances, committees receive a large volume of correspondence. The committee may choose to take the issues raised into consideration, but not publish as submissions all the correspondence it receives.

If the committee accepts your submission, it becomes a confidential committee document and is protected by parliamentary privilege. You must not release your submission without the committee's permission. If you do, it will not be protected by parliamentary privilege.

The processing of submissions is not an automatic process, and it may take up to several weeks before the committee can consider your submission. You will be advised by the secretariat once the committee has done so.

Committee Secretariat contact:

Select Committee on Energy Planning and Regulation in Australia
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 5011