Not a level playing field


Recommendation 1

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth Government, in consultation with the State and Territory Governments, develop and adopt consistent terminology to describe the various contributions invited, and charges imposed by schools.

Chapter 1


Recommendation 2

The Committee RECOMMENDS that:

  1. governments fund public schools at a level sufficient to deliver the appropriate standard of education within the Eight Key Learning Areas, and commensurate with the National Goals of Schooling;
  2. the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments jointly establish a Schools Education Costs Committee to undertake consultation and research with the aim of ascertaining the cost of delivering, at the various stages of schooling and in each of the eight key learning areas, an education which will meet the basic requirements of those Key Learning Areas and the National Goals for Schools; and
  3. on the basis of such data and information determine overall resource levels, allocative mechanisms and the relative funding shares of the various governments.

Chapter 2


Recommendation 3

The Committee RECOMMENDS that each State and Territory establish a committee comprising senior education department officials and nominees of peak parent associations to:

  1. monitor the amounts set and paid as voluntary contributions, subject levies and other charges
  2. monitor schools' compliance with departmental policy that contributions and levies be voluntary
  3. record, receive and act on complaints concerning contributions, levies and other charges.

Chapter 3


Recommendation 4

The Committee RECOMMENDS that government schools distribute to each family at the start of each school year a Charter of School Education. This Charter shall set out:

  1. the nature and extent of the education that will be provided in government schools at public expense
  2. government policy on voluntary contributions, and any subject levies and charges for areas outside the eight Key Learning Areas
  3. contact details of the committee appointed to monitor the voluntary contributions and arrangements for subject levies and other charges
  4. information on any financial assistance provided at the system level for families in cases of genuine financial hardship to assist with the costs of schooling.

Chapter 3


Recommendation 5

The Committee RECOMMENDS that schools provide a statement to be attached to the Charter of School Education referred to in Recommendation 4. The statement should:

  1. make explicit to parents any charges the school sets for the areas outside the Eight Key Learning Areas
  2. identify the amounts requested as voluntary contributions and any other charges and the uses to which they will be put
  3. provide information about any assistance provided at the school level for families in cases of genuine financial hardship.

Chapter 3


Recommendation 6

The Committee RECOMMENDS that all States and Territories develop or modify their student assistance schemes to ensure that:

  1. eligibility be linked to the Commonwealth Health Card with provision for other hardship circumstances to be taken into account
  2. the purposes of the payment be specified and that payments not be used for anything other than those purposes.

Chapter 3


Recommendation 7

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth Government commission a major national research project on the costs to families associated with government schooling and their relative impact on low income families.

Chapter 3

Recommendation 8

The Committee RECOMMENDS that State and Territory Governments amend their Education Acts by inserting the word 'education' in place of 'instruction' or 'tuition'.

Chapter 3


Recommendation 9

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth Government restore the level of funding for targeted equity programs to the 1995/96 level.

Chapter 3


Recommendation 10

The Committee RECOMMENDS that all Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments

  1. develop comprehensive guidelines for sponsorship arrangements at both school and state levels
  2. ensure that effective mechanisms are in place to monitor schools' compliance with the sponsorship guidelines
  3. ensure that sponsorship assistance is used to provide additional opportunities for students beyond those provided through the Eight Key Learning Areas.

Chapter 4


Recommendation 11

The Committee RECOMMENDS that State and Territory Governments which seek to supplement government funding to schools via sponsorship establish a centrally-managed Education Foundation for the negotiation of sponsorship deals, and for the equitable distribution across all government schools of any benefits which result.

Chapter 4


Recommendation 12

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth Government require the State and Territory Governments to review practices involving the sale or rental of school land with a view to enabling any decisions and any benefits to be state wide.

Chapter 4

Recommendation 13

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth Government, in consultation with the State and Territory Governments

  1. develop as a matter of urgency a statement of national principles regarding computer-based information technologies in schools, and
  2. determine the funding implications of providing schools with the technological infrastructure, training and support to ensure that those principles are realised.

Chapter 5

Recommendation 14

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth Government reappraise its Capital Grants Program with a view to increasing the level of funding to enable government schools to implement technology to a standard jointly determined by Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments.

Chapter 5