Inquiry into the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment Bill 2012

Inquiry into the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment Bill 2012

Public Hearing - Canberra, Friday 22 June 2012

Committee Room 2S3
Parliament House

9.15 am - 1.15 pm

Time Witness

9.15am - 10.00am

Australian Industry Group

Mr Stephen Smith - Director, National Industrial Relations

10.00am - 10.45am

Institute of Public Affairs

Mr John Lloyd, Director - Work Reform and Productivity Unit

10.45am - 11.00am


11.00am - 11.45am

Via teleconference

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Mr Daniel Mammone - Director, Workplace Policy and Legal Affairs

11.45am - 12.30pm

Via teleconference

Australian Council of Trade Unions

Mr Tim Lyons - Assistant Secretary

12.30pm - 1.15pm

Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations

Mr John Kovacic - Deputy Secretary, Workplace Relations

Mr Adrian Breen - Acting Senior Executive Lawyer, Workplace Relations Legal Group

Ms Kate Anderson - A/g Principal Government Lawyer, Workplace Relations Legal Group

Mr Jeremy O'Sullivan - Chief Counsel, Workplace Relations Legal Group

For further information, contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3521
Fax: +61 2 6277 5706