BEYOND CINDERELLA: Towards a learning society


Recommendation 1

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth government:


Recommendation 2

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth government bring together the National ACE policy and National VET Policy to establish an integrated National Adult Community and Vocational Education and Training (NACVET) Policy giving effect to the commitment to lifelong learning.


Recommendation 3

The Committee RECOMMENDS that, in order to implement, monitor and fund the new NACVET Policy, the Commonwealth government restructure ANTA to establish the National Adult Community and Vocational Education and Training Authority (NACVETA). The membership of the Authority's Board will be modified to ensure that an adequate ACE perspective is available to the Authority, and the way in which the Authority distributes its funds should reflect its revised charter.


Recommendation 4

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the new NACVET Authority report annually to the Australian Parliament on the achievement of policy outcomes.


Recommendation 5

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth government negotiate with the States and Territories a set of Adult Community and Vocational Education and Training (ACVET) Agreements. These Agreements will require each State and Territory to develop an Adult Community and Vocational Education and Training (ACVET) Profile consistent with the National Policy.


Recommendation 6

The Committee RECOMMENDS that:


Recommendation 7

The Committee RECOMMENDS that a National ACVET Equity Fund be established under the new NACVET Authority to target groups currently under-represented in education and training.


Recommendation 8

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth government


Recommendation 9

The Committee RECOMMENDS that, where they have not yet done so, States and Territories report on the delivery by ACE providers of both accredited and non-accredited programs as part of the State and Territory ACVET Profile processes.


Recommendation 10

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the new NACVET Authority review its guidelines for competitive tendering in order (a) to incorporate selection criteria which encourage collaborative tenders, and (b) to require the specification of clear performance indicators in tender documentation.


Recommendation 11

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth government establish a dedicated research program to examine the relationship between intellectual activity and good health, and the ways in which that relationship might be enhanced.


Recommendation 12

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth government:


Recommendation 13

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth urge State and Territory education authorities to develop guidelines for the accessible and affordable use of public education facilities by bona fide, non-profit ACE providers.


Recommendation 14

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth adopt 'learning and living in the third age' as its theme for the 1999 International Year of Older People.


Recommendation 15

The Committee RECOMMENDS that any follow up to the NBEET study on technological convergence, or any future national studies on education and technology, take into account the ACE sector.


Recommendation 16

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the level of the Commonwealth's ACE Grants Program be significantly increased and managed by the new NACVET Authority.


Recommendation 17

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth seek a formal response to a draft of the revised National ACE Policy from key women's organisations such as the Network of Women in Further Education and from independent assessors with expertise in the analysis of gender issues.


Recommendation 18

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the new NACVET Authority commission a study of best practice in relation to the delivery of adult education and training to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders by community-based ACE providers.


Recommendation 19

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth seek a formal input into the proposed new NACVET Policy from


Recommendation 20

The Committee RECOMMENDS the re-establishment of the National Staff Development Committee under the new NACVET Authority. Its role should be expanded to address the professional development needs of teachers and administrators working in community-based ACE providers.


Recommendation 21

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth government support a national project to identify and develop standards for teaching and learning in community-based ACE settings in a manner similar to the national ACE Standards for Administrators and Managers.


Recommendation 22

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth government send a ministerial level delegation to the Fifth International Conference on Adult Education in Hamburg comprising relevant officers of Commonwealth agencies, State education authorities and representatives of Australia's ACE sector.


Recommendation 23

The Committee RECOMMENDS that the Commonwealth government: