


[1]        Submission No. 5 (NCVER)

[2]        Dr David KEMP, MP.A changing landscape: training market, user choice, flexible delivery and future directions for TAFE. Address to the Australian National Training Authority 1997 Training Update Seminar, Sydney, Thursday 10 July 1997.

[3]        Transcript of Evidence p9 (DEETYA,Mr Greer)

[4]        Transcript of Evidence p4 (DEETYA, Mr Manns)

[5]        Transcript of Evidence p6 (DEETYA, Mr Manns)

[6]        Transcript of Evidence p7 (DEETYA, Mr Manns)

[7]        Submission No. 11 (Tasmanian Government, Mr Tony Rundle, Premier)

[8]        Transcript of Evidence p30  (DEETYA, Mr Manns)

[9]        Transcript of Evidence p9-10 (DEETYA, Mr Manns)

[10]      Transcript of Evidence p11 (AEU, Mr Hewett)

[11]      Transcript of Evidence p26 (DEETYA, Mr Manns)

Dissenting Report by Senators Carr, Crowley, Stott Despoja

[1]        Transcript of Evidence p13 (NTEU, Ms Nicholls)

[2]        Transcript of Evidence p13 (AEU, Mr Hewett)

[3]        Submission No. 9 (NSW Government, Mr Aquilina)

[4]        The Age Wed 20 Aug 1997 "States poised to rebel on TAFE funding cuts."

[5]        Minister Kemp Media Release  June 8, 1997

[6]        The Age 13 June 1997 "Training ministers angered by TAFE plan"

[7]        Transcript of Evidence p4 (DEETYA, Mr Manns)

[8]        Transcript of Evidence p7 (DEETYA, Mr Manns)

[9]        Transcript of Evidence p11 (AEU, Mr Hewett)

[10]      Submission No. 5 (NCVER, Mr C Robinson)

[11]      Submission No. 5 (NCVER, Mr C Robinson)

[12]      Transcript of Evidence pp7-8  (DEETYA, Mr Greer)

[13]      Transcript of Evidence p23 (Mr Fooks)

[14]      Transcript of Evidence p14 (AEU, Mr Hewett)

[15]      Transcript of Evidence p24 (Mr D Fooks)

[16]      Submission No. 8 (BACC,  Mr P Tyler)

[17]      Transcript of Evidence p15 (AEU, Mr Hewett)

[18]      Transcript of Evidence pp19-20 (RMIT, Mr Bangay)

[19]      Transcript of Evidence p25 (Mr Fooks)

[20]      Transcript of Evidence pp25-26 (Mr Fooks)

[21]      Transcript of Evidence p26 (Mr Fooks)

[22]      Transcript of Evidence p11 and p18 (AEU , Mr Hewett)

[23]      Senate Estimates EE&T Transcript pp13-14 , 18 Aug.1997 (DEETYA, Mr Grant)

[24]      Submission No. 7 (AEU)

[25]      Transcript of Evidence p11 (AEU, Mr Hewett)