Witnesses who appeared before the Committee

St James Court Conference Centre, Melbourne, Vic.
10 August 2011

CARAPELLUCCI, Ms Flora, Branch Manager, Occupational Health and Safety
Harmonisation Project Branch, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations

FETTER, Mr Joel, Director of Policy and Industrial, Australian Council of Trade Unions

HARNISCH, Mr Wilhelm, Chief Executive Officer, Master Builders Australia

HOYTE, Ms Margot, Health and Safety Officer and Workers Compensation Officer,
Australian Council of Trade Unions

LIS, Mr Henry, Branch Manager, Institutions and Workplace Safety Branch, Workplace
Relations Legal Group, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations

MORAN, Mr Jarrod, Senior Occupational Health and Safety and Workers Compensation
Officer, Australian Council of Trade Unions

NICOLAIDES, Mr Mike, National Secretary, Technical, Supervisory and Administrative
Division, Australian Manufacturing Workers Union

VALLANCE, Ms Debi, National Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator, Australian
Manufacturing Workers Union

WILLIAMS, Ms Suzanne, Workplace Safety Research Officer, Master Builders Australia

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